Is your ward growing or shrinking


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Got to say tho over here in the UK I do think the church is growing at a very fast rate. In Leeds there is enough YSA for a singles ward (tho we probably won't split into one). The members of my ward seem to be getting bigger and not every one didn't want to hear when I used to go out with the sister missionaires :D

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growing ;)

the Missionaries and the members are doing a fantastic job over here.

but also it is going to shrink

we have been growing a lot lately and retention rate is perfect. we are getting inactive members to reactivate. but all that will cause the ward to split. and therefore it will shrink

so I may say that it is shrinking =S

not sure anymore lol

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It is growing by leaps and bounds. Three years ago they reconfigured the ward boundaries in the stake, added one more ward and moved two wards into a brand new building. Then last year they split three wards to make 4 and put the new one in the new building with the two wards.

Rumor has it that they are going to split the stake to make two stakes! Pinal County is growing so fast with new homes going up. The farm land has turned into housing developments! They figure for every 10 new homes, one will be Mormon and two will convert later on.

We have had 1,000's of homes built in the last two years!

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We live in Northern Michigan, and just started a brand new Branch in February... We started with about 20 people,meeting in our Branch President's family room... And now, 5 months later we had 47 people in Sacrament Meeting last week!! We are growing, slowly, but surely... Someday we will have a Meeting House (we now meet in a rented suite of offices)... We are excited about helping the missionaries, and have have a few investigators and inactives coming out!!

Silver Girl

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