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    Snigmorder got a reaction from mordorbund in How do you mark your scriptures?   
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    Snigmorder reacted to prisonchaplain in A spouse is coming out with Gender Dysphoria - Divorce OK or not?   
    Psychology, like most academic fields, is not intended to be faith-affirming. Nevertheless, many APA certified therapists are openly faith-centered. IMHO, the bulk of DSM-V is valid, because it simply lists mental health symptoms, suggests likely diagnoses, and offers a few mainstream treatments. It's mostly a manual. The therapist can turn it into a useful tool or a weapon. Besides, even if we accept that APA is now leaning towards transgender affirmation, the fact that the manual says gender change surgery is the last extreme measure, and that most find satisfaction in an occasional opposite-gender action, only underscores my point--that for most marriages, one spouse having gender dysphoria should not trigger automatic talks of divorce.
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    Snigmorder got a reaction from Jane_Doe in Mixed Emotions   
    Thank you
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    Snigmorder got a reaction from NightSG in A spouse is coming out with Gender Dysphoria - Divorce OK or not?   
    Nicholas Cummings, a former president of the American Psychological Association, basically said homosexual doctors pushed their way to the top of the APA and took homosexual attraction out of the DSM. Now, apparently, the APA is full of homosexuals. I don't trust the book.
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    Snigmorder reacted to zil in How do you mark your scriptures?   
    Yeah, they totally changed the approach with the search. <sigh>  Someone who likes pretty more than functional made his way up the GL chain and we're going to have to suffer until someone who insists on functionality exerts sufficient influence.  My fear is that they'll stop providing new content for the previous version before that happens and I'll be forced to switch to the new version. <big sigh>
  6. Like
    Snigmorder reacted to mordorbund in How do you mark your scriptures?   
    Judges 3:21-22
    Deuteronomy 23:12-14
    Malachi 2:3
    You're Welcome.
  7. Like
    Snigmorder reacted to a mustard seed in The Pornography Talk...   
    I don't think there is a casual use of pornography, honestly. Gonna be a little vulnerable here but when I returned to church, I had a lot of work to do to become temple worthy again. I wrote erotica online during my inactive years. And like any good writer...I researched the material. There was stuff that I was definitively innocent about before I decided to write these subjects and even at one point during the last year of my attendance before becoming inactive, I even told myself that I was just "informing" myself, that my ignorance was a weakness. How I wish I could have a pure mind again... Some days I am incredibly saddened by what I did, even though the repentance process for those particular sins is over and I have shut the door on that chapter in my life, with the help of the Savior. There are some things I will never again be able to close the door on. Because once you see's in there, like a little mag you carry around with you forever. You can put it on a shelf or put it away, you can choose to not partake when the adversary whips it out at inappropriate times but it will always be a bunch of pictures that you own.
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    Snigmorder got a reaction from eddified in A spouse is coming out with Gender Dysphoria - Divorce OK or not?   
    I don't trust the DSM. But I'm a troglodyte, so please ignore me.
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    Snigmorder reacted to Jane_Doe in Mixed Emotions   
    Action needed: yes, specifically repenting.  The Bishop is there to help you through the repentance process.  This helping may or may not include any formal temporary discipline.  
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    Snigmorder got a reaction from seashmore in Mixed Emotions   
    As far as I understand, the reason we have to tell the bishop these things is in case they warrant some kind of action, Bishops are judges in Israel. In my case I was told not to take the sacrament.
    As far as I'm concerned, it isn't our place to determine who or what qualifies as being "savable." We're talking about an exalted Man who holds in his hand, worlds without end and the inhabitants thereof. What know ye of power?
    I'll assume you've committed adultery or homicide. If this really is the kingdom of God on earth, a colony of the Eternal Civilization, then there's no reason not to submit to the will of your Father and enter into full repentance (if you really are penitent.)
    Repentance is between you and God, but the judges determine if you are worthy to participate in sacred ordinances or even attend church.
    It comes down to what you ultimately care about most. Your own pride and ego, or obedience, even at the cost of discomfort and tribulation.
    To quote Alma: 
    "And now, behold, I say unto you, and I would that ye should remember, that God is merciful unto all who believe on his name; therefore he desireth, in the first place, that ye should believe, yea, even on his word." – Alma 32:22
    It's God's desire to be merciful to you.
  11. Like
    Snigmorder reacted to Grunt in Video: Summary of belief   
    I thought the same thing.  Good video, I'll share it with someone who asked me about it.
  12. Like
    Snigmorder got a reaction from Jane_Doe in Video: Summary of belief   
    Good video, very nice.
    One thing that could cause confusion. When talking about General conference, he says that the words of apostles and prophets are broadcast, then it shows footage of General conference, and it's a woman speaking. This might give the impression that women can be apostles and prophets in the LDS church.
  13. Like
    Snigmorder got a reaction from Sunday21 in Video: Summary of belief   
    Good video, very nice.
    One thing that could cause confusion. When talking about General conference, he says that the words of apostles and prophets are broadcast, then it shows footage of General conference, and it's a woman speaking. This might give the impression that women can be apostles and prophets in the LDS church.
  14. Like
    Snigmorder reacted to Ironhold in possible link between going meatless and mental illness
    Two studies are both saying that there's a positive correlation between removing meat from one's diet and certain kinds of mental illness. 
