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  1. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Phineas in Your testimony   
    I would add to my testimony some thought on the Book of Abraham.   I majored in Math and Physics in college and find the Book of Abraham to be one of the profound and stunning witnesses of the prophetic calling of young Joseph Smith perhaps only preceded by the Book of Mormon.  The Book of Abraham is codified in ancient symbolism of Egypt that appeared at the time of Abraham in Egyptian culture shrouded in the mystic science and theology of the Pathagoreans - a ancient Egyptian cult from which a Greek slave arose to fame and from which he changed his name (Pythagoras).  As an amature student of history (including math and physics).  I understand the science of ancient Egypt that believed G-d's understanding of mathematical ratios gave G-d the creative power to order and establish the order of all things in the universe ).  Ratios that give rise in our modern mathematics to pi, natural logs, the golden mean and general relativity.
    As an exercise of study - I would recommend one compare the Book of Abraham (especially chapter 3) to Doctrine and Covenants section 88.  That the two are talking about the same thing but one through the ancient philosophy of Egypt based in ratios and the other in Newtonian physics which was the basis of modern philosophy of the era of Joseph Smith.  The restoration of the Book of Abraham would not and could not have been possible without a divine investiture of a prophet of things unknown among men when Joseph Smith translated and provided both the Book of Abraham and section 88 of the Doctrine and Covenants.
    But there is another witness surfacing concerning the Book of Abraham.  That there are forces of pure evil (in opposition of pure good) operating in the affairs of men to cloud truth and create doubt of critical notions necessary for understanding divine things.
    The Traveler
  2. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Sin and Sickness: are they related?   
    Not all the consequences of sin harm exclusively only the sinner.  That others may be physically harmed more than the one that commits the sin does not mean that there was no sin.  Perhaps the greater part of the atonement of Christ is to free us from the blood and sins of our generation - it is possible that this part of the atonement is a blessing that may not be realized until the resurrection.  I am inclined to believe that pain and suffering will always have some connection to sin - this includes the pain and suffering of Christ that was without sin.
    The Traveler
  3. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Redemptive Reading of Mark   
    Interesting - I find that with both Eve and "the woman" that their faith was the driving force that made them whole.   I disagree with the particular reading in Mark.  I believe that Jesus felt virtue, not so much leaving him but rather touching him.  I believe that the faith (in Christ and the eternal plan of salvation) is what brings anyone to wholeness.   With Eve I believe many focus too much on the fall and not on her virtue and faith.
    The Traveler
  4. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from unixknight in Sometimes, ya gotta just put it down.   
    Perhaps we are disconnecting because I am thinking and reflecting on myself and my hobbies and how I attempt to keep my own life in balance.  I assume that you are talking about yourself and your experiences.  I am often spiritually inspired while cycling and skiing.  I have learned many life lessons, especially when competing and attempting to improve.  I also enjoy better health than most (especially for my age).   But I also find that I can become too involved (prideful and selfish) when I take my hobbies too seriously.  I recall one discussion with my wife because my bicycle cost more than our family car.  I try to stay current with my own solutions to things by learning how others deal with theirs.  
    When someone says they do not see any problem - I am left thinking they are not paying attention either because that are not trying to maintain a balance or they have no intention to do so.  It is not so much a judgement of them as it is a projection of understanding myself.
    The Traveler
  5. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from unixknight in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    Good example.  Nazi is a self defined term for someone that believes that socialism is intended to advance workers (working class).  A Nazi was someone that belonged to the national socialist workers party of Germany.  But even worse; socialism (progressives) currently in the USA are intended more to benefit those that refuse to work than those that are willing to work.  I personally do not see any benefit to society from a government program that does not protect the working class before considering any benefit to any other citizen (or non citizen) class. 
    The Traveler
  6. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    Good example.  Nazi is a self defined term for someone that believes that socialism is intended to advance workers (working class).  A Nazi was someone that belonged to the national socialist workers party of Germany.  But even worse; socialism (progressives) currently in the USA are intended more to benefit those that refuse to work than those that are willing to work.  I personally do not see any benefit to society from a government program that does not protect the working class before considering any benefit to any other citizen (or non citizen) class. 
