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Everything posted by Misshalfway

  1. How cool to have never built a ship... or even had knowledge about such a project and then to crank out a perfect one on the first try! With whiney and slacking workers too. Pretty amazing! And the whole making of the tools..... what a tremendous thing! Anybody ever feel like the Lord has taught you to do something that you couldn't possibly do on your own?
  2. I agree. It does sound like a great class. I love learning about other faiths. I took a world religions class in college and loved it.
  3. My friend had all three babies in the hospital and they were normal deliveries, no water. If I remember, my friend opted for no-drugs with her last kids. She has six, so she kinda knew her body pretty well. I don't really know if they are expensive or not. Maybe you could call around and talk to nurse midwives in your area. I think the Women's Center of any hospital would have lots of information as would your insurance provider, if you have that. Pregnancy can be scary.... but you probably will only have to deal with heartburn and hemorrhoids and peeing a little in your ninth month when someone tells you a joke! :) Don't forget to think about how exciting it will be to hear that little heartbeat or to see that new little person on an ultrasound or feeling the kicking for the first time! And after you see that little wrinkled face and feel the tiny-ness of its little body nestled up under your chin, it will all be worth it!!! :)
  4. Wish I could be a heathen! Any positions open for heathen wannabe?:) Welcome Redbeard. Looking forward to your insights!
  5. I don't spose I could expand better than the other posters. Such good explanations. :) I didn't mean to imply that anyone was saying this. Just meant to concur. :)
  6. I haven't let my kids see Golden Compass. I was told Nicole Kidman shows a little skin. Is that true?
  7. My first question for you when I read this, is why does it bring you down? It doesn't have to. You don't have to be changed at all by someone's attitude or bad day or bad life. And if it does, you can withdraw from people who do affect your mood without feeling bad about that. I think we need to pick people to be around that help us feel good. I don't suppose there is anything wrong with that. I suppose it is hard to be around people who are constantly negative and who seem to refuse to recognize the positive. I think we all need to feel special and sometimes having the "worst" experience helps some to feel special. I think a lot of us "need" certain things to feel special. Sometimes it is having the worst problem. And sometimes it is not having any problems at all! Both scenerios are inaccurate and out of balance. It might help to look at why people are negative. I know from my study of family systems that the way we grow up can effect our attitudes about expressing happiness or positiveness. Some come away from childhood with "original shame" about who and what they are. Sometimes it is seen a prideful to accentuate the good. It can be a shameful thing to be too happy or too positive. Sometimes when a person shares something good about them self or their experience it can cause others to become jealous or retract in some way, and may cause someone to be very quiet about the good. Being negative about yourself and your circumstances can be a cover for insecurity or fear. I am not saying that any of this is healthy, I am just saying that most of us come from some level of family dysfunction and have to navigate those obstacles. I think it is also important to state that being too happy and failing to address problems can also be very detrimental. I also think that there is a difference between being negative and suffering from a depression. For those who have not experienced the later, I do think it is hard to comprehend. Depression is terribly difficult. To know there is happy inside and not be able to access it, even when your logic tells you that you should. It is a little like Hell and not something that an attitude change can fix. I guess my whole point is that I think loving people begins with understanding them. Taking out the judgement part and looking at people clean, I guess. Without pity either. Pity and sympathy can weaken people. Just taking them as they are. I heard a phrase once -- if you could see back into the life of your enemy three generations, you wouldn't be enemies anymore.
  8. Love it, Tom. For me, the more I learn about Grace, the harder it is for me to identify where grace doesn't apply. I find the grace of God to be more than just the act of raising me from my sins. I find it to be woven throughout the entire gospel and inside of every step I take in applying the gospel in my life.
  9. I am gonna support your questions Tom, but forgive me as I just add that reading and praying are so key. I would do it even if it feels dull and like you are going thru the motions. God can and will remind you of things you read. But he can't do that if you don't stay the course. It is thru these two modes that the windows of heaven open -- that we hear the voice of God. And even if it seems that they aren't opening for you, they will one day after the trial of your faith. I was just thinking about how important the pengillum (sp?) swings are in finding truth. Moving here and there. Trying on ideas to see if it is right. It is all part of the gaining of a testimony. Beware of doubt. Be believing. Whatever is true will rise thru all the doubt.
