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Everything posted by Misshalfway

  1. I remember a story by Truman G Madson about Joseph Smith. Anybody listen to his lectures about the life of Joseph? Anyway, he talked about Joseph getting dressed up like a vagabond and going to interview new converts boarding the fairy on the Mississippi. He basically said he was the prophet, but not to forget that he was a flawed human too. I think that there is a great lesson here. The Spirit is the safety net for everthing. even for our leaders who are the weak things of the world but who are trustworthy enough for such responsibility. The Spirit is really the thing we follow. And when the brethren speak truth, the HG will confirm.
  2. I love the hanging out at the library! My H and I have gone to our favorite libraries and looked thru great art books. We are art lovers! Not to mention the architecture of some of these libraries -- so beautiful! We also stay home and play scramble. We are fierce competitors. Of course, I always win! :)
  3. I know people get upset by this kind of print. And in some cases I would agree with you. Perhaps nationality had nothing to do with the wreck and shouldn't have been added. Maybe if we left race out of such reports it would help to calm racial tensions.
  4. Dr. T, Strangers have the best candy.... Just saw that quote by Morning. SO funny!!!!
  5. So the reporter should have omitted their nationality? Perhaps.
  6. Oh I know. I guess I was just referring to our nations lack of care for returning soldiers. They give so much and sometimes I feel injustice about the services offered.
  7. Those returning from Iraq should be given a heck of a lot more than prozac!!! They deserve so much more!
  8. I know I can choose my reactions -- in theory anyway! :) (I am so good a whining!) Learning how to is a trick. But once you get the hang of it then it can become a really powerful habit.
  9. Oh! I totally know! We hate it when we have to get out of bed to change the channel or turn down the sound. Losing the remote is a federal offense! :)
  10. I don't know about being less intelligent, but sometimes I think we are becoming a lazy society. With remote controls and fast food and disposable everything! I worry sometimes about all the things children can't do anymore, like roam the neighborhood freely or explore without constant supervision. I think while they get exposure to technological advancements everywhere and seem to be 'smarter' than earlier generations, I wonder if they lack street smarts and value smarts and the kind of skills that come from such freedom to be children.
  11. I think the trick is making friends with our hardships. I have been taught to carry a heart of gratitude for all things. I certainly don't always suceed, and that my friends is what venting and chocolate is all about! :) But I think there is much peace in coming to terms with hard and painful and even violating events. Some hard things prepare us, some refine us, some test us, some as just a plain pain in the rear! But we all have a choice in how we will react to them. I was watching Oprah the other day. She had two guests. Both were diagnosed with terminal cancers. One was pancreatic cancer and he was a young man with three children under the age of 5. Both had made powerfully positive decisions about their circumstances. The first gal literally talked about how having cancer had taught her how to live; to live in the moment and to be grateful for all lessons and opportunities. And then she talked about her lifeline to God and how she relies on HIm when she is afraid. Both stories were inspiring. I don't know if all trial is given of God. I don't think so. But I do know that he turns it all for good. And I think one way He does that is thru our gratitude. I was driving thru Yellowstone Park with my kids last week. We heard about the vast fires in the park a few short years ago. We drove thru those forests and saw the remainder of the burned trees standing lonely in the air. But then down at the forest floor were thousands of baby pines stretching for miles!!! One thing I know about God, He is a master of restorations!!! And just when we think all is lost, He brings us the fruit of our hardships. There is something so beautiful and humbling in that.
