Mutual Ideas!


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Hey! I'm new to the site, but I've been floating for a while, and I was surprised not to find a thread about your best ideas for mutual, or mutual dos and don'ts. I'm class president in my YW class, and, quite honestly, we've run our ideas dry. We've been reverting back to "boring" activities, like art night, etc., and tried to make them fun. We have a fairly large class of 15-20, and with such a wide variety of interests it's hard to accomodate for everyone's likes and dislikes. As a presidency, we have basically decided that as long as we vary our activites, since not everyone's going to like everything, the best thing we can do is to include everyone, regardless of the activity itself. We've also decided that although reverent nights are important on occassion, the main thing, especially with our girls, is to help relax everyone around each other by having fun.

What unusual and fun activites have you done? What would you do differently next time? What really made the activity great?

Please feel free to voice ideas regardless of the size of group, weather, or other circumstances. We have such a huge diversity on here, your idea will be sure to help someone!

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  • 1 year later...

Hey! I'm new to the site, but I've been floating for a while, and I was surprised not to find a thread about your best ideas for mutual, or mutual dos and don'ts. I'm class president in my YW class, and, quite honestly, we've run our ideas dry. We've been reverting back to "boring" activities, like art night, etc., and tried to make them fun. We have a fairly large class of 15-20, and with such a wide variety of interests it's hard to accomodate for everyone's likes and dislikes. As a presidency, we have basically decided that as long as we vary our activites, since not everyone's going to like everything, the best thing we can do is to include everyone, regardless of the activity itself. We've also decided that although reverent nights are important on occassion, the main thing, especially with our girls, is to help relax everyone around each other by having fun.

What unusual and fun activites have you done? What would you do differently next time? What really made the activity great?

Please feel free to voice ideas regardless of the size of group, weather, or other circumstances. We have such a huge diversity on here, your idea will be sure to help someone!

When I was a youth we did a role swap where the girls did something traditionally guy like change a car tire (because the YW did not need a man to do this for them) and the guys learned to sew and iron (because we would need to know on a mission). Then we had a competition. I thought it was fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

One of the funnest mutuals I've done was human fouse ball. We had tape on the ground to show where the lines were and we had to stay on them. Someone brought long pieces of pcv pipe and we had to hold onto it. There were about three row on each side. We used a bouncy ball so no one would get hurt. On the far wall they taped a box to show where the goal was.

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I understand that what ends up the MOST fun- is actually doing REALLY needed service.

I heard of one group who on mutual night planned different services for others (they had ideas from the Rel Soc President and Bishop)

and one group went to a nursing home and asked the residents what they wished they had someone do for them- so some wrote letters for the residents, gave manicures to the ladies, and pedicures for the men, and some just listened, and wrote down for them things they wished others knew about them- some made little "about me" papers- to post above their beds- so the workers would see them more as people than as patients etc.

some just went and visited shut ins (got permission and appointments ahead of time.

I think when we do service for others (with our peers) that it is a win/win. :)

painting fences etc is sure fun too- and so can even chopping wood be fun! Gramajane

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  • 1 year later...

With the human fooseball...did you have goalies? Sounds like an awesome activity!

We did it a few years ago. We had goolies :) We used either plastic piping or swimming noodles. Everyone had to hold it and we couldn't 'move."

It went okay....I remember i got hit in the face with the ball :eek: My 12 yr old self was very embarrassed.

We also did glow in the dark volleyball a few weeks ago. It was very fun :)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest mark01234

Involve Other Adults in Mutual Nights

Between Sunday meetings and weekly activities, Latter-day Saint young women hear from their leaders frequently. It can be refreshing to see a new face, and hearing the same gospel message come from others strengthens their testimonies.

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Involve Other Adults in Mutual Nights

Between Sunday meetings and weekly activities, Latter-day Saint young women hear from their leaders frequently. It can be refreshing to see a new face, and hearing the same gospel message come from others strengthens their testimonies.

Again, an unsourced copy-paste job. This time from suite101 website.

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  • 2 months later...