    The Traveler
  7. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    Sometimes things are labeled such that the intent is to deceive.  Like a title of "Family Planning" that is used more with the intent to avoid planning a family.  Sometimes the title of "freedom fighters" and "defenders of the faith" are similarly used to deceive.
    The Traveler
  8. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to anatess2 in Sin and Sickness: are they related?   
    This is a peeve of mine.  I grew up with a godmother who refused to get her many ailments treated by a doctor because she said it is her penance for MY SINS.  I love my godmother and I believe she's being faithful to what she knows but I refuse to believe her spiritual garbage.
  9. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    Interestingly someone else (Tucker Carlson) has noticed and documented a dictatorship movement taking place in our government (society) on the very same day I posted.  Here is the link:
    Just in case someone wants an additional witness.
    The Traveler
  10. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Sin and Sickness: are they related?   
    Recently I was involved in a little accident that left me with what the doctor at the emergency care facility called a severior wound.  By definition a "severior wound" requires stitches - I got 7 of them.  I may have already posted a little about this in another thread - but I bring it up here because it seems to me that there is some interesting connections (similarities) between physical and spiritual illnesses and wounds.    
    Generally speaking, we do not think of physical illnesses and wounds as sins even though it is obvious that something is definitely "WRONG" and needs fixing and healing.   The process of fixing and healing physical wrong conditions is in every bit so similar to fixing spiritual wrong conditions that I wonder why there is such a adverse reaction to those needing spiritual healing and fixing.   Let me give an example - if we were to come upon a bicyclist that was hit by a car - we would immediately take action.  We would call on our cell phones for medical help, we would do whatever we could to save that person's life.  We would talk to them and comfort them.  We may take even greater interest and visit them at the hospital and send flowers and get well cards.  But if we were to come upon someone hurt and damaged by what is labeled as LGBTQ we more likely to turn away thinking to ourselves that they got what they deserved - even if they reached out to us pleading for help.
    I find it interesting that we can so easily forgive someone for doing something foolish and getting physically wounded - there is no stigma of calling them a sinner or that they are "rebelling" against G-d and everything intelligent and decent.   The same if someone was to get sick.  Even though there are many healthy choices that may have been ignored - there is not that label of being a sinner and a threat to "good" not sick people.  But, and this is especially more prominent in religious communities, there is a much different reaction to spiritually wounded or spiritually sick individuals.  Forgiving someone for doing something foolish and getting spiritually wounded is so much more difficult - and it would seem this is most prevalent for the self declared spiritually healthy.   
    It seems to me that Jesus thought and taught that there is similarities concurrent with the physical and spiritual with such comments as, "The whole need not a physician but they that are sick".  Who would think that he was only referencing those with physical illnesses?
    The Traveler
  11. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from JohnsonJones in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    Interestingly someone else (Tucker Carlson) has noticed and documented a dictatorship movement taking place in our government (society) on the very same day I posted.  Here is the link:
    Just in case someone wants an additional witness.
    The Traveler
  12. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from carlimac in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    I will make a quick summary as to why I believe there are such problems concerning the LGBTQ political endeavors.   Please understand that these “problems” are not indicative of any individual – just the political climate that we currently find in our society.
    Fist consideration.  In 1973 it was suddenly decided by the American Psychological Society that homosexuality was not a disorder.  This was void or any scientific proof or study but rather based on the assumption that the burden of proof that homosexuality is not a psychological disorder rather than the initial assumption that it is a disorder – or a “treatable condition”.  Soon after any research into homosexuality as a disorder or treatable condition has been stripped of government funding and any scientific outlet for publication.  In addition the federal courts had ruled that it is false advertising to claim any possible cure or treatment for homosexuality.
