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Everything posted by SilentOne

  1. I figure they've been around for a really long time. It doesn't seem unrealistic for them to have just naturally adapted to various languages as they (the languages) evolved.
  2. @Iggy I read your recipe to my mom and she had me reread it and I am now emailing it to her.
  3. But is he as adorable as sloth?
  4. Santa has never brought me a sandwich. Oranges, candy, granola bars, Nutri-Grain bars, and tiny boxes of cereal, yes. Sandwiches, no.
  5. It is clearly labeled casual. Do you know how much work it will take for me to hack into that website and change the category to something a little nicer and more appropriate for worship?
  6. Maybe this year you should try something new: sending gifts to people.
  7. My only real complaint about early Christmas music is that I feel like it distracts a bit from Thanksgiving. I personally have a playlist of songs expresses gratitude that I started building last year to play through November. It's not big enough for its purpose yet, but I'm working on it.
  8. My sister likes this verse, told by John, with "the other disciple" commonly understood to be John:
  9. And it didn't even have my actual pronunciation of mountain - mou'in.
  10. I apparently also have an investigator accent. I question this quiz's validity.
  11. Are those like wolves in sheep's clothing?
  12. Of course we don't worship green jello. Just the carrots.
  13. My ward has been doing a chili cookoff the Saturday before Halloween (so tomorrow) and then the other ward in the building invites us to join them for trunk-or-treat on Halloween. At least, I think that's the way it works out.
  14. My usual response to the advice to never grow old is to say, "Okay, I'll die young."
  15. And just for the record, I really am willing to take that survey.
  16. @MormonGator almost had me convinced to ask for the survey. Then I remembered what I saw on his compound application form and don't really trust his judgment on what exactly quick, painless, and not too personal looks like.
  17. Is this the one?
  18. Are you saying these aren't his selfies?
  19. @mustardseed I tend not to rate my likelihood of recommending things very high because I don't give many recommendations. If I give a seven, that is high praise. I was asked to rate how likely I was to recommend the training for my new job. I gave it a zero because while I liked it and think it was fairly well done, I can't think of a single situation in which I would recommend said training. The job? Maybe. But why would I feel the need to recommend the training that getting the job automatically brings? I felt a tiny bit bad for that rating, but I couldn't honestly say anything else.
  20. In the spirit of making guesses for no reason other than to briefly feel cool if I'm right, I'll say Tad R. Callister, W. Craig Zwick, and Donald L. Hallstrom.
  21. I tried the male-female science-liberal arts one. I doubt my scores a bit because of the switching in the middle thing. I know the two separate tests for each condition was meant to offset that, but I still had to stop and remind myself that the keys were changed towards the end. To really trust the assessment, I'd have to retake it going the opposite direction in a couple months.