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Thank you for your reply - I do not deserve such a reply - it has not upset me in the way you think - What has upset me is the nature of your reply. I was only making a comment- to explain both sides. You do not seem to understand that the quote I gave has upset many non-Mormons. I am not writing to engage in any arguement. People can be interested and and have a desire to understand without being anti. I am sorry if you do not feel I am genuine. If I may mention it - I am 67 years of age and spent many years teaching and your letter concerns me because you appear to be uptight -and unwilling to enter into any othe view - I do not know how you can write that your post has upset me.

I only sent a short comment.




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I have no idea why you have written to me the way you have but in reply I do not need a prophet fore I have a Saviour who is with me Hebrews 4:14-16 and the Holy Spirit (Ghost) who guides into into truth. John 14:12-15. I thought I would reply .


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And, what truth does He guide you to?

Do you ignore all the prophets and apostles mentioned in the Bible? I suppose it was a different time, but there aren't any now?

What if there was one? What if Moses were alive today? Would you follow him or would you keep trying to find the truth yourself?

Well, there IS a Moses alive today. There IS a man who God chose to speak for Him to the world, or to all who will listen. Prophets are used to being rejected and not followed. It's happened all throughout history, why should it be different today?

All I will ever ask you to do is sincerely pray to know whether or not God speaks to men today, and then read the Book of Mormon and decide for yourself. I would never ask you to take my word for it.

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The truths are those found within the Bible-Who is this Moses that is alive today? Jesus is alive today. I am not ignorant concerning the Book of Mormon.I am studying it in depth and would ask you to explain to me one teaching regarding salvation that is in the book of Mormon that is not in the Bible. Please note what I have said - in the Book of Mormon not in Doctrine and Covenants etc. You may accuse me a trying to enter into an arguement thjis is not my aim> I am interested inclarification. Have you read the book my Robert L Millet and Gerald R McDermott "Claiming Christ" Although Millet is a LDS and McDermott and evangelical Christian they are able to discuss isues without each trying to gain.points over the other. All I desrie is honest answers - I have read article 11 of Articles of Faith and understand it.


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I also admit I do have a reason for my love of discussing the Church that is personal, and thus, something I will not disclose. But I have no nefarious motives, and like I said, once you get to know me. . . well, you get the idea.

Elphaba, thank you for sharing a little bit about yourself. Being an Athiest, it's interesting that you say you love being here at a religious forum.

I believe you that you have no nefarious motives for being here but I'm sure a lot of us would love to know why. I don't think you are searching for anything, including God, so it makes me wonder. Friendship perhaps or a social connection with others or to challenge other people's beliefs? I hope we keep getting to know you and to exchange different view points.

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I have no idea why you have written to me the way you have but in reply I do not need a prophet fore I have a Saviour who is with me Hebrews 4:14-16 and the Holy Spirit (Ghost) who guides into into truth. John 14:12-15. I thought I would reply .


In Acts 21:10 we read, “And as we tarried there many days, there came down from Judaea a certain prophet, named Agabus.”

His is also mentioned in Acts 11:28. I wished we had more information about this prophet of the Lord. But it does prove to show, unless we do not believe the bible, that prophets existed after Christ was crucified. How many prophets? We do not know but it is not important. One, I think, is sufficient to know they existed. But they are sent to teach and to instruct and to call us to repentance and to keep the young members of the Lord’s church from going astray which, if you read the bible, it seemed to happen often, so often in fact that after Christ's prophets and apostles were killed the church went into an apostasy. But...that's a whole other topic.

In Amos 3:7 we read, “Surely the Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets.” He’s not going to reveal them to you or me. If you want to know those secrets you have to seek out His prophets.

If I lived in Agabus' time, should I say I do not need you for I have my Savior with me? To say you do not need prophets, even for reasons I have mentioned above, sounds disrespectful to the Lord’s servants and you probably did not mean for it to sound disrespectful. We do not put prophets of the Lord on the same level as the Savior. Certainly not.

