Are you a racist!!


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I like Taco Bell, does that count as Mexican food? :)

Just to be clear, I wasn't saying that I think you are racist, I was trying to point out that there is a big difference between making assumptions based on overall appearance and making assumptions based only on race. If I see a group of gangster looking young men walking towards me, I will go around them. It doesn't make a difference if they're black, white, brown or purple, they made their intent clear with their clothes and the way they walk and it is not racism to avoid them. On the other hand, if I saw a black man respectably dressed and minding his own business and I cowered away from him as if he were going to murder me, that would be racism in my opinion.

Totally agree and I didn't think you were accusing me of being a racist..:D

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saw a movie clip where these two black guys are standing on a street corner dressed and looking like they were up to no good, a well dressed white couple (looked like they had money) walk down the street and the woman clings tighter to the man's arm as they pass the two black guys.... one of the black guys gets upset at how she shuddered and declares her racist ... then they followed them down the block and mugged them....

I saw that movie... I remember the scene but can't remember which movie it was from, I want to say it was Snatch. In context, I laughed at it because of the irony of the situation and I think that was the desired response. I'm pretty sure the movie was not trying to condone their actions, but more trying to make fun of the situation.

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I think once we are born on this earth we start getting hit with words and images and experiences that make us want to have those evil racist thoughts. Wrong images on TV and in movies, among other things. The soul is still pure in the womb of the mother. But once on the outside, those things start hitting the soul and for some, they collect and build up.

I don’t know. I drove thru Indy last week. I was worried about driving thru a bad neighborhood. I don’t know Indy that well. Turns out the roads I took - all was fine and I visited my Aunt with no problems at all. Was I racist being worried about bad neighborhoods? I don’t think so. I was just wanting to be safe. I was probably in far more danger on 465 driving by and around all those semis. lol.

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To me, racism is...:

when you believe that someone is inferior to you because of his/her ethnic background.

when you dislike or have any other unpleasant feeling toward someone solely because of the color of their skin. I'm not saying that you have to like everyone you meet, but if skin color is your ONLY reason, then yeah, you are a racist.

Liking a few different groups of people, but disliking one or two particular groups, still counts as racism, in my opinion.

I'm half Japanese and half white, and I guess for the most part I look more white than Japanese, but I remember hating it when people used to tell me that I wasn't Japanese when I was a kid. I feel that I'm both, and I'm very proud of myself for that. I can't imagine siding with one race while denying the other.

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I'm half Japanese and half white, and I guess for the most part I look more white than Japanese, but I remember hating it when people used to tell me that I wasn't Japanese when I was a kid. I feel that I'm both, and I'm very proud of myself for that. I can't imagine siding with one race while denying the other.

I love joking with my kids, since they are mixed Filipino and White. Everyone calls them American, but I like calling them Filipino or sometimes I will call them Thai because they were born in Thailand. I do what I can to keep them from pigeonholing themselves into one nationality or the other.

And yes I can't bring myself to calling them mixed race. I don't even think of my wife as being of another race. They are my sons and for me, they'll always be 100% human being(I hope!).

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On the issue of interracial dating I think it depends on why you are against it that could make one a racist. I don't think that a person wanting to preserv etheir racial/ethnic/cultural identity and group is a racist for teaching their kids not to date outside their group..I also don't believe one is a racist if they want their grandkids to look like them. However, people who might be against it because they hate a particular group or think them inferior would probably be racist.

lol your grandkids may not look like you anyway - my son has startling blonde hair and bright blue eyes his colouring is not really similar anyone in our family. My husband is American so probably is a racial mutt l

I want my kids and grandkids to be their own Kind of beautiful - not mine I want them to be better than me and learn from my mistakes.

I want my children to date people who will give them the kind of relationship I have with their Daddy - that is the only desire for them because I don't believe (but I am biased lol~) that marriages get much better.

To answer the question I don't know if I am racist I am sure I have made comments that have been offensive - but I just think loving a person is the way to go through life.


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Guest HEthePrimate

What is racism?

--Discriminating against people because of racial characteristics such as the color of the skin.

Are you a racist if you dislike a certain group of people because of the color of there skin?


Because of there culture?

--I can't think of any races with a monolithic culture. In other words, all members of a race are unlikely to share the same culture. Discrimination against a culture is culture discrimination.

Can you dislike certain races and not be racist?


What if you don't want your son or daughter to date or marry outside of your that racism?

--Not necessarily. If you don't want your child dating someone of another race because bigots will likely hurt your child for doing it, that's wanting to protect your child, not racism. But if they're adults, let them make their own decision.

What if a sterotype is mostly true and you judge a race because the majority of that race seems to be that that racism?

--Like the stereotype that most white people are racist? :) A stereotype is just that.

Can you be a minority race and be considered a racist?

--Yes, of course. Racism is equal opportunity. :lol:

Is racism dead in America?

