Is one better off being LDS but not believing 100% in line with the teachings of the church...


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I am assuming you are referencing my clarify, if one strays after baptism the repentance path is not quite as steep as for those who have been to the Temple and stray....meaning serious transgression. I think it better to be baptized than not, but not go to the Temple until one is ready.

I guess I should have clarified.

I was wondering how one could have a temple recommend if they only believe most of what the prophet says.

If, as a member, your goal isn't to attend the temple, then I wonder why get baptized.

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"If you believe that Brother Joseph did indeed see heavenly father and Jesus, and that he was a Prophet , and you believe in the basics that the church is the true church restored on the earth, well you "WILL" seek to become a part of it, the holy spirit will see to that lol. "

I think a lot of people misunderstood my question, which is not surprising because it was very vague. I'm not asking about the basics of LDS history, i'm asking about issues more akin to political and moral viewpoints. For example, gay marriage and abortion. These are two things that the church has made very cut and dry statements on.

With that in mind, please don't debate the two points I just brought up in this thread, there are enough of those already in here. My thought is, if you don't agree with the church on these issues, then does it really matter if you were baptized in the church or not? I've had a lot of people tell me that someone either follows the prophet 100% or they don't, and that there is no in between. So does that mean that if I disagree with the church's stance on issues like that above, I might as well not have joined at all?

Just curious if there are scriptural nods to help answer my question, thanks for all the answers so far.

Rachael, Let's discuss the two things you have asked about above. I am assuming that you differ with the Church leaders on the subject of abortion and gay marriage.

First, no one says that ALL LDS members MUST agree with EVERYTHING the Church teaches. That comes by one gaining a testimony a little at a time. Line upon line, precept upon precept. And this happens only if we study and pray about what we wish to understand.

What about all of the rest of the teachings of the Church? How do you feel about resurrection? What about eternal marriage and the teaching that families can be together forever?

Do you believe in the "premortal" existence of yourself and others? How many in the premortal world do you figure have the promise of coming to the earth to receive a mortal body and be "tested" like you and I did?

I think all of them. I think that the time of the Second Coming depends a lot on all of Heavenly Father's spirit children getting their chance at mortality. Who do you suppose opposes this?

Right, the same one who has opposed the plan of salvation from the very beginning. The more births that are aborted, the more I think that Satan thinks that his judgment can be delayed. So who's cause is being helped by blocking these spirits from being born?

Next, you mentioned gay marriage. What are two things that can be learned from reading the story of Adam and Eve? I see at least two. One is....God married them and intended for them to stay married. And two....God told them to multiply (have children) and fill the earth.

They were to be co-creators with God. They (and their descendants) were to provide mortal bodies for all those spirit children of God, which included you and I at that point. Marriage was designed and instituted by God so He could fulfill His promise to His spirit children in that a way would be provided for them to become more like Him.

History seems to indicate that this principle of marriage was preverted, and when homosexuality became so rampant, that the Lord steped in Himself and "cleaned house". If this preversion of the Lord's directive again begins to prevent His will from being done, we might give some thought to what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Not because "God hates fags", as one small church in Kansas says, but because the homosexual lifestyle is at odds with the Plan of Salvation God has laid out for His children.

My suggestion for you is to continue to read, ask questions, study, and pray. Continue to learn the principles of the restored gospel and at some point, when you begin to see the big picture, these things will look clearer to you. At that point you will begin to understand for yourself.

Edited by Old Tex
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That's not what D&C 82:3 says at all. What is says is:

"For of him unto whom much is given much is required; and he who sins against the greater light shall receive the greater condemnation."

It says nothing about holding viewpoints that are out of line with the Church.

That ain't debatable at all. Having differing political viewpoints is not a sin, though it is so obvious, it hardly bears mentioning.

How can espousing that which is wrong (a wrong political viewpoint) on matters such as fundamental individual liberty NOT be a sin?

I believe the scriptures clearly teach that it is a sin.

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the answer of course is that yes you are better off.

The teachings of the church are no different that you telling a 5 year old to stay away from the hot stove.

Or, perhaps I should say when God tells us things its like we are the 5 year old and we dont understand the full implications of why we are being told what we are. perhaps when we are 10 we will be allowed to cook, but for now it is not appropriate.