Christ is our Savior in every meaning of the word and the greatest man to ever walk the earth. And He is the only man that can bring us unto God our Heavenly Father. He has also given us His prophets in the latter days to do the same things as was done in the past – to teach, instruct, bring us to repentance, and keep us on the straight and narrow path. Why should His children, living in these latter days, be treated any differently? I hope you will give this a lot of thought, fasting, scripture study, and prayer.

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I find the question: Why are you on an LDS message board? Overused and begging for an answer.

Why are you on a message board talking to atheists, anti-mormans and people who do not hold your beliefs?

It would be an interesting psychological profile to look at people who are here to convert others and how similar in make-up are they to those that seek out lateral dialogue with others. In sharing with others we learn about ourselves and others, our beliefs and perceptions, and tolerance/respect levels and our understanding and/or development of faith.

Anti-Morman ...well I guess they're still dialogueing if on less broad it the nemesis of the over-the-top Morman?

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I do not deny that there were prophets as you mention and that the prophetic gift is still in the church. What I was saying is that I do not need a prophet like Moses today -my needs are fulfilled in Jesus and the guidence of the Holy Ghost. That is not to deny that the Lord does use prphets like Agabus bit they do not add to the revelation of Scripture (the Bible).

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I do not deny that there were prophets as you mention and that the prophetic gift is still in the church. What I was saying is that I do not need a prophet like Moses today -my needs are fulfilled in Jesus and the guidence of the Holy Ghost. That is not to deny that the Lord does use prphets like Agabus bit they do not add to the revelation of Scripture (the Bible).

Surely you are not saying that the mind and will of the Lord is contained entirely in the bible? That He has no further information to give us therefore we need no further revelation? I wish it were that simple but it is not especially since so many people have so many different interpretation of the bible which is another reason the lord sends us his prophets.

I'm sorry but I believe the Lord has much, much more to say than what is currently revealed in the bible and to send us His prophet to properly interpret the bible. I cannot put God's knowledge in a book and say that's it, you have it all. There is no more to give you. I cannot limit God in such a manner.

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Sorry about the spelling mistakes in the last email-due to rush. Yes I am saying all we need is in the Bible. I am aware that Latter Day Saints hold a different view. I did ask you in one email to explai one teaching concerning Salvation found in the book of Mormon that is not in the Bible -still waiting for a reply. Another area in which you might be able to help me over is that of the Lord speaking through prophets today. If I am wrong please correct me- but it would appear that the mind of God can be change - that is what God has revield he can change (according to LDS teaching) like the issue concening black people to the priesthood. Is this the case?

Also could you mention what issues the Lord has spoken to his Church in the last 50 years -What has been added to the revelation since Joseph Smith and Young etc.

It is intersting to discuss things with you but I need some form of authorative statements from you - what LDS believe - my beliefs are in the Bible -(I understand Article 8) But it is only when it is correctly interpreted and the Book of Mormon is clearly explained that any discussion can take place.

I am always ready to change my mind so long as it can be seen from the Bible that i am wrong. Just what revelation do I need concerning the Salvation to be found in Jesus That is not in the Bible?

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I am not a psychologist, but I am sure one of them would find these conflicting dynamics fascinating! People engaged, compelled by an unknown drive to participate in (the forum) something they admittedly want no part of (LDS religion), they decided of their own volition to abandon or simply believe otherwise not to be true! But they spend hours literally engaged in the exchange.

I am just beside myself!!

I've written about why I'm here, Elphaba's written about why she's here -- and that's been in just the few threads I have read over the past week. My guess is that this is a pretty common question on this board.

Elphaba and I are hardly "compelled by an unknown drive to participate." We have both explained why.

What's so puzzling?

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...I did ask you in one email to explain...

Maurice, it would be really helpful for you to give a user name and not just "you" in your post. I don't think anyone knows who you are referring to when you do that. If you want to answer a post then click the button that reads "quote" and it will put the user name belonging to that post inside of your new post and this way everyone knows who's post your are replying back to.

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Sorry about the spelling mistakes in the last email-due to rush. Yes I am saying all we need is in the Bible. I am aware that Latter Day Saints hold a different view. I did ask you in one email to explai one teaching concerning Salvation found in the book of Mormon that is not in the Bible -still waiting for a reply. Another area in which you might be able to help me over is that of the Lord speaking through prophets today. If I am wrong please correct me- but it would appear that the mind of God can be change - that is what God has revield he can change (according to LDS teaching) like the issue concening black people to the priesthood. Is this the case?

