Extraterrestrials, visits, and UFO phenomena


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OK, this is going to sound weird.

There are two dreams I remember from my early childhood. The second one was when I was eight years old, just shortly after my mother died. That is not the one I am about to discuss here.

The first dream I remember was much earlier than my eighth year, but I do not know exactly how much earlier. I think, somehow it applies to this thread, so here goes....

I am standing in a sunlit field, full of green grass and multi-colored flowers. I am a child and I am afraid. Before me is a forest, deep and dark and foreboding. I am being told by two beings behind me that I must enter the forest. The two beings behind me are a man and a woman, both in silver metallic suits, spacesuits I would call them today but then I was very young and had no idea of what a spacesuit might look like. They are standing in front of a large oval spaceship, also silver, and again I would not have known then what such a spaceship might look like. The ship stands on slender legs and a series of stairs extends to the ground from an opening in the ship. I do not want to go into the forest. I do not want to leave the man and the woman behind me, but they urge me on and I know I must go. I know I will not see them again, at least not for a very long time.

End of dream.

OK, you all put the phones down and stop calling your psychiatrists friends. :eek:

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Chaplain, your statement is egotistical and rather limited in understanding as to our Father's plan and the vastness of the universe. It reminds me of the Catholic church and its opposition to the teachings of Galilleo and Copernicus, the Church insisting that the univerise was built for man alone and that all things revolved around the earth.

Moses 1:33 "And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten."

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I just can't believe in UFOs from other planets. Yes, I believe there is life on other planets. That would be crazy to think ours was the only one of billions of planets that has life on it. The distance to the closest star, however, is so incredibly far that I just don't see interplanetary travel being possible. No vehicle could exceed the speed of light with all the vast amount of resources it would need to still travel that far. Wormholes? Right, that's just dreaming up some possible way and is wishful thinking.

That's not to say that I don't love sci-fi movies and books, but they are just FICTION.

OK, I don't believe in god either, but one thing has always bothered me. Why are we the only sentient species on Earth. It seems like there should really be more than one that has evolved. JMHO

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I should correct my last post. Interplanetary travel is possible, but I have serious doubts about interstellar travel. The closest star is Proxima Centauri at 4.2 light-years away, but who knows if it even has livable planets around it? The fastest spacecraft we have sent yet has only gone like 1/500th of a light-year. I know there can be improvements in space travel like nuclear pulse engines and magnetic sails and more, but I just think it is so far-fetched. The only possible way is generational ships where the descendants of the original ship passengers would arrive at a planet, but that would be so risky. There is life out there, but I'll bet it is spread pretty thin. I hope I'm wrong, though. Space travel would be so cool. I'm just a cynic.

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Chaplain, your statement is egotistical and rather limited in understanding as to our Father's plan and the vastness of the universe. It reminds me of the Catholic church and its opposition to the teachings of Galilleo and Copernicus, the Church insisting that the univerise was built for man alone and that all things revolved around the earth.

Moses 1:33 "And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten."

If I had a testimony of that passage, I wouldn't be egotistical, I suppose I'd be heretical. However, limited as I am to the Holy Bible, and seeing nothing in science to dissuade me, I would suggest my opinion is not arrogant, but grateful to God.

Common sense tells me that if there is another species in the universe, and they reach us, they can do with us and our world as they will. The technological advancement required for such travel would be so far beyond us that we would be doomed to subservience. I don't see God letting that happen to us.

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Why do you see space travelers as "demonic"? Why do you think that "...we would be doomed to subservience"? That is negative thinking. I would think that a man of God, even one limited to the Bible, would be a positive thinker. Why not consider that because such creatures (we humans are creatures in that we are creations of God) are advanced that they have also learned to be kind in the truest sense? Having a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) as Paul H. Dunn was fond of saying is an attribute of one who believes.

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I think I've said this to you guys before, but I don't believe in aliens (except the ones that cross the boarder:D), but I definatley believe in things unexplainable. I want to go to Loch Ness so bad, but you wont find me swimming in the water. I dont think I'd even go out on a boat. Actually I would. I wouldnt go all they way there and just look at the water, but I'd be freaked out the whole time. There's no doubt in my mind Nessie's there. I think its arrogant (sp?) for us (especially scientist) to assume we know it all or to think we can figure everything out on our own. We will only know it all when the Lord chooses to reveal it all.

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Why do you see space travelers as "demonic"? Why do you think that "...we would be doomed to subservience"? That is negative thinking. I would think that a man of God, even one limited to the Bible, would be a positive thinker. Why not consider that because such creatures (we humans are creatures in that we are creations of God) are advanced that they have also learned to be kind in the truest sense? Having a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) as Paul H. Dunn was fond of saying is an attribute of one who believes.