--No, but Obama's election shows that a majority of the electorate is willing to vote for a black man, which is progress.

Does Obama transcend race?

--In a sense he transcends race by being of mixed descent, (Kenyan, Caucasian, and Indonesian). His election does not automatically make racists disappear, though.

Is the term racist or racism overused?


Used primarily as a political wedge to divide?

--Frequently, but not primarily.

Are you a racist by any definition? Be honest...:)

--I wouldn't say so, but to be sure, ask somebody of another race what their perception is. ^_^


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I grew up in the south, and was surrounded by racist thinking/attitude. Even as a child, I could not understand it. I hated the words used, in speaking of another human being. I never became immune to it.

Members of my family practically disowned me, when I married a man born in Cuba.

When I look at a person, of course I "see" color; but I also notice their eye color, the shape of their nose, how tall they are, etc.

None of that, however, determines my liking or acceptance of any individual. What does matter to me is their character. What are their values, how do they treat others, are they a person of integrity.

So, no; I think I can honestly say I am not racist.

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I think that "racism" is used for political purposes often. I have heard many say that if a white man didn't vote for Obama it is because he is racist. Various pieces of legislature that have been proposed over the years have been called "pro-minority". Legislators and their constituents who do not support such bills for one reason or another have often been labelled "racists".

Today, the Church is facing charges of bigotry at the steps of her temples. The truth is that the prophets are not bigoted against individuals attracted to members of the same gender. The reasoning for support of Prop 8 is not "anti-gay" but "pro-family". But the trick is to say that those not supporting "gay-rights" can only have one reason: BIGOTRY.

This is an old tactic. It is shaming people into submission. It probably goes back all the way to antiquity. It is used on the issue of abortion with "pro-lifers" calling "pro-choicers" "murderers" and "pro-choicers" calling "pro-lifers" "anti-women's rights". It is used on the subject of welfare. It was used both ways on the subject of slavery.

A reasoned approach to a given subject is thrown out the window and the proponents of the reasoning are projected as bigots hiding behind excuses.

How can we avoid all of this? What is to be done? We base our vote, our support, or advocacy on good reason and the natural human rights of the individual and refrain from accusations. Everyone agrees that mudslinging in campaigning is nasty and uncalled for. And yet we keep voting those same mudslingers into office.

I can remember seeing anti-McCain, anti-Huckabee, anti-Romney, anti-Obama, anti-Clinton, and virtually every presidential candidate last year. I can remember each candidate continually telling the public the flaws and sins of the others. I can remember all of this and one striking exception: RON PAUL. As far as I can tell, his campaign spent not a dime in negative attack adds. I never once heard him say that the other candidates were bad or had committed various sins. He spoke on reason. His example was tremendous.

"Candidates like that can't get elected a-train!" Yes, I understand that as long as the people keep buying those same old tactics, your right. But if we ever intend to get to real business and get past all this muck, we are going to have to start voting on principle and not partisan politics. Even now I could be scorned and accused of scorning and accusing the politicians who make attack adds.

"Racism" is one of an assortment of weapons in the arsenal of ridicule. It is just another finger of scorn pointing from the great and spacious building.


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I just want to point out that gravitating towards people of similar race or otherwise is different than disliking people of other race (or otherwise).

I have and have had friends of many different backgrounds, but my "main" group of close friends are all Chinese. Reason? Not that I dislike other races, I do have friends of them, but because we grew up in a similar culture (specifically, Chinese immigrant parents, but raised in western society), there are a lot of "isms" that we just inherently understand in each other. Particularly the tension that exists within the family structure because our parents carry the traditional Chinese mindset of how a family should be, how kids should be, etc with them, while we, their children, have more liberal (and in our parents' minds, rebellious) ideas.

It's not a race thing at all, we often get frustrated with trying to communicate some of our friends who grew up in Hong Kong because the set of values and way of thinking is different there, and we just don't "get" each other. In fact, it's easier for me to have conversations about things with people of other cultures, but who grew up in the same western society and mindset, than with someone that is Asian, but grew up with the eastern mindsets.

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Hmmm--thinking hard . . .

I've never felt I was racist. To be honest, I do mentally "profile" people. When someone obviously of Arab descent boards my plane, I take notice. Is that wrong? I also notice when I am in an environment where I (white) am largely outnumbered . . . but maybe that's just not wanting to not stand out.

Also, I don't want my small town to fill up with Mexican-looking stores. The reason is that many of them are unattractive. (Meaning the stores that sell everything from wedding dresses to bakery goods, and display it all in the front window.) I'm sorry, but that's tacky. I LOVE it when I'm in Mexico, because it's so . . . Mexican, and the diversity is fun to see. I'm not talking about the restaurants or shops that feature ethnic souvenirs and merchandise. And I would object to any unsightly business, no matter who ran it. I just don't want it filling my mainstreet in the USA. If I'm being racist, then let me have it. (You wanted honesty.)