You may feel like you are old enough to understand all the consequences but, of a truth we are not.

everything we are commanded to do from God is for our benefit, and is meant to teach us natural law or consequences.

God loves you beyond your capacity to understand.

if you learn these two lessons, and really learn them, then the rest comes easy. because you have faith that even if you don't understand each and every teaching that comes your way, you still know that it is for your own good.

You still learn line upon line, but you don't have to doubt line upon line, you can learn to understand line upon line. see the difference?

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I obviously do not have the answer, but I would find it disconcerting if the Church demanded compliance in voting. I doubt any bishop here has asked a member if they voted a certain way prior to issuing a Temple Recommend, for example. Likewise, prior to baptism, asking whether the candidate (an adult convert) approved such and such a political referendum.

THe Church does not endorse politicians or political parties. The Church encourages it's members to EDUCATE THEMSELVES on each candidate and position. Then using the knowledge they have gained from their spiritual experiences and knowledge to make the the right decision. The Church strongly encourages members to vote but politics are not discussed in church meetings other than ones described in the scriptures.

Sometimes comparisons are made to todays situations with regard to the teachings of the Prophets and what we know to be true.

If a person thinks or feels that the church is not true or is "wrong", They should withdraw their membership. The basics are, Do you have a testimony of the restored Gospel? This would mean do you believe the Prophet Joseph Smith actually did see and was taught by an angel, and heavenly father and jesus christ, do you believe the ancient Church as established by Jesus Christ has been reestablished here today, do you believe that President Monson is the Prophet today and that he holds the keys to the Priesthood, and actually receives revelation to guide the Church today, do you accept Christ as your Saviour and redeemer.

The small stuff that other members are talking about is in the details. Like, which is the holiest place on earth, the temple or the home? The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is different from other denominations in that we don't just dismiss questions with the answer, "That is a mystery of God". We are encouraged to educate ourselves and that asking questions and searching for answers is actually what God wants us to do. So hence the difference of opinions on the "small stuff". Things that do not and will not determine our eternal salvation.

Edited by georgia2
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I have not posted here long and am really just begining to find my way around, but I just realized something. Evidently there are a number of young people here from what I seem to detect from their posts.

If so, this means that their expierence in the Gospel is limited, and that they haven't yet had the time to fully develop their testimony. This would explain the doubt and lack of understanding that seems be displayed. This is to be expected. No one knows everything overnight and one should not beat themselves up over that. Give yourselves some time.

I am seventy five years old. (No gasps, please). Starting in about 1961 I studied and prayed for two full years until I could not resist the Spirit any longer and was baptized along with my wife. That was in 1963. We were in our thirties then and had three small children.

I live in Southeast Texas, and back then the nearest Temple to us was in Arizona. Three years after we joined the Church we had saved enough to make a Temple trip where we had our marriage sealed and then had our three little ones sealed to us. We have been married for 53 years.

Some wisdom has come with those years (along with 5 great grand kids) and every day I express my gratitude to the Lord for keeping His promise. I would encourage each young person here to do your best to follow the counsel of the Prophet, even if you don't fully understand all of the finer points. You do that by exercising your faith, and as you know, faith is the first principle of the gospel.

One thing I would recall when I would have to take something on faith, is Adam's expierence. At one point God commanded Adam to build an alter, periodically choose an unblemished lamb from his flock, and slay it on the alter, which he did.

Then one day an angel appeared to Adam and asked him if he knew why he had been asked to do that. Adam said, "I know not, save the Lord commanded it". Adam did not fully understand why he had been asked to perform the sacrifice, but, acting in faith, he did it. At this point the angel explained to Adam that the Lamb represented Christ, who was the Lamb of God, and who would come in the future to provide an atoning sacrifice for all.

I always recalled Adam's expierence when I would run across something that I may not have fully understood, because I knew that the reason would follow sooner or later and then I would better understand it.

I hope we can all remember that Adam obeyed the Lord, even when he did not have a complete understanding and had to exercise his faith, and that we can all try to do the same.

