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Hi there gentle people of this wonderful new forum, i just found today.

As you may be wondering about the title, i will fill you in.

Im excommunicated from the church. But i want to get re-baptized and lead a full member life again. I want to go back to the temple. I want to sit in sacrement meeting and actually feel like i belong there.

I spoke to my Bishop about this and was told that, as long as i come to church every Sunday, i should be able to get re-baptized after about 2 years.

Well its been over 2 years and im still not re-baptized.

Reason is, the job i do means im working every Sunday. Sometimes day shift, sometimes night shift. This means that i should be able to go, every 2 weeks. The problem is, when i first got the job, i wasnt used to night shift, so slept all day. Ive now got it sorted and am able to get to church once every 2 weeks. But because of the way things worked in the beginning, the church see's me as less active, and i need to go 3 weeks in a row, in order to be classed as active.

So what happens if i manage to go 3 weeks in a row? Well, i have to be active for 2 years. And that 2 years starts from scratch, everytime i become "less active", so meaning that, non of the last 2 years count towards my 2 years active. That means, that if i happen to be ill on the week im supposed to go to church and cant go, im back to being inactive and have to start from scratch again, since i missed 3 weeks in a row.

I though that i could explain this to my Bishop and to get alittle help, or to prove myself some other way, But i was told no. It has to be this way or no way.

So although i love the church and believe in it with all my heart. Im not a member and probably never will be. I hope that you can allow me to be here and participate in your discussions. I will understand, if you wish to put restrictions on me and will gladly follow them. All i want is to be is part of the church and to talk to members. As i said, i will follow any restrictions you wish to impose.

Thank you


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Member or not a member, Klingon or Ogre, Fairy or Troll... we're all here to enjoy this wonderful site. As long as you follow the rules of the site then you're just as welcome to be here as anyone else. :)

Never say never... if your faith and willingness is there then I'm sure there's a way around your problem - somehow and somewhere down the line...

I wish you all the best :)

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Member or not a member, Klingon or Ogre, Fairy or Troll... we're all here to enjoy this wonderful site. As long as you follow the rules of the site then you're just as welcome to be here as anyone else. :)

Never say never... if your faith and willingness is there then I'm sure there's a way around your problem - somehow and somewhere down the line...

I wish you all the best :)

Thanks, i do hope so. I might be moving back to my old ward. The Bishop there is more loving, so i should be progressing as soon as i move there. Please pray for me, that i get to move soon.
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Welcome. I hope you will stick around for a long time. Take courage. The Lord will provide a way for you to accomplish the things you want most in life if they are expedient in Him. Best wishes.

I will stick around. I eat lots of candy, so im pretty sticky most of the time. Dont get to close now.
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Member or not a member, Klingon or Ogre, Fairy or Troll... we're all here to enjoy this wonderful site.

Can you please tell me who the trolls are? I don't like trolls.........

Hey, LostOne, I had a friend who had to go through the same thing to get re-baptized. I know she kept in close contact with the Bishop and Stake President. Maybe you've already done this, but discuss your concerns with the bishop and possibly the stake president. Another suggestion is attend all the acitivties that you can. You serve 2 things with that one--first, you get to know other members and make friendships, and second, it allows to you to "active" and find opportunities where you can serve. My friend served in YW long before she was ever re-baptized. Never an official calling, but she helped out at most of the activities. Just some thoughts.

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Hi there gentle people of this wonderful new forum, i just found today.

As you may be wondering about the title, i will fill you in.

Im excommunicated from the church. But i want to get re-baptized and lead a full member life again. I want to go back to the temple. I want to sit in sacrement meeting and actually feel like i belong there.

I spoke to my Bishop about this and was told that, as long as i come to church every Sunday, i should be able to get re-baptized after about 2 years.

Well its been over 2 years and im still not re-baptized.

Reason is, the job i do means im working every Sunday. Sometimes day shift, sometimes night shift. This means that i should be able to go, every 2 weeks. The problem is, when i first got the job, i wasnt used to night shift, so slept all day. Ive now got it sorted and am able to get to church once every 2 weeks. But because of the way things worked in the beginning, the church see's me as less active, and i need to go 3 weeks in a row, in order to be classed as active.

So what happens if i manage to go 3 weeks in a row? Well, i have to be active for 2 years. And that 2 years starts from scratch, everytime i become "less active", so meaning that, non of the last 2 years count towards my 2 years active. That means, that if i happen to be ill on the week im supposed to go to church and cant go, im back to being inactive and have to start from scratch again, since i missed 3 weeks in a row.

I though that i could explain this to my Bishop and to get alittle help, or to prove myself some other way, But i was told no. It has to be this way or no way.