    The main hypothesis appears to be that many of the afflicted have jumped straight into going meatless without any effort to gently let their body adjust or take supplements to compensate for various nutrients for which meat is the best source. As such, people are essentially suffering from malnutrition, and it's affecting the way their mind works. 
    It's in dispute, but it does raise questions. 
  15. Like
    Snigmorder reacted to Sunday21 in Video: Summary of belief   
    Hi there! I thought this was a good 'What is Mormonism' summary
  16. Like
    Snigmorder reacted to Sunday21 in Sealed a family of 9!   
    Sealed a family of 9! Did 7 at once! Very crowded! My ancestors. Most exciting!
  17. Like
    Snigmorder got a reaction from seashmore in How do you mark your scriptures?   
    I began using the system with my first readthrough of the book of Mormon and I'm still on that readthrough. However my initial desire to read the book of Mormon has extended to the other standard works as well and pace has been terribly slow using this system. Plus, notwithstanding it's effectiveness in 1 Nephi, It has become robotic and non-edifying. 
    I'm not sure what my intentions are for marking are at this point. I just want the markings to be edifying (but what's edifying can change apparently.)
  18. Like
    Snigmorder reacted to Fether in How do you mark your scriptures?   
    On the off occasion that someone opens my scriptures so they can see how spiritual I am.
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    Snigmorder reacted to Fether in How do you mark your scriptures?   
    I think the purpose of marking your scriptures is lost once you start throwing in  marks for 'the word remember', 'sin', 'attributes of god', 'growth', etc. it becomes a game of eye spy rather than a study.
    however, if you are wanting to read through the BOM/BIBLE specifically to find all attributes of God or everywhere someone repented, then just focus on that one thing. It gets crazy overwhelming if I'm trying to look for it all.
    For just typical study, I would recommend a simple 'what the poop is happening here!?', 'what the poop can I learn from this', 'holy poop this is awesome', and 'what the poop does this mean?'
  20. Like
    Snigmorder reacted to person0 in How do you mark your scriptures?   
    Above is a response to a similar question with a technique that has worked excellent and has stood the test of time.   I combined it with the marking scheme below.  The image is the actual post-it note color scheme guide I created and used throughout my mission.  So far it is my favorite marking guide, multiple options, yet not too complex.

    It reads:
    Brown:  Man (Natural), Human Kind, Attributes (incl. of Satan, etc), Frailties, Negative Consequences, etc.
    Dark Blue:  Christlike Attributes, Commandments, What we can do through Christ, What we need to do to return
    Light Blue:  Holy Spirit, Feelings/effects of the spirit, gifts, blessings, manifestations, callings-ordinations
    Green:  Growth, Works, Creation, Increase in knowledge, Wisdom, Definitions, Fruit, What if?
    Yellow:  Heavenly Father + Christ Names, Attributes, Powers, Qualities, Effects of the Atonement, Direct Blessings/promises from God, Attributes of Celestiality
    Orange:  Organization, Plan, WHo/What/How, Earrings, Church callings-offices (defined)
    Red:  Sin + Effects, Atonement for sin/death
    Pink:  Important Miscellaneous. 
    This list started generic with only the items in bold, but to clarify and remind myself I added other 'like' things. Personally I would recommend using generic inclusive categories.  As you try to get really specific with lots of categories you end up with the scripture marking scheme I used after returning from my mission, which I developed, used and then gave up on after about 6 months because it was too hard to remember the original generic categories.  However, I would like it if I could do it easily and remember everything.  It was specific enough to differentiate between a single color being straight line or dashed meant different things.  Here is what that one is, but I won't type it out:

    I also now always use erasable colored pencils.
  21. Like
    Snigmorder reacted to Sunday21 in How do you mark your scriptures?   
    I read the footnotes. This keeps me interested.
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    Snigmorder reacted to The Folk Prophet in How do you mark your scriptures?   
    Never have marked my scriptures. Probably never will. Never quite understood the point. That's just me though.
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    Snigmorder reacted to my two cents in How do you mark your scriptures?   
    You might want to check google and/or there are some books available (I got the one below years ago). Aside from that, I had an institute teacher suggest that every time you see the word 'remember', mark it in red so it stands out and gets your attention like a red flag.
  24. Like
    Snigmorder reacted to Fether in How do you mark your scriptures?   
    Yellow: note worthy events
    Red: Powerful statements of basic doctrines and proncioles
    Green: Interesting phrases that I find deep meaning in
    Orange: phrases by god head
    Blue: Important Cross References (i.e. JST, BD, HEB, OR, IE)
    The more specific the reason for the color, the more colors you will need. I use to use purple when Infoundnhidden symbolism or a hidden parable, but that requires me to be continuously looking for them as I read and I wasn't getting much else out of it. I marked places like the story of Lahonti, Moses's arms being born up by his counselors during a battle, and Ammon cutting off the arms... but again, took too much effort out of my studies so I stopped. 
    I feel like the more simple thevmarking is the better, and if you come across something that doesn't fit your marking, mark or green and leave a little note 
  25. Like
    Snigmorder got a reaction from Vort in How do you mark your scriptures?   
    I began using the system with my first readthrough of the book of Mormon and I'm still on that readthrough. However my initial desire to read the book of Mormon has extended to the other standard works as well and pace has been terribly slow using this system. Plus, notwithstanding it's effectiveness in 1 Nephi, It has become robotic and non-edifying. 
    I'm not sure what my intentions are for marking are at this point. I just want the markings to be edifying (but what's edifying can change apparently.)