:-D I like this topic. My YW group is epic, so we have plenty of ideas you can do:

-Do baptisms for the dead

-Give someone a heart attack--This is when you choose a few people in your ward, make them a treat (cookies, brownies, etc.) and cut out a whole bunch of paper hearts with colored paper. Tape the paper to the chosen person's door and leave the treat on the porch. Then doorbell ditch them. It was so fun to see the reactions we got, apparently we made several peoples' day.

-Do Yoga or Zumba (my ward's done both--it's a blast!)

-Teach several beauty tips, such as "how to take care of/style your hair" "skin types" "the best way to put on makeup" "how to to trim your eyebrows" "Healthy eating", and of course, "you're beautiful just the way you are, you don't need any of this"

-Learn Palmistry

-Drive-in movie...this might take some specialization. People in my ward happen to have projectors and giant screens.

-To rapelling (reverse rock-climbing--super fun)


-If some of the members of your group or even of the entire ward are in a concert or play, go see it and support them.

-Go to a sporting event


-become certified in CPR

hope this helps.

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Guest jackymark001

Mutual Funds are a boon to the common man who wants to invest in the equity markets but does not have the time or the knowledge to make a profit out of picking the right stocks. But, not all mutual funds are making profits. There have been funds that have performed miserably eroding the investments of the investor who trusted them. So, the onus is now on choosing the right fund which is going to give you a profit. Afterall, that is all we want right? Our money to earn more money for us…

Well, this article is about giving you 7 ideas that would help you choose the right mutual fund for your portfolio…

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  • 1 month later...

Tonight we are having a water slide:). But some things that we have done in the past: Swimming, Pie eating contest on PI day (Lots of fun... but of course the activity was on the actually PI day and you had to answer a question about math and every time you got one right you had to eat a piece of pie), Whose Line Is It Anyway?, Skits, Family Feud (With Gospel questions), Fear Factor, service projects (Usually clean the church inside and out but we have also cleaned up a members house after a tree fell down in there yard after a big storm). Many many more. Last week we also made a video that we are going to have playing at our Youth Conference.

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I am the YW Personal Progress Specialist in my ward and for our July activity, we are going to do a Poker Run. It works like this: everyone is divided into groups of 5-6 and will be riding their bikes/scooters/walking around town. Each person is given a scorecard and a map of the route (which is about 5 miles long). There are 5 stations placed at intervals along the route. At each station, the girls draw a card out of a hat and write on their scorecard what they got. They also play a simple game (like pitching horseshoes or lawn darts, Minute To Win It games, etc.) and write that score on the scorecard. The object is to, after going to all five stations, either draw a winning poker hand or get the highest scores on the games. Prizes are awarded to the best poker hand and the highest scores at each of the games.

To modify for church use, we are using PP cards like Value Project Completed, Required Value Experiences Completed, Additional Value Experiences Completed, I Haven't Started Yet, and What's Personal Progress? Never Heard Of It. They must get as many Value Project Completed cards as they can to have a winning "poker" hand.

Or you could do a small service project at each station instead of the games. You can also substitute different skills for the games, like ironing a shirt, sewing on a button, frosting a cupcake, or basic first aid. You can modify this many different ways.

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  • 7 months later...

Recently our YM made their own pingpong table (we are in a VERY small branch, so not sure if this is something that automatically comes with a ward with a gym) But the kids had a blast playing it.

Also something they really love for combined (mutual) was Minute to Win It.. a minute to do certain tasks

(ex. pingpong balls thrown in trash cans, stacking ding dongs on forehead, putting uncooked spaghetti in your mouth and trying to thread it in pasta without your hands.. the most wins.. ect endless possibilities.) loads of fun, and fairly cheap, i think the most we spend on is for the prices (usually at the dollar store)

Once we met at a members house with a bunch of laptops and did family history work, made sure everyone had an account to get some of their family history done.

Just my 2 cents :)

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  • 3 months later...
Guest Denzel
Posted (edited) · Hidden

Someone introduced lengthy parts of pcv tube and we had to carry onto it. There were about three row on each part. We used a springy tennis ball so no one would get harm. On the far walls they recorded a box to demonstrate where the objective was.

Edited by Denzel
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  • 4 months later...
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