    Additional considerations:  Because of the political climate resulting from the first consideration any research into homosexuality that does not support the first consideration – as with all LGBTQ political narratives, has become politically incorrect and labeled as homophobic, prejudice and bigoted.   It is my personal opinion that to claim any principle, idea or concept as indisputable, or flawed outside of scientific study, debate and open consideration – is not scientific.  We should be able to discuss, ask critical questions, do critical research to question any assumption or idea (at any time) and bring to critical scrutiny of any aspect or idea of a subject – to say any conclusion is Scientific.  I do not believe for a minute there is any possibility of open and critical science in the current climate to resolve anything concerning LGBTQ as scientific. I believe the current format too be too politically charged to be anything other than political.
    As we have learned and observed throughout the history of man that politics is more of a religion than a science.  But worse than religion; politics is always directly associated with governments and the control and power of law.  Just as we have observed that government should not declare a state religion - by the same token; governments should not dictate what is unquestionable politics of the state.  The official title of governments that dictate politics - is a dictatorship.   I submit that the politics of LGBTQ is evidence of our current government entering the realm of qualifying as a dictatorship.  At least concerning the governing of LGBTQ politics.
    We should be able to talk of LGBTQ both for and against (pro and con) as a 1st Amendment right of our Constitution.   We should be able to express opinion without fear to our life or property.  No one should be forced an opinion with threat of their business, livelihood or property.  At the same time every citizen regardless of their opinion concerning LGBTQ should have all the rights guaranteed under the Constitution that is enjoyed by every other citizen.
    Now I would say something about individuals.  I do not believe it matters what the psychological stress that a person is under – it is never helpful to isolate them and attempt to convince them that they do not belong.  It is essential to humans to be able to function in society to believe they are loved and have a place in society.  But to be honest – I do not know how, in our current political climate that we can expect a resolution.   There are too many lies – but much worse – I believe – that there are too many unwilling to fully examine the truth.
    The Traveler
  13. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from JohnsonJones in Sin and Sickness: are they related?   
    Recently I was involved in a little accident that left me with what the doctor at the emergency care facility called a severior wound.  By definition a "severior wound" requires stitches - I got 7 of them.  I may have already posted a little about this in another thread - but I bring it up here because it seems to me that there is some interesting connections (similarities) between physical and spiritual illnesses and wounds.    
    Generally speaking, we do not think of physical illnesses and wounds as sins even though it is obvious that something is definitely "WRONG" and needs fixing and healing.   The process of fixing and healing physical wrong conditions is in every bit so similar to fixing spiritual wrong conditions that I wonder why there is such a adverse reaction to those needing spiritual healing and fixing.   Let me give an example - if we were to come upon a bicyclist that was hit by a car - we would immediately take action.  We would call on our cell phones for medical help, we would do whatever we could to save that person's life.  We would talk to them and comfort them.  We may take even greater interest and visit them at the hospital and send flowers and get well cards.  But if we were to come upon someone hurt and damaged by what is labeled as LGBTQ we more likely to turn away thinking to ourselves that they got what they deserved - even if they reached out to us pleading for help.
    I find it interesting that we can so easily forgive someone for doing something foolish and getting physically wounded - there is no stigma of calling them a sinner or that they are "rebelling" against G-d and everything intelligent and decent.   The same if someone was to get sick.  Even though there are many healthy choices that may have been ignored - there is not that label of being a sinner and a threat to "good" not sick people.  But, and this is especially more prominent in religious communities, there is a much different reaction to spiritually wounded or spiritually sick individuals.  Forgiving someone for doing something foolish and getting spiritually wounded is so much more difficult - and it would seem this is most prevalent for the self declared spiritually healthy.   
    It seems to me that Jesus thought and taught that there is similarities concurrent with the physical and spiritual with such comments as, "The whole need not a physician but they that are sick".  Who would think that he was only referencing those with physical illnesses?
    The Traveler
  14. Like
    Traveler reacted to pwrfrk in Sometimes, ya gotta just put it down.   
    Well, 54 reasons why they call it "fox news"....
  15. Like
    Traveler reacted to unixknight in Sometimes, ya gotta just put it down.   
    Every once in a while the relentless hammering of political topics gets to the point where I just have to set it aside and take my mind off of it for a while. 
