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Okay, I gotta admit, I'm a cheapskate when it comes to cars. I find the cheapest one and drive it till the wheels fall off. Then I superglue it together and drive it some more. I don't believe in car payments if I don't have to. I haven't made a payment in 20 years. My wife drives a Nissan Quest, I was driving a Mercury Villager I picked up for $250 until my daughter got her license and she decided she wouldn't learn to drive a stick. So now I drive a Ford Mustang that was given to me because I yelled at my boss. Technically, the Merc is a Nissan, so I'm not betraying the brand too much.

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I currently drive a 2003 Ford Expedition. It's a great car and we got a great deal on it, but I miss my old Grand Am. That was the best car ever, it just didn't have enough room. I'm too much of a slob, so I was running out of room for my girls to sit! LOL Now I have a bigger vehicle and I'm still running out of room! Next up is a Chevy Tahoe!

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1997 Ford Ranger. V4 engine, stick shift, no A/C. The one non-standard feature it has is a tape deck. Currently, it has 207,000 miles.

My dream car, however, is a 12 passenger van painted tye-dye. I would take the back seats out, put in a mattress, and some benches on the side to store sports equipment in. If I could have had that vehicle, I'd live in it during the summers and rent a beach house in the winters.

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i have a 12 passenger van.... white.... has all the seats and 3 car seats... soccer balls and footballs and stroller in the back (do strollers count as sports equipment? they should)..... still have yet to get my chaos in motion bumper sticker but as soon as i convince hubby. lol

hubby drives an old work truck..... red.. that's about all i know about it... lol

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I currently drive a 2003 Ford Expedition. It's a great car and we got a great deal on it, but I miss my old Grand Am. That was the best car ever, it just didn't have enough room. I'm too much of a slob, so I was running out of room for my girls to sit! LOL Now I have a bigger vehicle and I'm still running out of room! Next up is a Chevy Tahoe!

I think the Expedition is actually bigger than the Tahoe. You'll have to move up to a Suburban...or, if you have an oil well in your back yard, you could get a great deal on a late model Ford Excursion (8 MPG). :cool:

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I think the Expedition is actually bigger than the Tahoe. You'll have to move up to a Suburban...or, if you have an oil well in your back yard, you could get a great deal on a late model Ford Excursion (8 MPG). :cool:

Oops! I meant a Ford Explorer! LOL I don't know why I put Expedition because I was thinking Explorer, must have been a brain fart. :lol:

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