Okay, so after seeing the BANGS thread I have to ask...


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What in the heck should I do with my hair? I didn't want to hijack the other thread so I started a new one.

I've had it every color, every cut, i've even had a weave (I don't recommend, they hurt like crazy.)

A few months ago I had my hair cut into a very layered style. I loved it, but i'm sick of little pieces and bits hanging out all over. I'm looking for something more one length, so i've been growing it out for a while to get the shortest layers longer so I have more options when it's snipping time.

I'll take super-short, i'll take long, i'll take any color on the planet. I'm just bored and need a change. I prefer bangs, because my forehead is a little long.

Any thoughts? I'm not around females much offline, so I have no one to go to for hair advice.

I'll tell you what I really want, one of those retro 1920's bobs that have come back in. Not the inverted ones, the shorter ones with the thick, straight bang. But I don't know if my face would work or not.

Should I post pictures of my hair now or something? The pic under my screen name is old, neither myself or my hair looks like that anymore. I need help, I'm getting it cut and maybe dyed on Saturday one way or the other.

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i told my brother the other day i'm chopping all my hair off and getting a crew cut (it's currenly halfway down my back)....anyways....

i think you should post some pics so we can see what your hair currently looks like. it would definately help in the decision making process.

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In all seriousness, I would do it if I thought for a minute I could pull it off. Natalie Portman looked like a goddess bald.

I'm sorry, but women were meant to have hair on their head. Short, long, in between, hair looks much better on a woman's head than off it. And Natalie Portman being bald turned me off completely. That, and her nutty political views.

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Rachelle, When making a major change, I have always found it best to make an appointment with a really good stylist, not the "walk-in" shops, but a salon with a 'known' reputation. Before you go, look through magazines and pick out several styles that you like. Take them to your appointment, and discuss them with the stylist. They are experienced and trained to know which of those styles would best suit your face and your hair type. They will also be able to tell you the amout of time and product each style would require. (Post the picture of your new "do"...:))

Edited by Truegrits
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I'm sorry, but women were meant to have hair on their head. Short, long, in between, hair looks much better on a woman's head than off it. And Natalie Portman being bald turned me off completely. That, and her nutty political views.

I think she looked awesome, my husband and I were both envious. But whatev.

My hair looks like this now, sorry it's in B&W I couldn't find the original. I used an attachment. You can't see it, but in that picture my hair is auburn, I dyed it a few shades darker than in my avatar picture because the sun during summertime makes it a really gross orange color.

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Rachelle, When making a major change, I have always found it best to make an appointment with a really good stylist, not the "walk-in" shops, but a salon with a 'known' reputation. Before you go, look through magazines and pick out several styles that you like. Take them to your appointment, and discuss them with the stylist. They are experienced and trained to know which of those styles would best suit you face and your hair type. They will also be able to tell you the amout of time and product each style would require. (Post the picture of your new "do"...:))

I completely agree with this. I did this...cost me a lot of money, but I only used her that one time to get a professional opinion on style and color. Then I found my current hairdresser who just trimmed it (until I was ready for another style).

If there is anyone you know that has nice hair (from work, church, neighbors, family, etc.) ask them where they get it done. Then check them out. Or look on the internet/magazine for your town's best voted hair salon. They will name a few that you can call/check out. You can call to get prices and that will allow you to decide if you want to spend it then or save for it (depending on your financial situation).

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Ok, so did the hairstylist completely butcher your hair or something? You haven't responded to the prompt to show us pics. Let me help:


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Ok, so did the hairstylist completely butcher your hair or something? You haven't responded to the prompt to show us pics. Let me help:


OOOOOoooooo can I get Oohhhs and aahhhh too? I so want some.

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OOOOOoooooo can I get Oohhhs and aahhhh too? I so want some.

Ooooohhhhs, aaaahhhhhhs - but where IS your hair you cute little cookie you?

You ever read the V.I. Warshawski stories by Sara Paretsky? V.I.'s neighbor and landlord is always calling her Cookie or Doll.

Pam, you gotta get some hair or at least a hat on. You gonna catch a cold going around nekked headed.

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Ooooohhhhs, aaaahhhhhhs - but where IS your hair you cute little cookie you?

You ever read the V.I. Warshawski stories by Sara Paretsky? V.I.'s neighbor and landlord is always calling her Cookie or Doll.

Pam, you gotta get some hair or at least a hat on. You gonna catch a cold going around nekked headed.

But I like my nekked head. hahahaha

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A dear friend told me to go to a different place each month until I found the right one. I started by looking around me. Everytime I saw anyone with great hair, I asked her where she had her hair done.

Each time I made a change, I would tell the hair person my history: lack of a hair-styling gene, hair that curls when short (and not necessarily where I want curls) and frizzes when it gets longer. Almost totally white now even though I'm not quite ready for that.

I'm on my third hair dresser, and I love her. Not only does she do great color and a great cut, but she's also working with me as I try to figure out how long to go. She also gave (sold!) me some great products that have allowed me to wear my hair in styles that weren't possible years ago.

It's way too easy to stay with someone because it's easy....or because of a sense of loyalty. Getting your hair done should be all about you. If your needs aren't being met, go somewhere else.

(Do I sound like I'm doing a blurb for a fashion magazine?!?):o



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Sorry everyone, I didn't wind up changing it just yet. Just trimmed the dead ends off.

I started up work this week. It's just going to be under a hard hat ten hours a day, so i'm not too worried about it.

I still want to cut it, but maybe give it another few weeks.

Oh, now hang on....that changes EVERYTHING. Now you have to grow it out into long, luxurious locks which will flow into perfectly made curls as you slowly take off the hard hat and swing your hair.

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