What is worship & how do you worship G-d?


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Because of several posters concern about worship, should man become exalted in heaven - I thought I would start a thread about worship. This seems to be a rather broad brush with which many paint but I am not clear what they are attempting to paint. And so this discussion is now open.

What are the methods and things which make up worship?

If you would please offer your opinions. I would also like to know what elements of your worship you reserve exclusively for G-d.

Several years ago I read an article about the ancient worship of Baal and I was quite amazed and finely understood why so many in Israel thought they could worship both G-d and Baal. I see many similar reflections in modern day worship.

The other interesting facet of worship concerns the discussion or debate between the Scribes and Pharisees and Jesus. There was something about what the Pharisees and Scribes saw in the manner in which Jesus worship that convinced them that Jesus should be put to death. As we discuss worship it might be interesting to review what the criticism was – but I thought I would reserve this for later.

Also if you would indicate why and how something is worshiped. For example: If you list prayer as a method of worship please indicate what about prayer makes it worship opposed to other forms of communication that include the same elements as does prayer. Like praising someone for their good and kind efforts and praising the L-rd in prayer or other verbalizations. Thanks

The Traveler

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I don't worship G-d. I worship God.

Interesting - did you know that there is not a single ancient document of Biblical scripture that agrees with you? The ancients did not ever complete the spelling reference to G-d as an integral part of their worship. Do you believe we can learn proper and true worship from the Bible?

The Traveler

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I tend to believe that we show our love and adoration for our Heavenly Father through our actions and thoughts. "If you love me keep my commandments......" We please the Father by becoming like the Father.....not just by keeping commandments but by truly becoming like him in our heart and in our thoughts and deeds. I think that the more I feel the Spirit, the more I am asured that I am on the right track. I think that this is pure worship....

By the way G-D....God....I think it is the reverent manner in which we refer to Heavenly Father that counts.

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We have the image of men on their knees extending their arms toward heaven and falling repeatedly on their faces. Modern thinking suggests worship is limited to such activity. We assume that ancient Israel did not worship Jehovah until they entered into the tabernacle and fell on their faces.

Alma asked: 'do ye suppose that ye cannot worship God save it be in your synagogues only?' (Alma 32:10)

The truth is that the very act of building the tabernacle and making all preparations in the service of God was worship all the time. Our rise from bed, our care for our mortal tabernacle, our care for our family, all we do can be worship of our Master. The wise men that visited the Infant Jesus worshipped Him. Many worshipped our LORD while on His ministry.

The prophet Nephi teaches that we must all worship Jesus Christ, the Son of God. For he said: 'And now behold, I say unto you that the right way is to believe in Christ, and deny him not; and Christ is the Holy One of Israel; wherefore ye must bow down before him, and worship him with all your might, mind, and strength, and your whole soul; and if ye do this ye shall in nowise be cast out.' (2 Nephi 25:29)

We worship Him in our prayers, in our baptisms, in our anointings, in our temples, in our songs, in our service; we worship Him with all our might, mind, strength, and soul.

As the LORD said, we cannot serve God and mammon. (Matt. 6:24 - that is a scripture mastery this year for all you seminary students.)

When we work for money, for gain, we serve mammon and engage in idolatry. When we serve the LORD alone, we worship Him. We need not think that our worship begins and ends with sacrament meeting or an endowment session.


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Goodness, so many complicated answers. I worship God with my good works, my good thoughts, and my good words. I worship him with obedience, with giving (including the tithe). I worship him with occasional fasts, with Bible study, and with prayers of adoration. I worship him with song, both corporately (in church), and individually. I worship him with the focus and direction of my life. I worship him with my parenting, and my efforts and being a worthy husband. And, I worship him with my ever-northward pointing hope. My whole life should be a continuous outpouring of worship to my Sovereign Creator.

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I believe that "emulation is the most sincere form of worship."

So, I agree with those who have said keeping the commandments and showing good works because we love the Lord are the way we show true worship.

James 1:

27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.

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What are the methods and things which make up worship?

...what elements of your worship you reserve exclusively for G-d.

...indicate why and how something is worshiped.



The Traveler

Traveler...I enjoy the "spirit" that is always about you in the things you post about.

