Look like a Mormon?


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Ok, so today I was told I looked like a Mormon for the fifth time. 3 of the people who said this were Mormon, the other two were not. No, I was not wearing a white shirt or a tie. So I asked my roomate's Mormon girlfriend, and she said "Yeah, you do." Huh? What does a Mormon look like?

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When I first started as a chaplain I got that...an LDS missionary, no less! Something about the short-sleeved white dress shirt/tie with a name tag in my shirt pocket...plus being white, relatively young at the time (or young looking)...LOL.

On the other hand...I'm surprised the rather frequent coffee stains on those white shirts were not a disqualification. LOL

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Clean cut, often smiling, friendly, outgoing, a clean vocabulary? Not that Mormons have an exclusive claim to that type of personality or image (trust me, I know plenty who aren't and I certainly don't walk around BEAMING all day), but that's the type of person I'd look at and think, "I wonder if they're LDS..."

Does that sound like you?

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Clean cut, often smiling, friendly, outgoing, a clean vocabulary?

I've never considered myself or my hair style clean cut. Not outwardly friendly but I don’t think I'm a jerk. Not really outgoing. I don’t' use foul language anymore. I guess these are some of the reasons why I've not testified yet in my short time in the church - if I get up there and testify will others say - he's not one of use Saints, he's an embarrassment to us!

Although, the Bishop asked me to give the opening prayer and I did and have been asked twice more to give it. Also given the opening prayer in the Elders Quorum.

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If someone told me I looked like a mormon I'd probably get offended.

I don't have enough hair to have Utah hair.

Ah, but Moe, not having enough hair IS the guy version of Utah hair. You know that a guy didn't work hard enough on his mission if his forehead didn't grow an inch by the time he got home. :D

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if I get up there and testify will others say - he's not one of use Saints, he's an embarrassment to us!

I would certainly hope not HG, and if anyone did, they'd be very much in the wrong for doing so. The only real image that we should worry about in the church is whether or not we are Christ like. We should all be striving to do our best and cutting each other slack along the way.

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Clean cut, often smiling, friendly, outgoing, a clean vocabulary? Not that Mormons have an exclusive claim to that type of personality or image (trust me, I know plenty who aren't and I certainly don't walk around BEAMING all day), but that's the type of person I'd look at and think, "I wonder if they're LDS..."

Does that sound like you?

Maybe. Though those seem to be the traits that most Christians should have. The funny thing is that no one who didn't know me thought I was Catholic or Protestant, or just thought I was a Christian. They all said Mormon. One of them even said I "didn't look Catholic!" I guess I wasn't wearing my giant Crucifix, or an Our Lady of Guadalupe tattoo.:) Guess the LDS have a good reputation.

I also was not eating Jello.

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Guest SisterofJared

Fiannan, the picture looked like two women to me.

I think you often see "mormon" in someone's countenance. Maybe you're a "glower." Sometimes it flat comes through. I have also know people of many other religions who radiate. But I think the tendency is to identify that countenance with your own church in our case, other Christians tend to identify it with being a Christian, because they usually feel that different denominations are like wearing a different shirt... So they will say, "I can tell you're a Christian." We tend to think they're LDS.

I think it's a wonderful compliment.... if they think you're Mormon or if they think you're Christian.

Sister of Jared

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I think you often see "mormon" in someone's countenance. Maybe you're a "glower." Sometimes it flat comes through. I have also know people of many other religions who radiate.

Hey! I am not a Christian, but I am a glower! I am the epitome of "glow"!

In fact, I glow so much that if there really is a heaven, Heavenly Father would be wearing shades in my presence. :cool:

Of course, this is becase I practically look albino and never, ever, tan. But "glow" is "glow," right? :P

But I think the tendency is to identify that countenance with your own church in our case. . . ."

So what is the countenance of a non-Christian?


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call it coincidence, call it divine inspiration, but I had a HUGE jello stockpile long before I became a Mormon

We use the word foreordination in place of predestination. The Jell-O was but a sign of that foreordination.

Did you know you can say poe-tay-toe or poh-tah-toe, but Jell-O is only pronounced one way? Talk about proof of it all being true!

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