Also could you mention what issues the Lord has spoken to his Church in the last 50 years -What has been added to the revelation since Joseph Smith and Young etc.

It is intersting to discuss things with you but I need some form of authorative statements from you - what LDS believe - my beliefs are in the Bible -(I understand Article 8) But it is only when it is correctly interpreted and the Book of Mormon is clearly explained that any discussion can take place.

I am always ready to change my mind so long as it can be seen from the Bible that i am wrong. Just what revelation do I need concerning the Salvation to be found in Jesus That is not in the Bible?

Would you kindly indicate the point in history you feel that Christians have actually followed the Bible during the last 2000 years and why there have been such drastic changes in traditional Christian societies since Christ, especially changes in how non-Trinitarian Christians have been treated by Bible-only-Christians that controlled laws of their society over just the last 300 years?

I would also be interested in what Bible-only-Christians have contributed to science and politics.

The Traveler

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I do not deny that there were prophets as you mention and that the prophetic gift is still in the church. What I was saying is that I do not need a prophet like Moses today -my needs are fulfilled in Jesus and the guidence of the Holy Ghost. That is not to deny that the Lord does use prphets like Agabus bit they do not add to the revelation of Scripture (the Bible).

I asked elsewhere the same question about the motivations and drives of those that come to this forum. They had no questions, they are not really interested in a genuine sense. They seem to be driven by the spirit of contention. I am not saying that your intent is such. I was just thinking out loud.

Your premise that prophets are not needed is not sustainable even from the biblical standpoint. The issue here is that you do not understand the role of the prophet in the kingdom of God. If prophets would not have been needed after Moses the Lord would not have sent any other prophet. In fact, nothing was added to the Torah after that but prophets were required or Israel would have drifted into apostasy soon after and wiped out for sure. Following you logic then ible would consist ONLY of the GTorah and you my friend would either be a Jew or a pagan since you would not have know about Christ. You can not visualize the Savior clearly from the Torah. You actually need ALL the other prophets and the Gospels to see where salvation comes from. If you were a Jew you would have rejected the Savior as a heretic just like the rest of the "smart" Pharisees that needed no more revelation and scriptures.

After the Savior revelation did not stop. The letters of the apostles and John's revelation are just examples that the word of the Lord continued to flow thru His servants. You have taken a very pharisee-like attitude. They likewise felt the Torah was the beginning and the end of revelation and the word of God. You know they were mistaken.

Knowledge and information acquisition for the sake of just gathering facts is a useless exercise. Reading the Book of Mormon will not benefit you in any way if you already decided that there is no new revelation, that there are no modern prophets, and in the remote possibility that there are. you say you do not really need them. I suggest that you may find other activities more fulfilling and productive than spending time here.

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[What do you believe? What denomination or creed do you align yourself with?

Bytor, you are correct, I have been out of line.and I apologize for my tone and and harsh words. I get frustrated as you do.

I believe in true biblical Christianity.

Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, and that its teaching is the final authority (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21). Christians believe in one God that exists in three persons, the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

Christians believe that mankind was created specifically to have a relationship with God, but that sin separates all men from God (Romans 5:12, Romans 3:23). Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ walked this earth, fully God, and yet fully man (Philippians 2:6-11), and died on the cross. Christians believe that after His death on the cross, Christ was buried, He rose again, and now lives at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for the believers forever (Hebrews 7:25). Christianity proclaims that Jesus’ death on the cross was sufficient to completely pay the sin debt owed by all men and this is what restores the broken relationship between God and man (Hebrews 9:11-14, Hebrews 10:10, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8).

In order to be saved, one must simply place his faith entirely in the finished work of Christ on the cross. If someone believes that Christ died in his own place and paid the price of his own sins, and rose again, then that person is saved. There is nothing that anyone can do to earn salvation. Nobody can be “good enough” to please God on his or her own, because all of us are sinners (Isaiah 64:6-7, Isaiah 53:6). Secondly, there is nothing more to be done, because Christ has done all the work! When He was on the cross, Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30).