So although i love the church and believe in it with all my heart. Im not a member and probably never will be. I hope that you can allow me to be here and participate in your discussions. I will understand, if you wish to put restrictions on me and will gladly follow them. All i want is to be is part of the church and to talk to members. As i said, i will follow any restrictions you wish to impose.

Thank you


Did the Bishop tell you it is a requirement to maintain two-years of activity prior to baptism?

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Did the Bishop tell you it is a requirement to maintain two-years of activity prior to baptism?

Yes he did. He said that after 1 year, he would speak to me again and see how i was doing. If he felt i was progressing well enough, he would see about me getting re-baptized. If he wasnt happy with my progress, then i would have to wait another year, to speak to him again. Once he was happy, he would pass me along to the stake President and he would then decide if i could be re-baptized. That would be around another year. It would then take around 4 more years to get my Priesthood and Temple blessings back. So around 6 years minimum to get back to where i was. As long as i was progressing as the Bishop and then Stake President felt i should.

Please dont take this the wrong way, But 6 years is a long time. Alot can happen. One slip up and im back at the begining. Again, no offence is ment, But im not perfect. If anything, im as far from perfect as its possible to get. I know i will make mistakes along the way. I know this and im open about it. I wish i was more Christ like, But im not. Im a sinner.

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First of all, welcome to the forums!! I really hope you enjoy it here. :)

Second of all, and you don't have to give me any more detail than you're comfortable with, but what kind of "slip ups" are we talking about here? Is it something major like caught drinking alcohol, or something minor like using a swear word?

I just wonder if you're interpreting their requiprements a bit more strictly than they mean them to be, or if your Bishop is being more strict than he needs to be. (coming from someone who has only a cursory knowledge of the process, so I may be way off)

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We all wish to me more like Christ but never will be. We can become more christ-like and "sin less" but cannot ever be "sinless" IMO

I agree. To be Christ-like and to sin less is my goal. How wonderful that we have the fully restored gospel to help us? It shows our Heavenly Fathers love for us.

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To start with, being an endowed member has serious ramification. Usually, excommunication last one year at a minimal. Temple endowed ranges from 2-3 years. That is typical. Not knowing the full extent of Discipline Council and what transpired from those who acted in this case, it would be speculation on my behalf, why the Bishop made that remark to you – in awaiting another year. Usually, a Bishop will do monthly interviews - short one and then an annual - longer one - to extract information from you and compare it to the promptings of the Spirit being manifested to him.

You need to keep in mind, the time element is a conditioning period to ensure you fully repent and to prove yourself to the Savior, you are willing to follow Him at any cost. I never heard or been in a council where it taken a excommunicated member 6-years to receive back what was taken. It is based on your own daily effort, obedience, and proving yourself to the Savior that you are willing to take on those covenants again.

Now, if you feel you done all of which is commanded, I would fast and pray and take this matter before the Lord. Rely on the Savior to make that prompting to the Bishop.

What you need to ask yourself, am I patience enough to receive back what was yours.

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Guest dallas

Hi there gentle people of this wonderful new forum, i just found today.

As you may be wondering about the title, i will fill you in.

Im excommunicated from the church. But i want to get re-baptized and lead a full member life again. I want to go back to the temple. I want to sit in sacrement meeting and actually feel like i belong there.

I spoke to my Bishop about this and was told that, as long as i come to church every Sunday, i should be able to get re-baptized after about 2 years.

Well its been over 2 years and im still not re-baptized.

Reason is, the job i do means im working every Sunday. Sometimes day shift, sometimes night shift. This means that i should be able to go, every 2 weeks. The problem is, when i first got the job, i wasnt used to night shift, so slept all day. Ive now got it sorted and am able to get to church once every 2 weeks. But because of the way things worked in the beginning, the church see's me as less active, and i need to go 3 weeks in a row, in order to be classed as active.

So what happens if i manage to go 3 weeks in a row? Well, i have to be active for 2 years. And that 2 years starts from scratch, everytime i become "less active", so meaning that, non of the last 2 years count towards my 2 years active. That means, that if i happen to be ill on the week im supposed to go to church and cant go, im back to being inactive and have to start from scratch again, since i missed 3 weeks in a row.

I though that i could explain this to my Bishop and to get alittle help, or to prove myself some other way, But i was told no. It has to be this way or no way.

So although i love the church and believe in it with all my heart. Im not a member and probably never will be. I hope that you can allow me to be here and participate in your discussions. I will understand, if you wish to put restrictions on me and will gladly follow them. All i want is to be is part of the church and to talk to members. As i said, i will follow any restrictions you wish to impose.

