Where and/or how are garments made?

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Im sure this has been asked a million times already, but where are garments made?

I know we buy them at the distribution centre, but were are they made. If they are made in a factory, is it only members of the church that work there or can anyone make them?

Please dont turn this into a "Mormons are a cult" thread. Im asking this, purely out of interest. I love the church, even though im ex-ed and will defend it with my last breath.

I do believe its the true church and that Joseph was a Prophet.

The reason im saying this is, that this subject seems to bring out the worst in our non-LDS brothers and sisters.

Please guys, i dont want another of my threads locked. Make fun of us, if you must, But keep it light. Thank you.

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When I was in college in Utah I applied to the Distribution Center in SLC to make garments. We saw the sewing room, so at that time (mid 1970s) they were made there. We passed all the dexterity tests, but weren't hired because we lived in Ogden, and they didn't think the winter driving would be the best for us making it to work.

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This is a great question. But this is to say that this thread will be heavily moderated to make sure everyone is respectful about the subject (also hence the title change, thanks. :)). If everyone can be respectful, great (so far, so good). If not, the thread will be quickly closed and rule violators will be penalized.

Edited by MaidservantX
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I don't understand why this thread would be closed anyway? Can someone explain to me why all threads about garments seem to get locked or deleted? I have yet to see a disrespectful post about them, with the exception of people arguing back and forth about wearing them vs. not wearing them. Or trolls making fun of them.

Sorry if i'm missing something here.

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I think we should be open to talk about them. Its no different then jews wearing the hat.

I believe that people are more open know then they use to be.

Never seen the garments but don't find anything funny to say about them. I see nothing wrong with it.

I was told you could only buy them from dist centers ? don't know how much or anything like that.

please don't take any of this the wrong way. :)

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I don't understand why this thread would be closed anyway? Can someone explain to me why all threads about garments seem to get locked or deleted? I have yet to see a disrespectful post about them, with the exception of people arguing back and forth about wearing them vs. not wearing them. Or trolls making fun of them.

Sorry if i'm missing something here.

That's exactly right. You and I agree completely.

Please talk about garments and ask questions about them (except for temple content).

But I am warning for those who may be inclined to be disrespectful. That isn't really anyone who wants knowledge, in my opinion.

It is being moderated so that people can talk about garments, not so that they can't.

Thanks for the opportunity to clarify.

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How are garments made? Well, they have these cool things called sewing machines and then they get fabric and thread.....

J/k. No really, they do have local places that make them in a variety of fabrics and sizes and only members of the church... .endowed members are involved in making them. And No, they are not to be homemade.

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I don't understand why this thread would be closed anyway? Can someone explain to me why all threads about garments seem to get locked or deleted? I have yet to see a disrespectful post about them, with the exception of people arguing back and forth about wearing them vs. not wearing them. Or trolls making fun of them.

Sorry if i'm missing something here.

Exactly. That's why we watch these kinds of subjects closely. Garments are sacred clothing and the mods are watching to make sure their discussion does not take a nasty turn with trolls or arguing about whether a temple-endowed member should wear them or not.

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Garments are only available at distribution centers, not regular clothing stores. They are indeed available in green for military members, but to get those the person must show active duty ID.

I have heard, although I am not positive about this, that there are some garments available which are general in nature so that people who would like to have extra modest under garments can buy them without needing to be endowed. They have no significance to the temple and our covenants taken there however. As I said, I am not sure if this is true but it seems I heard that at one of the distribution centers a long time ago.

I've also wondered, are the garments blessed before they are sold. Does anyone know?

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Guest Username-Removed

But keep it light.

This is the part that troubles me. Just to say it again, on my mission, there always those that tried to make "light" something that is sacred to me. It did hit a nerve which is why my post was deleted. So, rather then tell someone to leave, I will in protest for 30 days and leave myself.

See you guys in 1 month

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I have always assumed that the garments were made in Utah. I don't know if everyone who physically makes them is endowed, but maybe they are. Or maybe it's a mormon owned factory so the making of them is quick and easy.