Just as there is nothing one can do to earn salvation, once someone has placed his/her trust in the work of Christ on the cross, there is nothing anyone can do to lose his/her salvation either. Remember, the work was done and completed by Christ! Nothing about salvation is dependent upon the one who receives it! John 10:27-29 states “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave [them] me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [them] out of my Father's hand.”

Some may think, “This is great--once I am saved, I can do just as I please, and not lose my salvation!” But salvation is not about being free to do as one pleases. Salvation is becoming free from having to serve the old sin nature, and being free to pursue a right relationship with God. As long as believers live on this earth in their sinful bodies, there will be a constant struggle with giving in to sin. Living in sin hinders the relationship God seeks to have with mankind, and as long as one lives in sin as a believer, he will not enjoy the relationship God intended to have with him. However, Christians can have victory over the struggle with sin by studying and applying God’s Word (the Bible) in their lives, and being controlled by the Holy Spirit--that is, submitting to the Spirit’s influence and leading in everyday circumstances, and through the Spirit obeying God’s Word.

So, while many religious systems require that a person do certain things or not do certain things, Christianity is about having a relationship with God. Christianity is about believing that Christ died on the cross as payment for your own sin, and rose again. Your sin debt is paid and you can have fellowship with God. You can have victory over your sin nature and walk in fellowship and obedience with God. That is true biblical Christianity.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do " (Eph. 2:8,9).

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[What do you believe? What denomination or creed do you align yourself with?

Bytor, you are correct, I have been out of line.and I apologize for my tone and and harsh words. I get frustrated as you do.

I believe in true biblical Christianity.

Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, and that its teaching is the final authority (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21). Christians believe in one God that exists in three persons, the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ), and the Holy Spirit.

Christians believe that mankind was created specifically to have a relationship with God, but that sin separates all men from God (Romans 5:12, Romans 3:23). Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ walked this earth, fully God, and yet fully man (Philippians 2:6-11), and died on the cross. Christians believe that after His death on the cross, Christ was buried, He rose again, and now lives at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for the believers forever (Hebrews 7:25). Christianity proclaims that Jesus’ death on the cross was sufficient to completely pay the sin debt owed by all men and this is what restores the broken relationship between God and man (Hebrews 9:11-14, Hebrews 10:10, Romans 6:23, Romans 5:8).

In order to be saved, one must simply place his faith entirely in the finished work of Christ on the cross. If someone believes that Christ died in his own place and paid the price of his own sins, and rose again, then that person is saved. There is nothing that anyone can do to earn salvation. Nobody can be “good enough” to please God on his or her own, because all of us are sinners (Isaiah 64:6-7, Isaiah 53:6). Secondly, there is nothing more to be done, because Christ has done all the work! When He was on the cross, Jesus said, “It is finished” (John 19:30).

Just as there is nothing one can do to earn salvation, once someone has placed his/her trust in the work of Christ on the cross, there is nothing anyone can do to lose his/her salvation either. Remember, the work was done and completed by Christ! Nothing about salvation is dependent upon the one who receives it! John 10:27-29 states “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any [man] pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave [them] me, is greater than all; and no [man] is able to pluck [them] out of my Father's hand.”

Some may think, “This is great--once I am saved, I can do just as I please, and not lose my salvation!” But salvation is not about being free to do as one pleases. Salvation is becoming free from having to serve the old sin nature, and being free to pursue a right relationship with God. As long as believers live on this earth in their sinful bodies, there will be a constant struggle with giving in to sin. Living in sin hinders the relationship God seeks to have with mankind, and as long as one lives in sin as a believer, he will not enjoy the relationship God intended to have with him. However, Christians can have victory over the struggle with sin by studying and applying God’s Word (the Bible) in their lives, and being controlled by the Holy Spirit--that is, submitting to the Spirit’s influence and leading in everyday circumstances, and through the Spirit obeying God’s Word.

