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Everything posted by Misshalfway

  1. Well. I have to say I really appreciate this. I think it was the fourth grade that I realized (with regards to relationships) that boys were clueless! , but that I couldn't live without them! :) There is nothing more wonderful.....and sexy....than a righteous, loving, man. As a mother, this makes me feel like a mother lion with my kids.....for my boys to fly right and my girls to make sure they pick someone who is flying right!
  2. I don't know if the original premise of this thread is true or not. Some days it sure feels like it. Other days, I am not sure if all of us aren't standing in glass houses. I do know that in our present day societies it is more and more difficult to preserve the righteousness and cleanliness that our gospel demands. I look to the BofM and the example of two societies that had the truth and failed. I see so much of that pattern in our present church. I think Satan is waging a very successful campaign and we are seeing the casualties. We must work harder to stand on safe and strong foundations. The world and its messages of the flesh seduce us and flatter us and bind us with chains. They convince us to give in to our pride and our lusts. I see men being taken by pornography and women being taken in by materialism. I see selfishness in all of its forms blinding marriage partners and turning them away from each other in anger and blame and indulgences. Perhaps at the end of the day when all the tallies are taken, the women will out number the men. But last time I checked 1 Nephi, there were both men and women in that great and spacious building. This gospel. This truth. Is the only sure foundation. Our message is vital. Our mission is clear. It is living the basics that keeps our perspective untarnished from the confusion and deceptions of our common enemy.
  3. Light has to be an actual physical part of a resurrected/exalted body. God the Father certainly is absolutely and literally filled with light. And as Alma 5 talks about, the light of Christ literally shines in our eyes as we become more sanctified. I think this is absolutely fascinating and beautiful. The light that comes thru righteousness and truth and obedience.....this is an amazing thing that not only ones spirit is filled with light and truth but that the actual flesh is filled with light as well.
  4. I know! Same thing around here. I think these bugs are getting stronger. I have never been so sick. It is a little scary. The anti-biotics they gave me don't seem to make a difference. Just time......lots of time and cough drops.
  5. Just as a side comment..... I have pneumonia this week and I am sitting here reading this ( as I cough up half a lung) wishing for one of those perfect sorts of bodies. :)
  6. Yes! I think that is spot on to where I was headed with my thinking.
  7. Apart from it being essential to true happiness and freedom, I don't know really. I find myself wondering at the power of such a body. I guess I am thinking of the bodies of God the Father and Jesus as they appeared to Joseph and others. A brightness and glory that defies description.....I am imagining that they are very powerful and capable of amazing things. What things I can only guess. And I wonder at what capabilities an exalted body will bring to us. Are they greater in capacity that those who receive a lower resurrection?
  8. If you don't mind PC, would you refer me to the scripture(s) you are referring to? Thanks.
  9. Hello and welcome! Thank you for your dedicated service in Iraq. We think of you guys over there all the time and wish so very much for peace and prosperity for those Iraqi people. Happy to hear about your return to the faith. Hope to hear more about what has made the difference for you. See you around the boards.
  10. We watched the Golden Compass. It was delightful. I loved it. I must admit feeling like there was lots of little parts of the story that I was missing....probably details from the book. But overall I thought it was good.
  11. Wow! Didn't realize the movie was that long. We are going to take the fam to see it this weekend. Everyone I have talked to says it is really good and even a little better than the first one.
  12. I have loved Sweeny Todd as well. No one is better than Angela Lansbury. It is crazy that a show about a serial killer could be funny, but Angela was perfect at that kind of humor. I didn't see the movie...mostly because I liked the stage version so much. I knew Tim would make it dark. Sounds like he lost some of the best elements of the show.
  13. Should a person talk to the Lord about such activities? You bet. It is important to understand where the Lord stands on such activities that perhaps only the person would know. Should a person talk to the bishop about it? Only if conscience dictates. If you feel that kissing became inappropriate, then mention it. Be safe. Clear it out. Chances are, your conversation about it with the bishop will be short and sweet. The more important thing is that ones actions and values match. Knowing what you will do and what you feel good about vs. what isn't or doesn't is crucial. One side is free of guilt and shame and you can go forward is security and confidence. The other is playing with fire and tends to erode ones self respect....especially if one continually flirts with danger.