What are the methods and things which make up worship?

...what elements of your worship you reserve exclusively for G-d.

...indicate why and how something is worshiped.

I don't think God is really interested in us "worshipping" Him. In other words, my idea of heaven is not endlessly singing praises to His name in a heavenly chorus.

God wants equals, not subordinates or mindless slaves.

He is trying to bring us to where He is. We express our willingness to let Him do that throuh our obedience. In the act of obedience, willingness to be changed is expressed!! God then adds His power and makes the obedience efficacious! Alone, our obedience holds no value. God makes it valuable.

The best way to worship God is to seek His will and follow it.

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In other words, my idea of heaven is not endlessly singing praises to His name in a heavenly chorus.

Very good insight, Tom... as usual.

That would be akin to having our children always live with us and telling us how good of parents we are.

From that angle, it even sounds like an oxymoron.

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In other words, my idea of heaven is not endlessly singing praises to His name in a heavenly chorus.

Very good insight, Tom... as usual. That would be akin to having our children always live with us and telling us how good of parents we are.

From that angle, it even sounds like an oxymoron.

While it is true that we will do much more than sing praises to our God, I do believe that we will indeed sing praises to God, throughout eternity.

And throughout eternity I'm going to praise Him

And I'll worship Him throughout eternity!

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This is true.

However, with everything They have done for us, singing them songs of praise seems like very little in return. We sing songs of praise now. But, I don't believe simply singing a song constitues worship, regardless of the words or tune.

In that scripture you posted, I don't believe "praise Him" and "worship Him throughout eternity" were intended to be the same things. I think it is implied that they are very different things.

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Praise can be worship, but worship can be wrought in ways other than singing. I am just unwilling to minimize the roll of singing, from the earliest books of the Old Testament and through much of Revelation--God has always find singing an acceptable offering of worship. There is something about it...done right, singing can unite the body, soul and spirit.

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Praise can be worship, but worship can be wrought in ways other than singing. I am just unwilling to minimize the roll of singing, from the earliest books of the Old Testament and through much of Revelation--God has always find singing an acceptable offering of worship. There is something about it...done right, singing can unite the body, soul and spirit.

PC, When we met in SLC, I seriously thought of asking you to talk in tongues, if it were possible.

Okay, I'm teasing, though I might have asked just to see if you would do it. :P

I don't mean to be offensive if I am, but I find it fascinating that you do that in your worship, and, atheist that I am, I agree with you about the singing. When I was a member, singing hymns had a physical effect on me. I've always had a lot of anxieties, even when in my early 20s, and I remember a number of times singing the hymns, and feeling noticebly calmer.


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I thank all that have responded to worship. There are many thoughts that I have pondered. It appears to me that my understanding of what constitutes the worship of G-d is quite different than most of the expressions thus far. Please understand that I do not mean to be critical but to add my belief and understanding to what has been discussed. I believe that there are two great pillars that define true worship of G-d and that without these two great pillars, worship is incomplete and of little benefit or value.

The first pillar of true worship of G-d is covenant. We learn from scripture that those that worship the true and living G-d are called “The Children of covenant”. Without covenant all the things we may think of as tokens of our relationship with G-d and the worship of him are temporary and an illusion and are not true worship of the living G-d. In the most simple of terms worship without covenant is worthless tokens of false teachings. I am sorry but without covenant your hope is vein. It is by covenant that the Name of G-d is properly taken and used in worship. Taking the name of G-d or referencing G-d without covenant is one of the definitions of using the name of G-d in vein.

So that we can better understand our covenant relationship with G-d so that our worship is not vein we are given a most interesting type to learn and develop a covenantal relationship with G-d. The type of worshiping G-d by covenant is marriage. Marriage according to G-d is the type of covenant we must enter into with him before we can participate in real and beneficial worship. Marriage then is a vital part of our covenant with G-d. It has become very popular to claim a personal relationship with G-d but that is not exactly the manner in which G-d deals with his children. The relationship of importance is a covenant relationship with the L-rd – again the example of such a relationship is the marriage covenant relationship. I would ask at this point – How does G-d feel about a marriage that is not a covenant that he recognizes? The term used anciently is adultery. The short version – is that any covenant that is not authorized by G-d will end when one dies. All covenants that are approved by G-d will continue throughout all time and eternity without end.