So, while many religious systems require that a person do certain things or not do certain things, Christianity is about having a relationship with God. Christianity is about believing that Christ died on the cross as payment for your own sin, and rose again. Your sin debt is paid and you can have fellowship with God. You can have victory over your sin nature and walk in fellowship and obedience with God. That is true biblical Christianity.

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do " (Eph. 2:8,9).

Ok, I believe that Christ died for me paid for my sins so I am saved, right? So now, can I go make my fortune in organized crime. I mean, my sins are covered so I may as well make it worth while. Or do I need to obey the commandments and try to be a good person. According to Christians, nothing I do will help so I may as well live it up.

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Please enlighten us to your beliefs, and what the reasons you think the lds family stopped their children playing alongside your children, i am just curious.

Everything was fine, until the question came up about if we were LDS or not..My only answer was "no we're not". Nothing else was said after that, no discussion on beliefs. The phone calls would go unanswered after my kids just saw them get home.

We were on the way to some great relationships, until that question was asked.

PrisonChaplain, said the following: [i'm torn on this. We would not likely bar our children from playing with others who had a different religion, but, yes we'd be concerned. As much as we would want our children's lights to shine, and their faith to become stronger in the light of others who do not believe, we also are parents, with a natural desire to protect. And, we know that even adults can waiver, so children deserve extra care. Add to this general truth that those living in SLC often do so because it is a place where it is safe and supportive for's not hard to believe that a few would go as far as to say, "Don't make close friends with unbelievers." I'm not even entirely sure this is completely wrong.]

I have always thought the spreading the Gospel is always directed at the unbeliever?

So, who would ever become LDS, if you you don't spread to the unbeliever according to the statement above?

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What do you believe? What denomination or creed do you align yourself with?

I believe in true biblical Christianity.

Christians believe that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God, and that its teaching is the final authority (2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21).

Hey krfords,

Christians believe all kinds of things. For example, Latter-day Saints, who are followers of Jesus Christ, believe in Christianity as practiced anciently in the New Testament as well. So, from that stand point you are in good company.

However, based on the scriptures from the Bible you provided, it cannot be established that the Bible is "the final authority". In fact, the scriptures you cited prove the opposite.

Let's start with 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

This verse is certainly not describing the Bible as the final authority. What this verse is saying, is that All scripture is given by inspiration of God. We call that revelation, and it further states that the scriptures are profitable for our salvation. Besides, the New Testament, as we have it now, did not exist at this point. So, if Paul is talking about the established scripture of their day, he is talking about the writings of the Old Testament. By your logic then, the New Testament becomes an addition to the "final authority" years later when the Christian Bible is canonized.

Let's look at the other scripture next.

Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost. (2 Peter 1:20-21)

These verses are a beautiful illustration of the need for living prophets to interpret scripture. Peter, who himself was the chosen mouthpiece of the Lord in the ancient Church, is explaining that we receive scripture by way of holy men of God, who speak as they are moved by the Spirit of prophecy, which is the Holy Ghost. He further highlights the fact that they must be interpreted by that same Spirit.

Both of these scriptures are in perfect harmony with Latter-day Saint teachings, and in no way indicate that the Christian Bible is the final authority. It indicates that God himself is the final authority. We do not worship scripture, we worship the living God, and his living Son, and we believe that the way he reveals his will to us today is through living prophets, just like he did anciently.

We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God.

We believe all that God has revealed, all that He does now reveal, and we believe that He will yet reveal many great and important things pertaining to the Kingdom of God. (Articles of Faith 1)



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I think an Anti-Mormon can actually be someone who professes to be a righteous member of The Chruch Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints yet does not live a Christ-Like life. They pick at people because they are different in someway, that is not Christ-Like IMO. I would rather stand shoulder to shoulder with someone who behaves as Christ would rather than someone who preaches tolerance yet will stab you in the back because of their own self-righteousness.

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Ok, I believe that Christ died for me paid for my sins so I am saved, right? So now, can I go make my fortune in organized crime. I mean, my sins are covered so I may as well make it worth while. Or do I need to obey the commandments and try to be a good person. According to Christians, nothing I do will help so I may as well live it up.

That's not true, we are to follow God and and to do our best to follow his commandments. That is not what saves us.

Works should be the fruit of salvation not the root of salvation.