    I listen to political podcasts and watch videos on YouTube about political commentary.  I used to call myself a politics junkie, but I don't find myself particularly enjoying it.  I guess there's a part of me that feels like I should be aware, so that I can see trouble coming or know the issues so I can make informed decisions at the ballot box.  
    But... it takes its toll.  I find myself being less patient with my family, less productive with my work and my hobbies because my mind is on all these issues, less spiritual, and less comfortable around my friends who are of opposing viewpoints.
    And the truth is... so much of it is just noise anyway.  One side is constantly trying to keep me on high alert so I hate the other side, while the other side is trying to constantly keep me on high alert so I hate the first side...  There's media on one side telling me I'm supposed to live in a perpetual state of outrage over red baseball caps and private school curricula, while the other side lives on that absurdity to keep me outraged over the outrage machine.  Then the media wants me to be outraged at the outrageous things the other side says about the outrageous things the media wants me to be outraged at, which is outrageous, according to the outraged side that's outraged at the outrageous outrage over the outrage of the outrageous stories that outrage people who are outraged by the outrage outgrageoutrageoutrageoutrageoutrage...
    "Mr. Unixknight, it seems your blood pressure is up since your last visit.  Do you have stress in your life?"
    Why no, doctor... I have a great wife, great kids, a great job, great friends, a great house, and a  great ward I got to church with.  What's to stress me?  Oh, right...  I'm not outraged enough, according to everybody's news/commentary I hear, and half the things my friends talk about on all political sides.
    Seriously.  When's the last time you  heard a national news report about anything that wasn't supposed to keep you outraged?  Or listened to a new commentary that wanted you to be outraged over something else?  
    In advertising, they say that sex sells.  I say in the media environment, outrage sells.  It must be so, since that's all we get.  Even entertainment media is getting into the game with political pandering that just leads to more outrage, or outrage at someone else's outrage.
    I'm tired of it, and I see through it, and I'm not playing anymore.  
  16. Thanks
    Traveler reacted to mikbone in The Prophet and all Apostles will attend Rome Dedication   
    "When President Nelson came in to be prophet, I was chairman of temple and family history, and he said in temple sites (meeting) that he was feeling very strongly that he'd received guidance that all 15 were to go," Elder Cook said. "So I heard a little bit before the others.
    "He got this soon after he was the prophet. He got an enormous amount of guidance from the Lord on temples in a lot of different areas. And this was one."
    We haven't seen the extent of this guidance yet...  
  17. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from JohnsonJones in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    I will make a quick summary as to why I believe there are such problems concerning the LGBTQ political endeavors.   Please understand that these “problems” are not indicative of any individual – just the political climate that we currently find in our society.
    Fist consideration.  In 1973 it was suddenly decided by the American Psychological Society that homosexuality was not a disorder.  This was void or any scientific proof or study but rather based on the assumption that the burden of proof that homosexuality is not a psychological disorder rather than the initial assumption that it is a disorder – or a “treatable condition”.  Soon after any research into homosexuality as a disorder or treatable condition has been stripped of government funding and any scientific outlet for publication.  In addition the federal courts had ruled that it is false advertising to claim any possible cure or treatment for homosexuality.
    Additional considerations:  Because of the political climate resulting from the first consideration any research into homosexuality that does not support the first consideration – as with all LGBTQ political narratives, has become politically incorrect and labeled as homophobic, prejudice and bigoted.   It is my personal opinion that to claim any principle, idea or concept as indisputable, or flawed outside of scientific study, debate and open consideration – is not scientific.  We should be able to discuss, ask critical questions, do critical research to question any assumption or idea (at any time) and bring to critical scrutiny of any aspect or idea of a subject – to say any conclusion is Scientific.  I do not believe for a minute there is any possibility of open and critical science in the current climate to resolve anything concerning LGBTQ as scientific. I believe the current format too be too politically charged to be anything other than political.
    As we have learned and observed throughout the history of man that politics is more of a religion than a science.  But worse than religion; politics is always directly associated with governments and the control and power of law.  Just as we have observed that government should not declare a state religion - by the same token; governments should not dictate what is unquestionable politics of the state.  The official title of governments that dictate politics - is a dictatorship.   I submit that the politics of LGBTQ is evidence of our current government entering the realm of qualifying as a dictatorship.  At least concerning the governing of LGBTQ politics.