  12. Your original question LnF, was how we actually knew the BofM was true. For me it has come in multiple ways over time. I have read the book many times. The Lord has spoken to me thru its verses, the same way He speaks to me with bible verses. Sometimes I learn something new. Sometimes I am chastised. Sometimes I am filled with spirit and love. The H.G. has taught me and converted me and invited me many times in such variety. Sometimes I have received answers outside of scriptures all together. One day I was praying specifically about Joseph Smith. The Spirit of God came over me. It was not an emotional sensation, although I felt emotion after it. My heart was filled with warmth and my mind was filled with surety. Each time I consider Joseph or some aspect of his life I have been taught by the Spirit in similar fashion with confirming answers that come from the Spirit as well. Not emotion. I want to make that very clear. I also wanted to say that I believe the Word of God is very important. I think that I might understand the definition of the Word of God to be different than you do. For me, I don't see a difference in whether the word of God is spoken to me thru Spirit or thru scripture. It is the voice and intent and message of God no matter what way it comes to me. I believe God speaks to man today the same way he has spoken to man from the beginning. If he wants to talk to Moses thru a burning bush, he will. That communication is just as valid as printing and compiled accounts of such experience. If I had my choice, I would rather sit down with Moses and hear a first hand account of his experience talking to God than read about it. Alas, I will be satisfied with the printed story. No. I will be satisfied with the Spirit of the Lord that testifies to me that what Moses said happened really did in fact happen. Because I believe that God's word is more than the Bible, I believe that God can and does speak to whomever he likes. I also think that if he speaks to one and commands him to write, who am I to stand in His way or tell Him that He can't do that or assume that He won't. I believe that God wants our faith. I believe that He has power to prove Himself to man. I don't think he needs historical evidence or general consensus to do it. He has proven himself to me in the quiet and solitary moments of my life. You can't take that away from me with all the evidence in the world. There is no evidence that could prove to me that the BofM wasn't the word of God. It has made such a difference in my life, I cannot express. The Bible has also. What would I do without such a document? Such a gift and a blessing we as Christians enjoy! I also wanted to add, the invitation in the BofM is to discover if it is NOT true. Check Moroni's words.
  13. While you all are deciding what defn to use.....I thought I would add that -isms like this one bother me a bit. So men have dominated women for all time. So what is the goal of feminism? To flip it around? To dominate the men? Kinda like the black man dominating the white. What good does such a pursuit really accomplish? Sometimes I wish we were all children-ists -- fighting for the betterment of children. Why aren't we humanists? Fighting for the rights and opportunities for all. I suppose feminism does some good. There is no doubt that wrongs need to be made right and attitudes still need some work. And thank goodness there were women who didn't play nice and stay 'in their place'. I greatly benefit from their sacrifices. But, I guess I would like to see less of the putting something or someone down to raise the interests of one group over another-- like that would really make things better for all. I guess I thought that was was the USA was all about. Seems our behaviors don't match our ideals all of the time.
  14. In our study of the NT last year in Sunday School, I realized how the culture and attitudes of Jerusalem at the time of the Savior are very reflective of our challenges inside of the church today. So much to learn from those earlier generations. I was thinking also that I wonder if our time is not a culmination of all the dispensations. We certainly are facing the evil of the ages combined with the newest of Satan's concoctions today. Luckily it is the last days and those who are with us are more than those who are against us. So important for us to keep close to the scriptures and be watchful.
  15. Seriously! I wouldn't mind a gander at them myself.:) Really loved this idea. So absolutely true!
  16. I suppose it depends on your definition of feminist. I think that God is very much interested in the interests of women. I think that God champions the causes of women and am convinced that the tenants of the gospel absolutely promote the equity of women. I think that we live on the earth though. That means living and dealing with cultural forces that sometimes have truncated and suppressed the rights of women. Is it wrong to want equitable rights and treatment for women thru-out this world and fight for justice and restitution? No. I don't see anywhere in the gospel where such participation is a problem. I think it is the over-zealous or out of balance positions that feminists sometimes take that are in conflict with the kingdom of God. And in those cases, I would say that yes, they wouldn't be able to live together for long.
  17. Anyone who has problems with someone's past really doesn't understand the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Becoming new and born again, is for everyone. Not one of us doesn't have a past. Some of us, in our judgy state are dealing with yuckiness in the present!
  18. It is true. We are all evil. We all got together and decided to torment all the poor men. Way to go girls, the plan is working. Bwwaaaahhahahhahaa!
  19. Sorry guys. I have had pneumonia. Been so sick and not able to think or speak very deeply. Like I can anyway! HA! But I will get on the bandwagon here soon. Today I finally feel a bit better. Finally!!
  20. Now that school is out and the kids aren't getting on the bus before my eyes open, we are going to recommit to an AM scripture study. My kids love it. I got them some age appropriate study helps and I am so excited to dive into it again. We did pretty good until Christmas break....and then....well....we fell off the wagon.:)
  21. I need to talk about the Savior and the atonement. I need to understand it better. I need to expand my understanding and depth of belief and understanding. I can't explain why. Just hoping that whatever insights and testimony you all may have will help. Anything and everything is welcome. Perhaps scriptures or talks or experiences that have helped you. I suppose the sky is the limit. :) Thank you.