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Hey there, everyone!

I've been meaning to join an LDS forum for quite some time now (actually, I'm an inactive member of LDS Authors, but that doesn't count), and I figured now's a good time to do so.

A bit about me:

I'm an active member of the church. My current calling is to help teach CTR5 in primary. I'm twenty years of age, and am currently waiting for my mission call. This would actually be my second time sending in my papers. The first time around, they were sent back to me because I weighed too much and I need to undergo physical training and diet until I reached their minimum goal they set for me.

So here I am, almost a year and minus sixty pounds later, waiting for my mission call again. Actions speak louder than words, so this huge achievement, and I know Heavenly Father helped me loads in this, only evermore solidifies my testimony of the church, Christ, Joseph Smith, and the restored gospel. The Lord wants for me to be first and foremost a missionary, and His help through this ordeal only seals that fact.

It's been two weeks this past Wednesday since my papers were sent back in, so my eagerness increases with every passing day as I await my call. This site will hopefully both help spiritually prepare me and prove a good distraction until then. ^_^

I'm a graphic artist, sprite comic artist, writer, musician, and actor. My other hobbies consist of forum posting, reading, binging television shows on DVD (currently Battlestar Galactica), and playing video games.

I frequent a forum called Zelda Universe, and my alias there is Blizzaga. There are a lot of anti-Mormons there, which makes me sad. Not to mention, a gazillion atheists dead bent on proving Christianity wrong. I do the best that I can in some discussions there, but it can be very discouraging when you're of a minority, and the spirit of contention can get really strong at times. That could be another reason why I joined here: a spiritual buffer to help balance things out.

So there you go. That's basically me in a nutshell. I really like the looks of this place. It's so crammed full of goodness! I got lost trying to find my way back to the forums, then noticed the convenient "Forums" graphic at the top.

I'm happy to be here and hope to participate in the forums soon!

Edited by ElderBigDawg
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I'm an active member of the church. My current calling is to help teach CTR5 in primary. I'm twenty years of age, and am currently waiting for my mission call. This would actually be my second time sending in my papers. The first time around, they were sent back to me because I weighed too much and I need to undergo physical training and diet until I reached their minimum goal they set for me.

So here I am, almost a year and minus sixty pounds later, waiting for my mission call again. Actions speak louder than words, so this huge achievement, and I know Heavenly Father helped me loads in this, only evermore solidifies my testimony of the church, Christ, Joseph Smith, and the restored gospel. The Lord wants for me to be first and foremost a missionary, and His help through this ordeal only seals that fact.

It's been two weeks this past Wednesday since my papers were sent back in, so my eagerness increases with every passing day as I await my call. This site will hopefully both help spiritually prepare me and prove a good distraction until then. ^_^

my brother went through the same thing and we actually dropped him off at the MTC on wensday ... im so proud of him losing all the weight he needed to ... and im proud of you to i know how hard it can be to lose weight

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Warmest congratulations on your new level of fitness! It's hard work - I'll bet you feel great!

Yes and no. Yes, it was a great feat that I have never accomplished before. No, this is just the beginning. On my mission, I still have to remain on and below the line that has been set for me. I plan to lose at least forty more pounds during my mission.

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Hi and welcome. I did not know they have some weight boundaries for mission... uh need to get my oldest a bit tihinner I think... he will send his papres in soon ... february or so. I hope he will get melkesedic preasthood next Sunday. :)

I been on some bad netboards so I know a lot about anties and their way of distracting people and their lies. On lds1 board we have some ready answers to paste and glue for some questions. enjoy this board and wisit lds1 too and most of all I hope you will get on the mission now!

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Speaking about my mission...

My bishop called me this evening.

No, he didn't say there was a reason why I couldn't go again, if that's what you thought! :P

However, he did say that my call was sent to me on the 3rd of this month, and was surprised that I haven't received it yet. So either there is some kind of mail delay (which there shouldn't be, I only live a couple hours' drive away from Salt Lake City), or my call got lost somewhere!

He said to let him know if my call doesn't come to me in the mail within a few days. Strange, huh? I hope they have the right address...

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