Edited by Old Tex
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Joseph Smith also said:

“We have heard men who hold the priesthood remark that they would do anything they were told to do by those who preside over them [even] if they knew it was wrong; but such obedience as this is worse than folly to us; it is slavery in the extreme; and the man who would thus willingly degrade himself, should not claim a rank among intelligent beings, until he turns from his folly. A man of God would despise the idea. Others, in the extreme exercise of their almighty authority have taught that such obedience was necessary, and that no matter what the saints were told do by their presidents they should do it without any questions. When Elders of Israel will so far indulge in these extreme notions of obedience as to teach them to the people, it is generally because they have it in their hearts to do wrong themselves.” (Joseph Smith, Millennial Star, Vol 14, Number 38, pages 593-595).

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I think it depends I am not lukewarm in that I know the Church is true, comes from God, I believe Thomas S Monson is the prophet through God speaks and I have no issues with the Book of Mormon

But every so often my testimony of an issue is simply it must be right because church says so rather than I have a strong testimony of it myself or I find that individual church members and their assertions about things make me uncomfortable.

BUT - since President Monson has taken over the Ensign and Conferences have been saying some things the way I have said them for years and others at church have disagreed so I guess I wasn't wrong lol


That is to say, you follow the Spirit. Indeed, you are blessed. Today, this is a must for us all, heeding the Spirit, from those who serve in leadership to those who attend Sacrament.

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There are core doctrines, and then there is guidance of the prophets and leaders.

We are expected to believe and follow the core doctrines. This is what is necessary to be worthy of the Sacrament and attend the temple worthily.

Additional guidance is given to us by our prophets to help us find our way in today's world. All worthy young men are expected to serve missions. Does this mean it applies to every single one of them? What about the ones that may have severe handicaps, or are forced to stay home to raise brothers and sisters, because parents are incapable of doing it anymore? Suddenly, we have exceptions to the rule. The Brethren do not talk in exceptions, because they give general guidance, and then expect the members to seek the Spirit and guidance of their local leaders to determine when the standard does not apply directly to them.

When I was in the MTC in 1978, we had an elder with a mustache. Why? Because he suffered from a cleft palate, and used the mustache to hide his huge scar on his upper lip. This mustache was allowed as an exception, though you won't hear the Brethren enumerate the exceptions anywhere.

It also becomes a test to see if we are willing to follow the prophets, even when we do not always understand or agree with their teachings. It is an exercise in humility and obedience.

We are all learning to obey, line upon line, precept upon precept. We are all somewhere on the iron rod, slowly working our way to the Tree of Life and full salvation. We are at different places, where some are more prepared to more fully follow the guidance of prophets and the Spirit than others. They key is not to compare ourselves with others, but to use the Holy Ghost as a guide to where we need to be and what we need to become.

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Thank you Old Tex.

A breath of fresh air. :)

I've thought of Adam's sacrificing without knowledge many times also, as well as Eve's choice in the Garden of Eden. We can learn from both.

Thanks, Justice. I have heard it said by others that they are always learning something new when going through an endowment session. I was reminded of this the last time I participated in one.

I came out realizing that Eve probably had a better understanding of the purpose of the fruit before she ate it than Adam did. There seems to be more that's "unsaid" in the scriptures than there is "said".

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Wow, so much to address in this post. I truly had no idea it would become this big so soon. My response reply will be quite long, so if you don't care to read it I completely understand. I feel as though I should elaborate on what i'm feeling, although I didn't intend on that with my original post.

First of all, let me say that I am truly grateful for all of the well-thought out responses to this question. All of them.

I didn't post this question in an attempt to find someone who was "sensitive" to my opinions, or even to find someone to agree with me. I wanted a plethora of answers from various points of view to help my personal understanding.

It is true that I am a somewhat new convert, and it is true that I am young in comparison to a lot of you. That being said, it's to be expected that my understanding is quite limited.

When I was given my interviews for baptism, I answered every single question I was asked with upmost certainty and sincerity. I meant every single word I said in that interview, and still mean it to this day. Which is why i've become quite distraught at my situation as of late.