The second pillar of true worship of G-d is love. Jesus taught that there is a connection to loving and serving G-d and loving our neighbor which is all mankind. This idea of loving mankind as a type of worship of G-d was taught by Jesus on many occasions. Thus we know that loving our neighbor is not removed from loving G-d and is part of the covenant true worshipers’ experience. It is not just loving G-d but having G-dly or G-d like love. Again it is vain to claim to worship the true and living G-d and lack G-dly or G-d like love. Even the fallen angles recognize G-d but refuse his love (as well as covenant) and the love of their neighbors thus their worship (recognition of G-d) is worthless and in vein.

The symbolism of love has 4 parts: 1.Heart 2.Might 3.Mind 4.Strength. I leave it as an exercise to the reader to break down these symbols and apply them to love.

The Traveler

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First of all, Traveler, you sure this thread isn't completely directed at me???? (teasing poke)

Just kidding. I actually think it is a great topic considering that I am still trying to master the art of "worshipping".

For me, I suppose I would agree with what others have stated. I think I would add obedience as a form of worship. When Father says Go to Niniva....I go to Niniva! Kwim?

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First of all, Traveler, you sure this thread isn't completely directed at me???? (teasing poke)

Just kidding. I actually think it is a great topic considering that I am still trying to master the art of "worshipping".

For me, I suppose I would agree with what others have stated. I think I would add obedience as a form of worship. When Father says Go to Niniva....I go to Niniva! Kwim?

I am not trying to take away from anyone but I am attempting to communicate the importance of covenants. See D&D 132:7-12.

The Traveler

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I worship God the Father, and His Son Jesus Christ. And how I worship, is by the Spirit. President Benson taught:

“If there is one message I have repeated to my brethren of the Twelve, it is that it’s the Spirit that counts. It is the Spirit that matters. I do not know how often I have said this, but I never tire of saying it—it is the Spirit that matters most” (mission presidents’ seminar, 3 Apr. 1985).

I find that anytime I listen to voice of the Spirit and act accordingly, that I feel intune with God and in harmony with His will. Whether I am on my knees, praying to the Father, serving in my callings faithfully, being a good husband or father, or helping my neighbors, it is the same. I believe we are to live our lives in such a way, that the Holy Ghost can dwell in us and teach us the way. This is what I consider true worship. The Spirit of God will teach us and remind us of the words of God. The Lord Jesus Christ taught:

But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. (John 14:26)

I believe in God the Eternal Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior, and by following his Gospel, I believe that I can return back to the presence God, with my family, and dwell in eternal glory forever. I thank Heavenly Father for authoring the plan of salvation, and Jesus Christ for making it possible, thus authoring our salvation. I love the words of President Hinckley, from one of his last messages to us.

He is the chief cornerstone of the Church that bears His name, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There is no other name given among men whereby we can be saved (see Acts 4:12). He is the Author of our salvation, the Giver of eternal life (see Hebrews 5:9). There is none to equal Him. There never has been. There never will be. Thanks be to God for the gift of His Beloved Son, who gave His life that we might live and who is the chief, immovable cornerstone of our faith and His Church.

We know not all that lies ahead of us. We live in a world of uncertainty. For some, there will be great accomplishment. For others, disappointment. For some, much of rejoicing and gladness, good health, and gracious living. For others, perhaps sickness and a measure of sorrow. We do not know. But one thing we do know. Like the Polar Star in the heavens, regardless of what the future holds, there stands the Redeemer of the world, the Son of God, certain and sure as the anchor of our immortal lives. He is the rock of our salvation, our strength, our comfort, the very focus of our faith.

In sunshine and in shadow we look to Him, and He is there to assure and smile upon us.

He is the central focus of our worship. He is the Son of the living God, the Firstborn of the Father, the Only Begotten in the flesh. He is “risen from the dead, … the firstfruits of them that slept” (1 Corinthians 15:20). He is the Lord who shall come again “to reign on the earth over his people” (D&C 76:63; see also Micah 4:7; Revelation 11:15).