    We should be able to talk of LGBTQ both for and against (pro and con) as a 1st Amendment right of our Constitution.   We should be able to express opinion without fear to our life or property.  No one should be forced an opinion with threat of their business, livelihood or property.  At the same time every citizen regardless of their opinion concerning LGBTQ should have all the rights guaranteed under the Constitution that is enjoyed by every other citizen.
    Now I would say something about individuals.  I do not believe it matters what the psychological stress that a person is under – it is never helpful to isolate them and attempt to convince them that they do not belong.  It is essential to humans to be able to function in society to believe they are loved and have a place in society.  But to be honest – I do not know how, in our current political climate that we can expect a resolution.   There are too many lies – but much worse – I believe – that there are too many unwilling to fully examine the truth.
    The Traveler
  18. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Sin and Sickness: are they related?   
    Of course not - Science does not even have a clear definition of exactly what is porn.  And as a son of an artist - I would suggest that neither does art.
    The Traveler
  19. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Sin and Sickness: are they related?   
    Actually when we carefully read the scripture - it is not just by him that the spiritual ills were healed - only the physical ills.  Concerning that which was spiritual Jesus said, "Thy faith has made you whole".  Jesus was able to heal all physical ailments but to heal our spirits required our participation through our faith.   This is a critical and important principle of priesthood (divine) blessings.
    The Traveler
  20. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    I will make a quick summary as to why I believe there are such problems concerning the LGBTQ political endeavors.   Please understand that these “problems” are not indicative of any individual – just the political climate that we currently find in our society.
    Fist consideration.  In 1973 it was suddenly decided by the American Psychological Society that homosexuality was not a disorder.  This was void or any scientific proof or study but rather based on the assumption that the burden of proof that homosexuality is not a psychological disorder rather than the initial assumption that it is a disorder – or a “treatable condition”.  Soon after any research into homosexuality as a disorder or treatable condition has been stripped of government funding and any scientific outlet for publication.  In addition the federal courts had ruled that it is false advertising to claim any possible cure or treatment for homosexuality.
    Additional considerations:  Because of the political climate resulting from the first consideration any research into homosexuality that does not support the first consideration – as with all LGBTQ political narratives, has become politically incorrect and labeled as homophobic, prejudice and bigoted.   It is my personal opinion that to claim any principle, idea or concept as indisputable, or flawed outside of scientific study, debate and open consideration – is not scientific.  We should be able to discuss, ask critical questions, do critical research to question any assumption or idea (at any time) and bring to critical scrutiny of any aspect or idea of a subject – to say any conclusion is Scientific.  I do not believe for a minute there is any possibility of open and critical science in the current climate to resolve anything concerning LGBTQ as scientific. I believe the current format too be too politically charged to be anything other than political.
    As we have learned and observed throughout the history of man that politics is more of a religion than a science.  But worse than religion; politics is always directly associated with governments and the control and power of law.  Just as we have observed that government should not declare a state religion - by the same token; governments should not dictate what is unquestionable politics of the state.  The official title of governments that dictate politics - is a dictatorship.   I submit that the politics of LGBTQ is evidence of our current government entering the realm of qualifying as a dictatorship.  At least concerning the governing of LGBTQ politics.
    We should be able to talk of LGBTQ both for and against (pro and con) as a 1st Amendment right of our Constitution.   We should be able to express opinion without fear to our life or property.  No one should be forced an opinion with threat of their business, livelihood or property.  At the same time every citizen regardless of their opinion concerning LGBTQ should have all the rights guaranteed under the Constitution that is enjoyed by every other citizen.
    Now I would say something about individuals.  I do not believe it matters what the psychological stress that a person is under – it is never helpful to isolate them and attempt to convince them that they do not belong.  It is essential to humans to be able to function in society to believe they are loved and have a place in society.  But to be honest – I do not know how, in our current political climate that we can expect a resolution.   There are too many lies – but much worse – I believe – that there are too many unwilling to fully examine the truth.