I do in fact have opinions concerning homosexual marriage and abortion that conflict with the church's official stance on said matters. It's caused me a great deal of problems within the church infrastructure. I am not involved in a homosexual relationship, nor do I ever want to have an abortion. So "technically" speaking i'm not doing anything wrong.

However, in a recent thread about abortion I slightly elaborated on the situation I am currently dealing with and someone brought up a very good point. Just because i'm not committing a sin per se, my heart still sides with the sin, and heavenly father certainly cares about what is in your heart as well as your actual behavior. It's truly no different.

I want to believe like our church and our Lord does, but i'm afraid that no matter what approach i've taken, my head and my heart are still sending me two completely different directions. It's exhausting, and i'm tired of reading and praying and fasting only to get the same answers I knew I would get, but still the same old reaction I always have had to those answers.

I've expressed my thoughts to fellow church members, and their responses indicated that they didn't understand why I would have joined in the first place if I held these beliefs. Many became hostile to me, and it's made me concerned that i'm not actually misguided or misinformed, just intentionally resistant to commandments. So when these controversial topics come up in conversation at church, I have begun nodding my head in unison with everyone else, and vocally parroting their opinions for their approval and to avoid confrontation. I do this all while knowing darn well that I don't believe in what i'm saying, and to me it feels like deception in the presence of people who are in fact supposed to be my brothers and sisters. To make matters worse, i'm lying about my true thoughts in the presence of the holy spirit, and that kills me. I feel like a fake.

I do have every intent of going to the temple and completing every ordinance. That is what I want more than anything else in the world. But most people would say that I am certainly not worthy of the temple with my current thoughts. I certainly can't blame them, and in fact I agree with them. But how does one force themselves to believe in something that they do not? I don't believe in denying homosexuals the legal option of same sex marriage, I don't believe in criminalizing abortion. I just don't.

I have asked the Lord to flip on the light bulb in my head and change my heart, but it just never happens. I'm so sick of asking and asking. I'm sure he's sick of hearing about it. At one point I made the decision that perhaps there were just things in this life that I wouldn't understand until it was done, and that until then I would just have to continue obedience and I would understand later.

But then, abstaining from homosexual relationships and abortion isn't really obedience if you STILL think that there is nothing wrong with it. So that certainly doesn't work out.

I just want to know if there is something in scriptures or doctrine that i'm overlooking that can help aid my understanding, to change my mind. I don't want my joining to be for nothing.

Mods -I'm afraid that this thread has somewhat lost it's direction, and has turned into an "advise Rachelle" post. So if it needs to be moved to "Advice" or something to keep it's relevance then I understand.

Once again, thank you to everyone who replied no matter what the response was. I'm trying so hard to be open to everyone's thoughts so that maybe I can get this figured out. I'm doing my best to not be offended by anybody's points, so if you had something you wanted to say but abstained for fear of offending me (understandably so, I can be quite obnoxious) please say it. Anything can help.

Sorry this is so long, and sorry if it's difficult to follow. I forgot to get my medicine refilled, so i'm a bit manic tonight and my thoughts are hard to reign in right now.

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However, in a recent thread about abortion I slightly elaborated on the situation I am currently dealing with and someone brought up a very good point. Just because i'm not committing a sin per se, my heart still sides with the sin, and heavenly father certainly cares about what is in your heart as well as your actual behavior. It's truly no different.

I want to believe like our church and our Lord does, but i'm afraid that no matter what approach i've taken, my head and my heart are still sending me two completely different directions. It's exhausting, and i'm tired of reading and praying and fasting only to get the same answers I knew I would get, but still the same old reaction I always have had to those answers.

But then, abstaining from homosexual relationships and abortion isn't really obedience if you STILL think that there is nothing wrong with it. So that certainly doesn't work out.

Can you control what is in your heart? I sure can't. You don't decide to believe or disbelieve in anything.. you simply do. If you find all those things to be morally okay and you do not participate that's perfectly fine. IMHO of course.

I don't believe the consumption of alchohol is sinful when used responsibly and in moderation. I don't drink at the moment.. i'm letting myself mature before I make a decision like that.

We'll be judged by how we played the hand we're dealt. If you struggle with a certain topic and fervently resist it.. you're golden. What is more inspiring.. someone coasting through an event or someone falling down and standing back up?

