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Everything posted by Misshalfway

  1. I think girls are sometimes, and I mean sometimes attracted to the jerks because they know how to play the game and ignite certain feelings in the gals. What girl isn't turned on by a guys who has confidence and makes them feel beautiful and who is a little untouchable? I think the nice guys sometimes fail in the "savy" part of dating. I think girls sometimes want both. They want the savy at first and the nice underneath. I think they complain later because they found out the savy was only a show. So, what can nice guys do? Quit walking around with tail between their legs. Learn a little savy, a little confidence, and apply it with the sincerity that comes so naturally. I think nice guys sometimes give up too soon or apply the sweet sincerity too soon and that is a turn off. One of my college pet peeves were the guys who complained about the girls who wouldn't choose them, but who never got out and played the field! Just stayed in their apartments and played video games. Kinda wanted to slap 'em (gently, of course) and say, "Shower! Get a hair cut and dress nice. Get yourself smelling classy too. Confidence goes a long way. And then get off the dime and go get interested in someone else besides your sad self!" SNAP SNAP SNAP! If they truly are the "nice guys", how nice is someone who is only feeling sorry for themselves????? I think they need to get out of their own way!!
  2. Patio. Mountain cabin or tropical condo?
  3. To all the wonderful Daddy's in the world who cherish their little girls and strengthen their little boys!!! --even when they are not so little anymore. You are tireless in your efforts. You let your toenails be painted and your sleep interrupted and your hearts to stretch! Thank you for you long hard hours at the job, providing for the football and dance lessons! Thank you for fixing the sink and the broken airplane model! Thank you for waiting up until they get home and listening for long hours to all the details of the date than went wrong or dealing with spit up on your Sunday suit. Thank you for your forgiveness when the carpet lit on fire or when the car mysteriously crashed thru the garage door!! Thank for for buying the puppy, just cause they wanted it and for doing donuts in the snow covered church parking lot! We love you Dads!!!!
  4. Sorry. Really wicked dude in the Bofm. My bad. Yet again.:)
  5. Well I can understand perhaps, mike, why you would be angry. Holier than thou anybodies are annoying not to mention hurtful. Too bad his(hpgl) approach couldn't have come with love and understanding instead of judgement and guilt. I suppose many of us have had similar experience. I have had blessings given and wondered why the results weren't as I expected. I have also experienced the opposite. I can't say that I understand all outcomes. But I can understand the confusion they may produce in someone's heart. I am wondering why, though, you are allowing the stress of the church to disturb your peace. You don't have to take on the guilt, just because someone hands it to you. I say that, not because I am perfect at such an act, just that I know the principle to be true and quite liberating because you then act from a place of integrity. You participate in the church because that is what is right inside of you. Or don't, and that is what is right inside of you. Or you participate at the level at which you feel comfortable inside the beauty and individual pace of your own process. God allows and even encourages such process. There is much in the way of scriptural example and my own twists and turns with God that have taught me that. I suppose my invitation is to get centered within yourself and get your actions and thoughts in congruency with that centered place and let the rest go. Anger is a valueable emotion. It gives us very important information if we have the courage to look at the emotions behind it. But too much anger for too long takes things from us like peace and health. The gospel of Jesus Christ.....the principles held in our beloved scriptures are not about this kind of unrest. (the also do not advocate phone calls from the HPGL telling you what he did, btw. Not a reflection of the gospel. Only a reflection of the man.) They invite us to live peacefully within. That is what forgiveness is about. It is also what revelation is all about. There is no need, whether you are LDS or not to battle over truth. God settles the matter with the H.G. and takes everything back to peace within. Forgive, my interjections. Compost what doesn't fit. Best wishes to you and your family, Mike
  6. Well yes, ok. Good point. But if you legalize polygamy, doesn't it open the door to bigamy? Who gets to participate in it? When is it unethical and when is it ok? And how would you legislate that. Would you maintain that polygamy would be illegal unless you live in Colorado city?
  7. Bowling all the way! Paper or plastic?
  8. With regards to polygamy, what about guys who go around the country marrying women without telling them all? What about people like that????
  9. Ahhh! I could do that! Been carrying car-seats for years! :)
  10. Do we really need anti-depressants? I'll tell you what.... After I talk to my MIL, I am sure I need them!
  11. Ok. Let's keep some perspective here. Sometime such things happen but not always. Many times white people are named as the "perps" as well.
  12. Sadly I can agree with you. Church ball. Need I say more?
  13. Thanks. I will give it a look-see. Careful though. I might have to throw in an opinion or two. :)
  14. Perhaps we are saying the same thing. :) This above phrase says it best I think.
  15. I can see the plight of those who want or need the legal blessings of marriage. I don't see the need to compromise the principles of marriage to provide those opportunities. I think their is much we can do to meet needs of a free and tolerant society without compromising moral values.
  16. I don't find myself at war with other people either. Absolutely war with self is paramount. But we can fight against lies and immorality. The lifestyle is immoral, imo. But I love these people. Some of them, gosh, they are the best friends anyone could ask for! But can I support immorality? I can't and still be a person of integrity. Does that make sense? Absolutely do I want to be in a country that respects personal freedoms. But I also want to be in a country that has a sense of morality. The US constitution was, whether we like it or not, created on the basis of such moral and religious assumption. And it will fall if the people are not righteous. Whether people understand or accept this principle or not, I think it is the responsibility of all of us to stand up for right.
  17. I actually don't. I think there are times when they speak by the spirit. GC is one of those occasions. Their words can be considered scripture. Other talks or comments of GA's can be considered good counsel or truthful, wise advise and direction. But since most of them are such incredible examples of integrity, it is difficult not to trust their words. But do the make mistakes, misstep, mis-state things or act too zealously at times? Yes. They are human beings who fail and falter and who try better and get better and wiser as they grow. Just like the rest of us. Is that any excuse for us? Heck no. Because we have the spirit, we are responsible.
  18. I guess I understand the live and let live philosophy. I suppose it may be said, choose and let choose. But we are at war. It is a moral war. A war for what is right against a force that is determined to destroy all that is good and pure and right thru the deception and corruption of the hearts of the children of men. If you or I were at war, would you let your enemy kill as many as they wanted while you sat by and let them? Or would you fight to save as many as you could? We can't control others. But we can let our voices be heard. "As for me and my house, we will choose the Lord."