In the D&C, murder is an unforgivable sin. In, 1 john 1:7 says, "the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all unrighteousness". Kind David murdered uriah, and Saul who became Paul in the new testament, (he wrote nearly two thirds of the new testament,) he was killing Christians.

According to the D&C, it says in 42:18 "he that kills shall not have forgiveness in this world or the world to come". In the D&C 132 26-27 reiterates the above statement.

So, why would God use a murderer (Saul who became Paul) to write more than two thirds of the new testament?

I believe he forgave him. and he will be in heaven because he was saved according to 1 John 1:7-10.

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Sorry about the spelling mistakes in the last email-due to rush. Yes I am saying all we need is in the Bible. I am aware that Latter Day Saints hold a different view. I did ask you in one email to explai one teaching concerning Salvation found in the book of Mormon that is not in the Bible -still waiting for a reply. Another area in which you might be able to help me over is that of the Lord speaking through prophets today. If I am wrong please correct me- but it would appear that the mind of God can be change - that is what God has revield he can change (according to LDS teaching) like the issue concening black people to the priesthood. Is this the case?

Also could you mention what issues the Lord has spoken to his Church in the last 50 years -What has been added to the revelation since Joseph Smith and Young etc.

It is intersting to discuss things with you but I need some form of authorative statements from you - what LDS believe - my beliefs are in the Bible -(I understand Article 8) But it is only when it is correctly interpreted and the Book of Mormon is clearly explained that any discussion can take place.

I am always ready to change my mind so long as it can be seen from the Bible that i am wrong. Just what revelation do I need concerning the Salvation to be found in Jesus That is not in the Bible?

I want to try and answer your question -- I'm not sure I will have a satisfying answer.

The Bible and the Book of Mormon authenticate each other. Russell M. Nelson (an apostle) says, "Scripture witnessess authenticate each other. This concept was explained long ago when a prophet wrote that the Book of Mormon was 'written for the intent that ye may believe [the Bible]; and if ye believe [the Bible] ye will believe [the Book of Mormon] also' (Mormon 7:9). Each book refers to the other. Each book stands as evidence that God lives and speaks to His children by revelation to His prophets. "Love for the Book of Mormon expands one's love for the Bible and vice versa. Scriptures of the Restoration do not compete with the Bible. It establishes the everlasting nature of the gospel and of the plan of happiness. The Book of Mormon restores and underscores biblical doctrines such as tithing, the temple, the Sabbath day, and the priesthood."

I used that quote because it best explains what I've come to know as being true. I also listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost to guide me and help me when temptations may confront me. I also feel the Holy Ghost comfort me in times of trouble. I also feel Heavenly Father's abounding love for me. I also know that Heavenly Father would not let us wander in the wilderness without guidance. He has always, in every dispensation, had a prophet to lead his children. These times are no different. The Book of Mormon/Bible and a living prophet today are these quides.

I teach in Sunday school (11 yr. olds) last year the teachings came from the NT, this year it is the Book of Mormon. A couple of weeks ago I was preparing a lesson (Alma 43) -- this was a time of wars between people with different beliefs (kind of like today) and the army that believed in the prophecies of Jesus Christ were led by a very righteous leader. While reading and pondering I came across verse 23, "But it came to pass, as soon as they had departed into the wilderness Moroni [the leader, captain] sent spies into the wilderness to watch their camp; and Moroni, also, knowing of the prophecies of Alma, [the prophet in those days] sent certain men unto him, desiring him that he should inquire of the Lord whither the armies of the Nephites should go to defend themselves against the Lamanites." My thought was, what would our country be like today if our leaders turned to a prophet of God and ask him to inquire on our behalf whether or not we should enter a war? More questions follow this line kept coming to mind. I don't think we would be having so much mistrust in our leaders if we knew they were following God's plan.

You have wonderful faith, I can see that, and you say you just want to know -- no problem there. I love this thread and I love seeing what people are thinking.


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I would rather stand shoulder to shoulder with someone who behaves as Christ would rather than someone who preaches tolerance yet will stab you in the back because of their own self-righteousness.

I would rather be rich than ugly. -- Jack Handey

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