Of course the game is rigged. Don't let that stop you--if you don't play, you can't win.

-- Robert Heinlein

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Wow, so much to address in this post. I truly had no idea it would become this big so soon. My response reply will be quite long, so if you don't care to read it I completely understand. I feel as though I should elaborate on what i'm feeling, although I didn't intend on that with my original post.

First of all, let me say that I am truly grateful for all of the well-thought out responses to this question. All of them.

I didn't post this question in an attempt to find someone who was "sensitive" to my opinions, or even to find someone to agree with me. I wanted a plethora of answers from various points of view to help my personal understanding.

It is true that I am a somewhat new convert, and it is true that I am young in comparison to a lot of you. That being said, it's to be expected that my understanding is quite limited.

When I was given my interviews for baptism, I answered every single question I was asked with upmost certainty and sincerity. I meant every single word I said in that interview, and still mean it to this day. Which is why i've become quite distraught at my situation as of late.

I do in fact have opinions concerning homosexual marriage and abortion that conflict with the church's official stance on said matters. It's caused me a great deal of problems within the church infrastructure. I am not involved in a homosexual relationship, nor do I ever want to have an abortion. So "technically" speaking i'm not doing anything wrong.

However, in a recent thread about abortion I slightly elaborated on the situation I am currently dealing with and someone brought up a very good point. Just because i'm not committing a sin per se, my heart still sides with the sin, and heavenly father certainly cares about what is in your heart as well as your actual behavior. It's truly no different.

I want to believe like our church and our Lord does, but i'm afraid that no matter what approach i've taken, my head and my heart are still sending me two completely different directions. It's exhausting, and i'm tired of reading and praying and fasting only to get the same answers I knew I would get, but still the same old reaction I always have had to those answers.

I've expressed my thoughts to fellow church members, and their responses indicated that they didn't understand why I would have joined in the first place if I held these beliefs. Many became hostile to me, and it's made me concerned that i'm not actually misguided or misinformed, just intentionally resistant to commandments. So when these controversial topics come up in conversation at church, I have begun nodding my head in unison with everyone else, and vocally parroting their opinions for their approval and to avoid confrontation. I do this all while knowing darn well that I don't believe in what i'm saying, and to me it feels like deception in the presence of people who are in fact supposed to be my brothers and sisters. To make matters worse, i'm lying about my true thoughts in the presence of the holy spirit, and that kills me. I feel like a fake.

I do have every intent of going to the temple and completing every ordinance. That is what I want more than anything else in the world. But most people would say that I am certainly not worthy of the temple with my current thoughts. I certainly can't blame them, and in fact I agree with them. But how does one force themselves to believe in something that they do not? I don't believe in denying homosexuals the legal option of same sex marriage, I don't believe in criminalizing abortion. I just don't.

I have asked the Lord to flip on the light bulb in my head and change my heart, but it just never happens. I'm so sick of asking and asking. I'm sure he's sick of hearing about it. At one point I made the decision that perhaps there were just things in this life that I wouldn't understand until it was done, and that until then I would just have to continue obedience and I would understand later.

But then, abstaining from homosexual relationships and abortion isn't really obedience if you STILL think that there is nothing wrong with it. So that certainly doesn't work out.

I just want to know if there is something in scriptures or doctrine that i'm overlooking that can help aid my understanding, to change my mind. I don't want my joining to be for nothing.

Mods -I'm afraid that this thread has somewhat lost it's direction, and has turned into an "advise Rachelle" post. So if it needs to be moved to "Advice" or something to keep it's relevance then I understand.

Once again, thank you to everyone who replied no matter what the response was. I'm trying so hard to be open to everyone's thoughts so that maybe I can get this figured out. I'm doing my best to not be offended by anybody's points, so if you had something you wanted to say but abstained for fear of offending me (understandably so, I can be quite obnoxious) please say it. Anything can help.

Sorry this is so long, and sorry if it's difficult to follow. I forgot to get my medicine refilled, so i'm a bit manic tonight and my thoughts are hard to reign in right now.

Rachelle..... It's fast coming up on 3AM and I have to get some snooze, but let me give you something to chew on until tomorrow evening.