Thank you


All the technical stuff aside -- welcome to the forums. Glad you're here!

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If someone has been ex'd it would be ideal to have a goal to be rebaptised after a year. The Bishop lines out the steps to follow and meets with the person often and communicates with the Stake Pres how the person is coming along. I am really puzzled as to how your Bishop determined 2 yrs....
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First of all, welcome to the forums!! I really hope you enjoy it here. :)

Second of all, and you don't have to give me any more detail than you're comfortable with, but what kind of "slip ups" are we talking about here? Is it something major like caught drinking alcohol, or something minor like using a swear word?

I just wonder if you're interpreting their requiprements a bit more strictly than they mean them to be, or if your Bishop is being more strict than he needs to be. (coming from someone who has only a cursory knowledge of the process, so I may be way off)

Hi Jenamarie,

One thing you will learn about me over time is that im very open. By slip ups, i mean pornography. Its my big weakness. It would be in my own interest to keep quiet about any slip ups, But i just cant do that. I feel that, that would be living a lie.

Also, yes the Bishop is being overly strict, But he is the Bishop, so i need to support him and respect him. Im not here to cry about that really. Im more interested to find other ways to prove myself to the church.

And thanks to you guys, i have advice that i can follow. I will make a point of going to as many church things as i can.

Thank you everyone.

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Pornography is the number one problem I now encountered in the Church when members seek help.

Some suggestive helps here: anything that is a sin usually will start with a thought, whether by you or by those across the veil [minions of Lucifer]. In dwelling on the thought, eventually lead to an action. So the question is what to do with that thought? Immediately, sing a church tune when a sinful thought enters the mind. Or - immediately tell your self, I WILL OBEY ALL THE LORD'S COMMANDMENTS. Or - do something that can easily erase the thought by work or reading. I am sure you may have something that can help you with this issue and see you are already pushing to cleanse the mortal flesh.

If the above fails, meaning it is continuous, immediately go to bent knee prayers and ask FATHER to help you to overcome it. Sincerity and humbleness brings tears to the Spirit and easily provokes the Spirit.

Now, you need to avoid anything on TV, web base, magazines, or anything that is suggestive, which may weaken you to dwell on those thoughts. Avoid it at all cost.

Create a focus gospel desire that will require study the scriptures, ponderous time frame, prayers in seeking the desire to be answered by GOD. Make worthy gospel goals to bring back that spirituality to your spirit, There are others I suspect your bishop has already stated.

However, I commend you in seeking help and acknowledging your weakness. It reveals that you are seeking to perfect those weaknesses.

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Hi there gentle people of this wonderful new forum, i just found today.

As you may be wondering about the title, i will fill you in.

Im excommunicated from the church. But i want to get re-baptized and lead a full member life again. I want to go back to the temple. I want to sit in sacrement meeting and actually feel like i belong there.

I spoke to my Bishop about this and was told that, as long as i come to church every Sunday, i should be able to get re-baptized after about 2 years.

Well its been over 2 years and im still not re-baptized.

Reason is, the job i do means im working every Sunday. Sometimes day shift, sometimes night shift. This means that i should be able to go, every 2 weeks. The problem is, when i first got the job, i wasnt used to night shift, so slept all day. Ive now got it sorted and am able to get to church once every 2 weeks. But because of the way things worked in the beginning, the church see's me as less active, and i need to go 3 weeks in a row, in order to be classed as active.

So what happens if i manage to go 3 weeks in a row? Well, i have to be active for 2 years. And that 2 years starts from scratch, everytime i become "less active", so meaning that, non of the last 2 years count towards my 2 years active. That means, that if i happen to be ill on the week im supposed to go to church and cant go, im back to being inactive and have to start from scratch again, since i missed 3 weeks in a row.

I though that i could explain this to my Bishop and to get alittle help, or to prove myself some other way, But i was told no. It has to be this way or no way.

So although i love the church and believe in it with all my heart. Im not a member and probably never will be. I hope that you can allow me to be here and participate in your discussions. I will understand, if you wish to put restrictions on me and will gladly follow them. All i want is to be is part of the church and to talk to members. As i said, i will follow any restrictions you wish to impose.

Thank you


That doesnt seem fair atall cosidering I know several people who's work requires them to work sundays or be sleeping from shifts. Yet they're not ex'ed. Seems like a double standard to me.

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That doesnt seem fair atall cosidering I know several people who's work requires them to work sundays or be sleeping from shifts. Yet they're not ex'ed. Seems like a double standard to me.

Thats not why i was ex'ed. It was adultery. Not being able to attend church is whats stopping me getting re-baptized. If people got ex'ed for not attended church, there would be no one there. ;p
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