    The Traveler
  21. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Colirio in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    There is a gross misunderstanding of love as an emotional and physical connection in our postmodern era.  We are taught by divine covenant and law that the highest form of love is the pure love of Christ which is spoken of as Charity in scripture and is essential to the law of chastity.  That any relationship that is not bound by charity (which is the pure love of Christ) cannot be sealed by the Holy Spirit of truth and therefore is subject to the powers of darkness and will fail or end.  (See D&C 132:7).  
    The only way to obtain charity is through repentance which is the second principle of divine truth - the first principle being faith in the L-rd of love and truth (Jesus Christ).
    The Traveler
  22. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in Your testimony   
    I would add to my testimony some thought on the Book of Abraham.   I majored in Math and Physics in college and find the Book of Abraham to be one of the profound and stunning witnesses of the prophetic calling of young Joseph Smith perhaps only preceded by the Book of Mormon.  The Book of Abraham is codified in ancient symbolism of Egypt that appeared at the time of Abraham in Egyptian culture shrouded in the mystic science and theology of the Pathagoreans - a ancient Egyptian cult from which a Greek slave arose to fame and from which he changed his name (Pythagoras).  As an amature student of history (including math and physics).  I understand the science of ancient Egypt that believed G-d's understanding of mathematical ratios gave G-d the creative power to order and establish the order of all things in the universe ).  Ratios that give rise in our modern mathematics to pi, natural logs, the golden mean and general relativity.
    As an exercise of study - I would recommend one compare the Book of Abraham (especially chapter 3) to Doctrine and Covenants section 88.  That the two are talking about the same thing but one through the ancient philosophy of Egypt based in ratios and the other in Newtonian physics which was the basis of modern philosophy of the era of Joseph Smith.  The restoration of the Book of Abraham would not and could not have been possible without a divine investiture of a prophet of things unknown among men when Joseph Smith translated and provided both the Book of Abraham and section 88 of the Doctrine and Covenants.
    But there is another witness surfacing concerning the Book of Abraham.  That there are forces of pure evil (in opposition of pure good) operating in the affairs of men to cloud truth and create doubt of critical notions necessary for understanding divine things.
    The Traveler
  23. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from wenglund in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    There is a gross misunderstanding of love as an emotional and physical connection in our postmodern era.  We are taught by divine covenant and law that the highest form of love is the pure love of Christ which is spoken of as Charity in scripture and is essential to the law of chastity.  That any relationship that is not bound by charity (which is the pure love of Christ) cannot be sealed by the Holy Spirit of truth and therefore is subject to the powers of darkness and will fail or end.  (See D&C 132:7).  
    The only way to obtain charity is through repentance which is the second principle of divine truth - the first principle being faith in the L-rd of love and truth (Jesus Christ).
    The Traveler
  24. Like
    Traveler got a reaction from Anddenex in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    There is a gross misunderstanding of love as an emotional and physical connection in our postmodern era.  We are taught by divine covenant and law that the highest form of love is the pure love of Christ which is spoken of as Charity in scripture and is essential to the law of chastity.  That any relationship that is not bound by charity (which is the pure love of Christ) cannot be sealed by the Holy Spirit of truth and therefore is subject to the powers of darkness and will fail or end.  (See D&C 132:7).  
    The only way to obtain charity is through repentance which is the second principle of divine truth - the first principle being faith in the L-rd of love and truth (Jesus Christ).
    The Traveler
  25. Like
    Traveler reacted to anatess2 in The LGBT stumbling block.   
    See... this is why LGBTQ thinks they are oppressed... because of ERRONEOUS things like the bolded above.  It is these stupid things that tie love to sexual attraction that oppresses LGBTQ people.  The Church does not promote that thinking.  Rather, the Church promotes that FIRST comes LOVE then comes the desire to express that Love through Sex.  Thinking that first MUST come sexual attraction then love follows is Devil thinking.  It is not the Church that gives LGBTQ these hopeless feelings... it is people who go against Church principles.