  14. I was teaching a gospel essentials class a few years ago and in the course of my comments suggested that God gives men weakness. One man did not like this idea at all and felt that God would never give anyone illness or specific trial. We had a nice right row over the subject. :) I couldn't agree with him. I felt like I have felt the gift of weakness come from Father in my life. I think that is one reason why it is easier for me to trust God in the hard trials. I am never sure if He isn't behind the whole process.
  15. What if God purposely made sure that these kind of evidences were hard to find? What if the BofM is to be used to try the faith of His children? What if God wants more from His children than just a knowledge? How hard is it to exercise faith when all the answers are laid out for you? It is like me doing my kids homework for him. I do him a disservice by figuring it all out. There is power in such process. Knowing is important, but the process in which one comes to know is absolutely essential. I think faith is an eternal principle. I think it is necessary for our future experience beyond the grave. It is the means thru which many important things are accomplished. Walking the walk of faith. Getting our knowledge from the source of light and truth. Allowing God to change us and improve us and expand us thru the process is so incredibly irreplaceable. I venture to guess that if you had all the evidence in the world, you would still doubt. Because the lessons of stretching ones faith are the lessons that keep one strong against the wiles of the adversary.
  16. What about evaluating the words of the BofM on their merits? I think that it is faith to look at a doctrine and believe that it is true. Are there any doctrines or ideas in the book that you feel are true or might be true. What about the concept of sin vs righteousness or opposites in all things? What about the Atonement and understanding the demands of justice and mercy? What about prayer, obedience, and service? In my mind, understanding this doctrine and evaluating it in this way is very logical and reasonable. I was reading in the D&C and read these verses and I thought immediately of you, DS. Section 50: 10-12 "And now come, saith the Lord, by the Spirit, unto the elders of his church, and let us reason together, that ye may understand; "Let us reason even as a man reasoneth one with another face to face." "Now, when a man reasoneth he is understood of men, because he reasoneth as a man; even so will I, the Lord reason with you that ye may understand."
  17. Busymom, Wow. That is great! Where were you a few years ago? :) Mighty Nancy, Laughing! So true some days.
  18. Isn't that why Laban had the brass plates to begin with?
  19. Totally great movie. There is a little naughty at the beginning.
  20. I went to Atlanta. That airport is something else! Huge! I got the chance to go to a Civil war battlefield. I love history and loved the experience. They turned it into a park. It was strange to see joggers and dog walking over a place that once cost so many lives. I think I love the idea of making such a place into a place more uplifting and useful. Yeah, why did the Mormons come to Utah of all places? It probably seemed a little strange to some of the pioneers, but then again, maybe they were just happy to find a home considering all the persecution they had endured within the US. They were probably feeling a sense of safety being in a secluded place where they could worship in peace. But, they did amazing things to the valley! Brigham Young said it would flower like a rose. And it certainly has done that. I mean having the Olympics in Salt Lake was an amazing thing considering the young history of the region. And I love the foresight of those early leaders with how they laid out the city streets; so wide and organized. Prolly boring to you......sorry. I guess I am a little fascinated by certain aspects.
  21. I was born into the church and am a convert as well! .... if you can follow that. :) Welcome!
  22. Every time I see that word, I think someone is talking to me! HA! :) These comments are really making me want to read the books! I loved the HP series. And the movies too. So perfectly cast....except the new Dumbledore. Hmmm... they should have called me first! Didn't find the "god" thing even an issue. Didn't cross my mind! Loved the adventure and fantasy and especially the twins! JK is certainly a talent! Although, I must say that they way it all ended was a little too sad for me! Don't think I recovered after the loss of Dumbledore. Serious Black was hard enough! But at least Ginny got her man! :)
  23. What a tremendous experience for you! Happy to meet you. Hope to see you around.
  24. Happy Hello to you. I just returned from a trip to GA. Absolutely loved it!! Such beautiful trees. I am jealous. I live in a desert! :) Food storage is something that can be daunting at first. We have been working on ours and are almost to our goal. We have stored water, 3 month supply of canned food and supplies that I need and use all the time and we rotate that. Then we are working toward a more basic food supply that we don't touch... wheat, rice, beans, etc. I love the idea of journals too. My college roommate was the best journal writer I have ever seen! Hers were a lot like scrapbooks. They were filled with lots of visuals; ticket stubs, pics, etc. And they were halarious! She would read us excerpts and we would all be in stitches! My kids grandma buys my kids journals every year and we help them write. So fun to look back at their thoughts and feelings when they were younger. Anyway.....welcome to the site. Hope to see you around.