There are often more facets to something than what first appears. Do you think that you are struggling with the spiritual side of abortion and gay marriage issue, or are you looking at them from the political or temporal side?

I feel that it may be from the political or temporal side. Try to sort this out in your own mind and see if you can discover which side your feelings come from.

Also, remember that one the more effective tools that Satan uses is that of self doubt, so don't let it eat on you too much. Everyone is affected by that once in a while......yes, even me.^_^

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Rachell, you are a child of god, and that is exactly how he see's you, his baby if you like, he knows what you are going through, he is not going to leave you comfortless because you do not know exactly what to do, you are not sinning, your mind is in a turmoil, you are a human being with a human beings traits.

I am sure there are lots of saints that are feeling the way that you do at the moment with so much controversy on the subjects going on at the moment.

Heavenly father has a plan and part of his plan (not mankind's) is that marriage is to be between a man and a woman, that is just the way it is, we need to bring spirits into the world, and its the union between the two sexes that allows this to happen.

This is a god given thing, it is not of this world, we are not of this world, we are a peculiar people.

Heavenly father will not change this part of his divine plan just to satisfy certain individuals who want these things, (i do not mean yourself rachell) in order for their own plan for mankind.

You are truly loved, do not let that old adversary lead you astray Rachell, he is trying to do just that, it is Satan trying to put the doubt in your mind, and the Holy spirit is fighting for you, this is why you are in such turmoil, not knowing what way to turn, but let your spirit stick to the Holy spirit and Heaven will win in the end, i promise.

Remember also, every Saint that visits this board will be fighting with you, we will do our very best to fight with you along the way.

Now go to your corner and come out fighting with The Banner of Heaven.

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You don't have to have a perfect testimony to join the church. When Ijoined, I was pretty much at the level of "I hope it's true." When I prayed, I was having trouble getting an answer as to whether or not it was true, because I wasn't really ready for that answer yet--I think God didn't want me held accountable for something I wasn't yet ready for. But I did get an answer to my prayer about whether or not God wanted me to join. I joined because God told me to, so I hoped it was true. It took about a year to work my way up to believing it, and then knowing it. But I had the Holy Ghost with me, since I'd been baptized and confirmed, to help me reach that point.

We're all taught to be working on our testimonies every day. So I'd say it's better to be baptized if you meet the requirements and then work on the testimony.

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I think Rachelle, as you open your heart to be taught by the Spirit, the pieces will come together for you. I have learned in my experience with prayer that often the answers come unsolicited and at times when I least expect -- sometimes years down the road. There have been many times while sitting in conference or some random church meeting where I will suddenly get more insight on a gospel topic or some other idea I have been wrestling with.

I think that there is sometimes great purpose in the wrestling and that is why I think God doesn't always answer right away or spell things out for us. And for all I know, this could be some kind of a test to see if you will follow even though you disagree. Or maybe he knows you already have been taught the proper understanding and is waiting for you to discipline your mind. I don't know and can't know. I just know that these are some of the ways God has dealt with me. I do know that faith and sometimes struggle comes before the answers do. So, in the end, its all good.

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I struggle to be very anti gay marriage and abortion also - I know they are wrong and understand why, but at the same time I don't feel that the Lord blesses a marriage unless he can, so don't see a huge problem with gay marriage but it may have wider problems in the US than it does here. And with abortion nothing is more abohorrant to me my parents aborted a baby and that has always caused me quite a lot of pain more than it should, but I am also aware through my studies just how much worse the pain,humiliation and disfiguration that backstreet abortions caused I would not wish them on anyone, and can't help but feel making them illegal would make us go back to that which isn't right either.

I think its in the Teachings of the Prophets institute manual says it is OK to feel differently about something than the prophets teach, but we are not to teach it as doctrine or to openly disagree with them. Mine personally is a dilemma I don't disagree with them but I cannot bring myself to be as anti either issue as other church members.


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I think the answer is to leave these things alone for now. Focus on the basics of the gospel: faith in Christ, repentance, receiving the ordinances (sacrament, temple, etc), and receiving the Holy Ghost. Your views on abortion and homosexuality are not important to your work in the Lord's Church. Just quietly assent to be still and know that He is God. When the time is right, God will answer your concerns.