I just figured how I could modify my theory to fit LDS teaching...IMHO, even if there are countless other worlds, our Heavenly Father will likely shield us from interaction with them, because, again, the technology they would have to have to reach us would make them godlike to us, and truly muddle the theological waters. As to why I would think any beings who do show up may be demonic--it's because any such emmissaries would likely carry a non-Christian message..."God? What God? We've never seen him--well, we have our own pantheon...or whatever...."

BTW, men of God are not optimist, but simply faith-full--full of our faith in God, and faithful to him. Him...not "them"--whatever they are.:cool:

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just figured how I could modify my theory to fit LDS teaching...IMHO, even if there are countless other worlds, our Heavenly Father will likely shield us from interaction with them, because, again, the technology they would have to have to reach us would make them godlike to us, and truly muddle the theological waters. As to why I would think any beings who do show up may be demonic--it's because any such emmissaries would likely carry a non-Christian message..."God? What God? We've never seen him--well, we have our own pantheon...or whatever...."

BTW, men of God are not optimist, but simply faith-full--full of our faith in God, and faithful to him. Him...not "them"--whatever they are.:cool:

I think that is true, that if we suddenly had verifiable evidence that we are not alone in the universe, and that these people were so technologically advanced, it would throw a huge wrench into the faith of a lot of people.

But I also believe that such a technological advanced race could only be, overall, a benevolent race, otherwise, they'd have destroyed each other with there technology, as we threaten to do to ourselves with our limited technology. I think such advancements could only be made by an extremely cooperative society. The distractions of war, crime and other immoralities, would prevent a race from ever achieving so much, so they'd have to be benevolent.

However, I think Heavenly Father put all that distance between us and His other creations for a reason, and I don't think Heavenly Father's plan for any of his worlds would be to let them get so advanced because that would take a millennium of millenniums, and if the other worlds have a life expectancy anything like ours, that'd be ony 7000 years, give or take a few thousand.

fun to speculate though.

Edited by richlittell
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So I've been watching a documentary on the Phoenix Lights and I don't think I can draw a conclusion either way.

This reminds me of an experience I had as a young man (healthy athlete, NOT on drugs).

I was driving home one day out in the country when this gigantic oval light swooped down over the lake in our area (in daylight). It had the color of the sun. The lake is huge, fifteen miles long and I suppose 1-4 miles across at certain points. At any rate, I was myself about 8 miles out from the lake driving towards it on open country road. This light came into view at lightening speed, but not so fast that I couldn't see it coming into view, the speed of a meteor if you've ever seen one at night (compare that to watching a jet airliner slowly traverse the sky with it's trail of vapor).

But what was amazing is not the speed at which it was moving but the speed at which it stopped over the lake. I mean, no slowing down, just an immediate stop, it hovered for just a few seconds and then broke out into five equally sized ovals and they all went off into different directions. Not down, as would a meteor exploding, but up and away in five different directions. I've often tried to guess, based on my position to the lake, but this thing had to have been the size of at least several Superdomes put together, (ever see the dome from a mile out? It wouldn't impress you if you saw what I did). I can also tell you that we have no such known technology in this world today.

I stated earlier that while I believe in other worlds that none would have the technology to get here, but here's the thing. What did I see? You can disbelieve me, but in similar words to Joseph Smith's, I saw it and God knows I saw it, and I cannot deny it.

Was it a host of angels beaming down on a mission? Maybe space travel is open to some other race as long as they don't interfere in God's plan for this earth? I don't know, your guess is as good as mine.

Oh, and I searched the papers and listened to the news, no one reported the thing, maybe no one else saw it, or maybe they, like me, didn't want people to think they were hallucinating.

Edited by richlittell
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Chaplain has brought up a good point:

>>>even if there are countless other worlds, our Heavenly Father will likely shield us from interaction with them, because, again, the technology they would have to have to reach us would make them godlike to us, and truly muddle the theological waters.<<<

This came up in one of my theology classes (D&C) at BYU. This is our world. Can others visit? Why not, but, Father has put this World under our stewardship. "They" keep their hands off. Lois L'More mentioned this in "Education of Wandering Man" that if an "outside" race contacted us it would cause utter chaos. It would make our science moot, break down our social values, and destroy our religious beliefs.


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I've never had an experience myself but I've read about normal every day people having them. I carry a camera in my truck everyday just in case ^_^

I believe you were one of the few privileged to witness something cool. I know its nuts but I told my wife once...if an alien were to contact me directly...I'd probably go as long as they brought me back within the same week and didnt do any probing :lol:

I created a group not sure if i should leave it private but i did that so not just anyone wanders into a thread and says that its actual church doctrine ....

Its called Beyond Earth and its under entertainment.

This reminds me of an experience I had as a young man (healthy athlete, NOT on drugs).


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