This is the part that troubles me. Just to say it again, on my mission, there always those that tried to make "light" something that is sacred to me. It did hit a nerve which is why my post was deleted. So, rather then tell someone to leave, I will in protest for 30 days and leave myself.

See you guys in 1 month

I think what he meant was to be good natured about it instead of quick to anger or offense.

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Troll (Internet) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

I believe that durlon is a fancy way of saying someone's a tool.

Not to speak for Moksha, and I haven't been to the distrubution center recently so I don't know for sure, but I believe that durlon may be a form of synthetic fabric used in some styles of garment. Or something with a name similar to durlon. I don't believe there was any insult intended in his post. I think he was making a joke that few here 'got'.

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I have always assumed that the garments were made in Utah. I don't know if everyone who physically makes them is endowed, but maybe they are. Or maybe it's a mormon owned factory so the making of them is quick and easy.

I think what he meant was to be good natured about it instead of quick to anger or offense.

I am not sure of the above. But this is where going to the Temple frequently pays off. You can, on the very early or very late sessions, talk to the workers and even the president of the Temple itself about ALL these issues. To work in the temple in ANY capacity you must be an endowed member in good standing. Being general cleaning, food delivery or inside maintenance.

I suggest that curiosity and sacredness do not match. I think out of reverence we should avoid these matters since it serve no specific purpose other than to satisfy someone's curiosity, which in my book is not a worthwhile reason to discuss the subject.

Just my opinion.

Edited by Islander
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I don't think this question is inappropriate. Back in the olden days, you could buy them at JCPenney, but you had to embroider the sacred part yourself at home.

From LDS.org

“Where do I go to obtain or ask about the special clothing worn in the temple? May I, for instance, sew or purchase all I’ll need before I go for the first time? Where can information be obtained about the sacred clothing in terms of cost, styles available, and places it can be purchased?”

Barbara B. Smith, “Q&A: Questions and Answers,” New Era, Mar. 1977, 10

Answer/Sister Barbara B. Smith

By assignment of the First Presidency, the Relief Society is the exclusive distributor of all such clothing. This action was taken to safeguard the sacred nature of temple clothing and to make it more conveniently available to Latter-day Saints who have received or who are about to receive their endowments. Information regarding the costs and styles of all such clothing is available through the Relief Society garment distribution center nearest you or from your Relief Society garment representative. Contact your ward/branch or stake/district Relief Society president for either the location of your nearest distribution center or the name of your garment representative.

The Beehive Clothing Mills, a Church owned and operated manufacturing establishment, is the only agency authorized by the First Presidency to produce the sacred clothing. The Church has not seen fit to authorize individuals to make temple clothing for sale. Worthy individuals, however, who have received their endowments and who desire to make temple clothing for themselves or a family member may do so upon the proper authorization of the stake or mission president.

Individuals not having received their own endowments but who have received recommends to go to the temple and who desire to make their own temple clothing may do so under the direction and instruction of the stake/district Relief Society president. (May I caution you that this is not an easy project. It requires great skill and special fabrics to meet the required specifications.)

Because of the sacred nature of this clothing, members should not work on any part of it during any meeting or group gathering.

Questions regarding the care and wearing of this sacred clothing should be referred to the presiding priesthood authority in your area.

I hope this answers your questions; if not, please contact your stake/district Relief Society president.

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Durlon is a synthetic fabric. The folks at the Distribution Center will tell you it is durable and capable of wicking away moisture. :) To date, I have never called anyone a Durlon. ;)

Weird. I did a google search and all I got was info on tools and things! Hence my assumption, especially since it was said in conjuntion with troll. Learn something new every day. :D

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Durlon is a synthetic fabric. The folks at the Distribution Center will tell you it is durable and capable of wicking away moisture. :) To date, I have never called anyone a Durlon. ;)

Weird. I did a google search and all I got was info on tools and things! Hence my assumption, especially since it was said in conjuntion with troll. Learn something new every day. :lol:

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