What Do You Find Romantic?


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There is a wonderful thread from hethathathears about being hungry for romance. What I thought was so wonderful about it was that he recognized it was a problem, talked to his wife, and then fixed it.:)

Communication is very important in a relationship. What do you find romantic?

I love it when my husband comes to me for a kiss.

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My husband really likes buying me expensive jewelry. It makes him feel like THE MAN! The only problem with that is that I don't wear much and I would rather just keep the money in the bank instead of in my jewelry box. Our 2nd Christmas together he bought me a pair of diamond earrings. I was trying not to be upset when I received it because I knew we really couldn't afford it. Then I found out that he had been setting aside small amounts of money away all year to be able to afford it by Christmas. I love things like that - when he does cares how I feel and what I worry about. I never thought that my favorite gift would be diamonds, but because they symbolize his care about my worry, they're priceless.

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Now don't give away any of the Twilight books!!! I am just starting them! :)

I think the little things are romantic....especially when they are personal and mean something between the players.

There is this commercial that was so romantic to me. I will see if I can post it.....I don't know, I tend to be challenged that way, But I will give it a go.

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As you can see by my replies to this thread it doesn't take a lot of money to appear romantic.

I even like it when my hubby buys me some flowers... the kind to plant in my flowerbeds.:D I am way to practical to have the cut flowers given to me very often.

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My husband leaves me notes all over the place. mixed in with my clothes, tucked into my purse. Scattered in my memo pads and grocery list notebooks. Even tucked into the books I am reading.

I am not very good at love notes, so I bought a bunch of stickers that were brightly colored hearts. I stick them on his clothes and on his computer.

He will come up behind me when I am at the computer and blow on my hair or neck. Little puffs of breath - they really tickle. I call him my Poofman. (yeah, I know - TMI :P)

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