I also feel all non-English-speaking people who choose to live in the USA should learn English. Our country should not have to translate everything for them. Is that racist?

I do welcome anyone of any race to move in next door to me, as long as they keep their lawn mowed and their dog quiet. A good neighbor is a good neighbor.

I feel above all, and have said so here many times, that ALL people are God's children, equally loved by Him, and should be treated with RESPECT.

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I saw that movie... I remember the scene but can't remember which movie it was from, I want to say it was Snatch. In context, I laughed at it because of the irony of the situation and I think that was the desired response. I'm pretty sure the movie was not trying to condone their actions, but more trying to make fun of the situation.

Not snatch. It was Crash

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What if a sterotype is mostly true and you judge a race because the majority of that race seems to be that that racism?

no, nor is it prejudice, its a generalization and is the one most confused with racism.

for example lets say everyone who has posted on this thread is in a room and a bomb goes off. 90% of the people die.

you say, most of the people who posted on this thread are dead. do this with race and you will be called a racist, bigot, prejudice or stereotyping.

now, is a-train dead? we don't know. the same is true of race. what people would call a stereotype can be as true as the day is long and it is not racist to apply it to the group in general. as soon as you assume the trait (in this case being dead) is applied to an individual you are prejudiced.

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Not snatch. It was Crash

i never saw the movie, i saw the clip used on a show talking about racism... they were using the scene to illistrate... however i thought it was a very poor example for the reasons i noted. i found the entire show to be a waste of time cause in the end even valid statements were labled racist... i guess by that standard there isn't anyone alive that isn't a racist...
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Am I a racist? I don't think so, but I do have prejiduces based on my experiences. (for ex - If I see a really large physically fit man, I will cross the street to not have to walk by him) Will he hurt me? probably not, but my experience has been that I don't want to find out. Do I hate him? no

I work with a girl that will only shower once a week. Do I hate her? no Am I willing to be around her at the end of the week? no

Between my h/kids and my extended family we pretty much cover the spectrum on color and nationality. My h/me/kids have friends from all colors and cultures too. I think it comes down to wether differences interest you or offend you. Ex - I have a friend from the island of tonga. She makes me laugh, because she is so laid back and sings all the time. Some people get really irritated with her about it. Do I? no I love to see it in her I wish I had the ability to be as happy as her.

I grew up in an extremely prejiduce area. People hated people of color because their parents, and their parents parents hated them. There were very few people of color in the area. I don't always know how to define prejiduce, but I know it when I see it. I remember feeling sick at times growing up because of the things I would see and hear.

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I love joking with my kids, since they are mixed Filipino and White. Everyone calls them American, but I like calling them Filipino or sometimes I will call them Thai because they were born in Thailand. I do what I can to keep them from pigeonholing themselves into one nationality or the other.

And yes I can't bring myself to calling them mixed race. I don't even think of my wife as being of another race. They are my sons and for me, they'll always be 100% human being(I hope!).

But American isn't a race. :P

Just kidding; I understand where you were getting at. ;)

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What's okay is that people have a right to believe how they want

I absolutely agree - people have the right to be as racist as they like.

and unless you want to say that anyone who has a preference for certain hair color, skin pigment, size, facial structure, etc. is flirting with racism then you should recognize that.

I do think it's ridiculous, perhaps racist (depending on context), to wish for grandchildren that look a certain way. If the child doesn't meet those expectations, by luck of the genetic draw, then it's okay to be disappointed that he didn't turn out? :confused:

I think you know the context of the post I made but then again if you want to get all offended then be my guest even though that was not my intention.

I'm not "all offended." I'm not even partially offended. Just trying to figure out what you mean. :peace:

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The one thing I dislike about the area I live in is the lack of diversity. I grew up in an area that I was basically a minority. My parents taught me that all people were the same no matter what. I had two friends that I hung out with constantly. We were called the "Mod Squad." One white, one black, and one chinese/hawaiian.

Now my kids grew up in an area that didn't have the same cultural diversity I had. Yet I've tried and tried to teach them the same things I learned growing up and I think I've done a pretty good job of it.

Ironic now though..while my mom taught me that all were the same..I now find her making the same remarks I have come to dislike immensely coming from others. GRRRR Frustrates me sometimes.

There are people I am not fond of. People from many different cultural backgrounds and races. Is it because of their culture or their race I dislike them? Absolutely not. It's the person themself.

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Are you a racist... Be honest...:)

Yes, yes I am. I try not to be. I don't hate any race. However, I do have a tendency to think that some races are more adept than others in different aspects. I do have a tendency to feel extremely uncomfortable around other races, despite my long, extensive history with so many. I can't help the natural tendency, but I can help how I respond to it. I would hope that I am still very respectful and kind to other races.

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