  10. Heather, in your first post you talked about journals. I have a series of journals and histories from many of my relatives....most of whom joined the early church and helped to settle parts of Utah. I love these stories. I have learned so much of their lives and yearned to know them better. They were good. One was an Indian fighter from Canada. One wrote books and cute little children's stories from his home in Hawaii. And while reading her journal, I learned that my maternal grandmother used to sing on the radio. My paternal Great Grandmother joined the church in Norway when she was 18. Her family disowned her and so the missionaries helped her make her way to Utah. She became a nanny to a widower with a few children. They eventually married. She then had five more children, one of whom was my grandmother. I remember sitting around the table in my grandmothers farmhouse listening to the old stories. She said her mothers accent was so very strong! And that she could still hear her voice talking this way and that as she puttered around her kitchen making pastries. I was born of goodly parents. And so many of their parents we so very good too.
  11. I like what Skal said. He did say 'basic' reason. I am guessing he didn't mean every reason. I think he was thinking of a broad context and not the entire landscape. I think knowing why a person leaves is valuable information. It can help us know how to love them. It can direct our prayers in their behalf. It can humble us and make us more profitable servants. I didn't leave because of sin. I absolutely didn't. I can't explain to you all why I left. But I felt God go with me. He understood. He knew what no one else could. My sweet bishop understood too. I see and feel the hurtful judgments of others. And it is ok. They don't understand. They think that they do. And they stop short of making a great difference because of that judgment.
  12. Thank you for addressing this concern. I just needed to get that off my chest. Luke....here I come!
  13. I am not sure how my questions sounds like I am asking the church to change its doctrine or its stand against this behavior. So...not sure about your point. And I am glad that you have seen such an out pouring where you are. I don't think it is that way all over.
  14. I can't believe that the Lord doesn't judge in mercy and infinite understanding. We are the ones who see thru a glass darkly. We see and describe things in such black and white. God sees the whole spectrum. And in Willow's case, I don't see the Lord judging her in condemnation. I think He truly understood her feelings and needs and then sent the right people to bring her back. God give us lots of chances and opportunities in our growth. He knows how to recognize a need and how to meet that need. I sometimes think that all we judge is the weakness or the flaw. We get blinded by our justice oriented thinking and stumble over our need to pass judgment instead of looking with loving understanding to see what was needed and how we are to help. I am reminded of King Benjamin's attitude....Aren't we all beggars???
  15. I never heard that before. This thread is a little Christmas in July. :)
  16. I'll take that salary!!! :) I will remind myself of that the next time I clean the bathroom after my boys have been in there.
  17. I know what it is like to carry heavy burdens without support and it is dark and lonely and hard. I feel my heart wanting to rally the saints together in love. So many of us carry concealed pain of all kinds. We have the gospel in its fulness! I don't think we always recognize what we have and the great opportunities if affords us. We can love better and support better and reach out more effectively. We have Jesus the very Christ at the helm! I know I don't know how to do it all perfectly yet. My weaknesses aren't hard to find. But my heart wants to be that kind of person and to be part of that kind of organization. We can handle SSA with love. I know we can. We can handle anything that this world can throw at us because we have the Savior. No one should feel alone or outcast or defective in this gospel.
  18. What can the church do better with these complex issues? The church and just members in everyday life?
  19. I think it depends on what IUD you use. There are certain materials that should not be used and are part of what Dr.'s warn against. There are products that are safe and effective now. Not all of them are awful. It is important that they are inserted correctly and checked annually. I think it is a mistake to think you can put it in a forget about it. There are risks with everything. I think the ones 30 years ago were really awful.
  20. That is exactly what I hope it is. I just want to be sure. Hope you can understand that.
  21. Perhaps we all need to pass thru a crisis of faith so the Lord can use us better. Glad you are here. Welcome.
  22. I hope you will forgive me for voicing a little concern. I think that having a bible study is a great idea. I think having any scripture study is a good idea. And to do so with members of different faiths....even more interesting. But, my concern is that your intent LnF, is to teach us or correct us or minister to us. It seems that you are already giving directions about how we should study and how we should pray. I appreciate that those things are good. I feel sometimes like you are talking down to us as if you assume we don't pray or thank God or ask to know him better thru the word. We do this....all the time! It is part of who we are as LDS people. I hope you can understand what I am trying to say to you. I want to participate. It sounds like a good idea...IF....the intent behind it is something that is transparent. I feel that each of us should be able to share from our own background and understanding and that discussions could take place in an atmosphere of respect and equal relationship. My fear is that you are starting your ministry here. And I feel like I would like to know if that is true or not. Respectfully, MH