Global warming

Winnie G

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Believing in global warming would mean you would have to go along with all those egghead scientists with their data. That is just not the conservative thing to so.

When asked why the ice is melting at the north and south poles, best to shrug ones shoulders and just say it's a naturally occurring phenomena. :)

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Believing in global warming would mean you would have to go along with all those egghead scientists with their data. That is just not the conservative thing to so.

When asked why the ice is melting at the north and south poles, best to shrug ones shoulders and just say it's a naturally occurring phenomena. :)

I love your new avatar, Moksha!

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I really hate seeing the polar bears starving because they can't get out on the ice to hunt seals. The starving bears aren't a hoax.

A friend of mine suggested this phenomena may be the unnoticeable shift in the earths position as prophesied for the later days. Makes sense to me.

All of the earths elements are supposed to be in commotion. Also the seasons are supposed to be blended so that they will not be as discern-able as in days past. All of these things are signs of the times.

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My big ? is. There is a lot of talk about global warming, maybe it is happening and maybe it isn't (I am still undecided). But from what I have seen there is lots of talk and many scary stories but no real people solutions. Maybe that is because it is all about science and scientists. I am not saying that to be unkind. I just wanted to know if anyone had any solutions for just us average normal people. Like to save water we only water our lawn at night. etc. Thanks.

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Well, in the 90's the big talk was CFCs. I guess we got that under control a lot faster than they figured possible so they are now telling us that CO2 is the trouble. So, that really means you need to stop breathing. Your car needs to stop breathing too. Those nasty CO2 cartridges for your pellet gun have to go. Plant a ton of green plants.

The ultimate solution that is coming is global government. The supporters of the notion want to establish a global carbon emissions tax. This tax would support the new global government that would police the environment and end all war while they are at it. To facilitate all that, they will need a new global military. It will be a collection of the world's most nasty mercenaries.

Because of the wars they will fight to subdue the planet, a global banking system will be established that will monetize the war debt with a fiat currency. The ultimate goal is to use cards or chips rather than cash. Global healthcare, global welfare, global peace. You know. Communism.


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No it is not. I suppose you are going to say next that carbon monoxide - the stuff exhausted from the car - is natural as well...

Get a grip.

The biggest contributors for CO2 emmisions in the wole world? The sea and volcanoes. damn those disgusting, polluting, natural causes. but moreso lets blame it on humans and then excessively and unneccisarily tax the people of the world.

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The biggest contributors for CO2 emmisions in the wole world? The sea and volcanoes. damn those disgusting, polluting, natural causes. but moreso lets blame it on humans and then excessively and unneccisarily tax the people of the world.

well dunno about you but I can't do much about volcanos and the sea. BUT I can choose what products I spend my money on, whether I walk or use public transport instead of taking a car, how many miles my food has travelled. I can choose to by secondhand good where possible, I can opt to decorate my house in different types of paint, I can choose to hang my laundry on the line instead of using my dryer, I can clean my house using lemon juice and vinegar etc instead of pollutants, what kind of nappy I put on my son... and many more examples - they are what i can have control of. We may not be entirely responsible for global warming but it would explain why its warming more than it has in 1000s of year

FACT weather is going crazy here and is warming faster than before - near where i live ground that was permafrost is not becoming fertile etc. And the closer you live to either pole the more obvious the change is - I know as cold as it is this year when my Mum was little in the 1940s/50s the area I lived in snow was falling by now and was still banked up by the sides of the road in April/May - now March and November are often our warmest months, and we get less than a weeks worth of snow the ski resort near here gets a bit more but is having to find other ways of making money and the rivers are very low because the snow isn't as deep in the mountains so it doesn't melt and swell the rivers in the spring/summer. They do get deeper and flood due to rain but its not a consitent supply. Maybe us humans are not causing it but for me if there is a chance we are destroying Heavenly Father's Earth we should be working towards improving it

My big concern is not what enviromentalists or scientists say its what I am going to say when Heavenly Father asks me about the stewardship He gave me of the Earth - I can't do everything and maybe can't change the world but I can do enough to be right by my Heavenly Father


Edited by Elgama
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If Global warming is a Hoax then why was it 80' here the last two days.

Now remember i live in Canada the Great White North:snow:

Were is the snow its almost the end of October and we are cutting the grass.:sun:

I told my aunt (she lives in Oregon) today how warm it was and she yelled


LOL I know we had snow in October for the first time in about 20 years - normally its lovely here but when Mum was a little girl we used to be part of the great white North now we barely have snow.


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