None so great has ever walked the earth. None other has made a comparable sacrifice or granted a comparable blessing. He is the Savior and the Redeemer of the world. I believe in Him. I declare His divinity without equivocation or compromise. I love Him. I speak the name of Jesus Christ in reverence and wonder. He is our King, our Lord, our Master, the living Christ, who stands on the right hand of His Father. He lives! He lives, resplendent and wonderful, the living Son of the living God. (LDS.org - Liahona Article - We Testify of Jesus Christ)



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Praise can be worship, but worship can be wrought in ways other than singing. I am just unwilling to minimize the roll of singing, from the earliest books of the Old Testament and through much of Revelation--God has always find singing an acceptable offering of worship. There is something about it...done right, singing can unite the body, soul and spirit.

I am not trying to minimize the value of a good song. I love music and sing hymns often. I think singing hymns does far more for me than it does for Him.

True worship? Now that can only be done by following the example of the One you worship. Singing notithstanding, keeping His commandments: give to the poor, visit the widows, teach His Gospel, etc. are all things we can do to show true love, devotion, and worship.

I'm sure it wouldn't hurt if you sang as you did them. ;)

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This is true.

However, with everything They have done for us, singing them songs of praise seems like very little in return. We sing songs of praise now. But, I don't believe simply singing a song constitues worship, regardless of the words or tune.

In that scripture you posted, I don't believe "praise Him" and "worship Him throughout eternity" were intended to be the same things. I think it is implied that they are very different things.

Thanks Justice. I agree!

8 And being thus overcome with the Spirit, he was carried away in a vision, even that he saw the heavens open, and he thought he saw God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels in the attitude of singing and praising their God.

22 Yea, methought I saw, even as our father Lehi saw, God sitting upon his throne, surrounded with numberless concourses of angels, in the attitude of singing and praising their God; yea, and my soul did long to be there.

Whenever we see phrases like this repeated over and over again in scripture, an alarm should go off inside our heads.

"...in the attitude of..."

"...in the attitude of..."

When something is in the "attitude of" doing something -- it is a metaphor. It is not literal. It is symbolic of something.

"...God sitting upon his throne..."

"...God sitting upon his throne..."

Only a fool would imagine that God sits in some sort of "throne" all day long. He up and about. He is actively involved in our lives, as any good Father would be.

I wish I had this book with me. Essentially what it says is that "endlessly singing praises unto God" is a metaphor for the devotional feeling we feel. Our hearts will sing (inside) with deep and abiding gratitude for what God has given us! We won't literally be singing, except when appropriate. We certainly won't be singing 24 hours a day!

Edited by tomk
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Because of several posters concern about worship, should man become exalted in heaven - I thought I would start a thread about worship. This seems to be a rather broad brush with which many paint but I am not clear what they are attempting to paint. And so this discussion is now open.

What are the methods and things which make up worship?

If you would please offer your opinions. I would also like to know what elements of your worship you reserve exclusively for G-d.

Several years ago I read an article about the ancient worship of Baal and I was quite amazed and finely understood why so many in Israel thought they could worship both G-d and Baal. I see many similar reflections in modern day worship.

The other interesting facet of worship concerns the discussion or debate between the Scribes and Pharisees and Jesus. There was something about what the Pharisees and Scribes saw in the manner in which Jesus worship that convinced them that Jesus should be put to death. As we discuss worship it might be interesting to review what the criticism was – but I thought I would reserve this for later.

Also if you would indicate why and how something is worshiped. For example: If you list prayer as a method of worship please indicate what about prayer makes it worship opposed to other forms of communication that include the same elements as does prayer. Like praising someone for their good and kind efforts and praising the L-rd in prayer or other verbalizations. Thanks

The Traveler

I do worship fast cars…as my wife tells me. I can attest, I do love and worship my FATHER and my elder Brother - Jesus the Christ. It in a sense is no different than Baal worshiping. If I could diagnosis this answer, it is how much of our daily activity we devote to that desire. We had prophets in the past that love the world and yet, love GOD. Even modern day prophets have worldly interests but what amount of time do we give that interest? Do you remember that prophet in which I speak of [hint: Elisha mentor]? Yet, he processed that power of a prophet and over the elements of the earth.

What is truly worship itself is at the very core of our spirit.

Edited by Hemidakota
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