The Church's stance on abortion is actually not like that of other conservative churches. We believe that abortions can be done for rape, incest, and health of the Mother - when the people involved have prayerfully considered it with their bishop's guidance.

Recently, Elder Holland wrote an article in the Ensign regarding same sex attraction.

I highly recommend it for anyone to see what the Church's views are on this.

The point is, we may not agree with everything our leaders teach, but we do not necessarily have to agree 100% with them at this time. We do need to pray for them and sustain them. And we need to be worthy of the temple and our baptism, by following the core doctrines.

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Okay, think about this one. you said

I want to believe like our church and our Lord does, but I'm afraid that no matter what approach i've taken, my head and my heart are still sending me two completely different directions. It's exhausting, and I'm tired of reading and praying and fasting only to get the same answers I knew I would get, but still the same old reaction I always have had to those answers.

If you already know the answer, then Heavenly Father can't give you his opinion.

This is the problem with people who pray to know if the church is true when they already know it isn't.

If you are struggling with these issues because of your feelings before you joined the church or you are struggling because you have thoughts or temptations, I don't know, but each of these are addressed in a different way. If it is because of how you felt before you joined the church and you don't understand why you should change your mind, you are still dealing with and struggling to overcome the teachings of the world, or the adversary. He has had so much power for so long good people are actually beginning to agree. SO you need to study it out. Be patient. Learning about God's ways doesn't happen over night. You didn't learn the worlds way over night.

But if you're struggling because of temptations, then it is because Satan doesn't want you to lt go of these ideas. He wants to keep you miserable. If when you have expressed your opinion at church and you were met with hostility, it was due to those members immaturity in the Gospel also. WE are all learning and progressing on a different level.

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Someone here said something to the effect that we need to be able to sustain our leaders, we don't necessarily need to agree with them. So I guess that's what it comes down to, bottom line, for me. There are a few things I question, but I received my testimony that the church is true so I have no doubt about it. I can sustain all my leaders, I know they receive their inspiration from Father and that it's for the good of their followers. I can sustain them in their callings. If, however, one of my stake presidency runs for mayor, I may or may not vote for him. But I still sustain him in his calling. Not sure if that answers your situation at all or if I'm rambling cuz it's 1AM for me.

I feel your plight. Continue to seek guidance, but don't focus on it. You will receive your answers in the Lord's time, not yours. For now relish in the fact that you know you joined the true church. :)

God Bless.

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I think you missed something important, georgia2. Recall she also said, "no matter what approach i've taken, my head and my heart are still sending me two completely different directions." Essentially, if my understanding is correct, she knows she's supposed to follow the prophets, but on some teachings, she isn't getting the confirmation of truth that she expects (see D&C 8:2). She's doing everything the Church leaders have asked her to do to seek confirmation of their teachings, and the confirmation isn't coming. I have a hard time seeing how that is, "already knowing the answer."

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Remember that Satan can get to your intellect, but not to your heart. When you're struggling with doctrine, it's the intellect that's the issue. For me, that was really the very hardest part of conversion. Satan can't re-create a peaceful feeling in your heart--he can't give you joy or peace. But he can keep you from feeling it if you give him that power. That's not to say you're choosing him, just that he's talking so loud it's hard to hear the spirit over him.

Sometimes I've had to use my intellect to counter the arguments of the world. Any intellectual argument has a counter-argument, and sometimes I just have to give those to myself to counter-balance them. They aren't the foundation for a testimony, but they help me tune out the other side for a while.

Then I have to put the doctrine into the perspective of eternity. Things that seem like a good idea in mortal life are clearly not a good idea in Heaven and we take with us the choices we made here and the person we became. When I think about certain issues long term, I realize they don't make any sense, and that makes it easier to fight for truth. In the eternal scheme of things, if we can keep people from doing something stupid, we're making them happy for a lot longer than just this little speck of mortality. Eventually, we have to face the eternal consequences of our choices and can't continue to pretend they were unimportant, or less important than our temporary happiness.

God promised us joy, if we are willing to obtain it, but not worldly pleasure or freedom from trials.

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