Is race really an issue right now?

Guest SisterofJared

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But...what I hear is not anger/hate because of his color, but hate for his, and Mrs. Obama's, "anti-American" views.

That would be a step toward Dr. King's ideal. Here you are saying that they do not hate the Obamas for their skin color, but rather for their distorted perception of the Obamas.

Hey, the glass is at least half full!

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I have heard it suggested here that race is a real sensitive issue just now.

I live in the Seattle area, and I am not seeing that at all here.

I am wondering if where you live, race is much of an issue?

I tend to only think the media was trying to portray it as an issue, while Americans aren't feeling it.

I don't perceive it as an issue here and now.... I've noticed a few other posters from Washington and wonder if they agree or disagree with me. And also what people thing about their own areas.

Sister of Jared

Why should it be an issue? :D

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I do see that there is more of class distinctions rather than race. For me, it is hard to see that minorities have it harder, because frankly my own family has always been in that lower income. I grew up in poverty and have struggled with it almost all my life. We had three years recently when we were not living in poverty, but that ended when my doctor made me quit work. I couldn't deal with the resulting poverty, and recently went back to work against his advice. Poverty is not fun. But for me I have always wondered why people think poverty is a color issue, since I am caucasian and always lived in poverty.

You're right, poverty isn't strictly a race issue. When people tie race to poverty it's because minorities are disproportionately affected by poverty: meaning we can correctly say that a person with black skin is more likely to live in poverty than a person with white skin. Keep in mind that these are just probabilities on the large scale. We just need to remembers, as you said, when you look at the individuals affected, the hardship of poverty on the individual is the same, regardless of race.

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As recently as 2006, President Hinckley acknowledged that some of the members of the church were racist. He reprimanded them, saying:

Now I am told that racial slurs and denigrating remarks are sometimes heard among us. I remind you that no man who makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a true disciple of Christ. Nor can he consider himself to be in harmony with the teachings of the Church of Christ.

I'm currently reading a book called The Freedom Writers Diary. While it is about overcoming prejudices, it's awfully hard to read it and believe that racism doesn't exist.

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For all you that have given into the liberal lie that we are all a bunch of racist rednecks who should be punished for our transgressions, I offer the following by black author Shelby Steele...

White Guilt: How Blacks and Whites ... - Google Book Search

Who exactly are you accusing of having 'given into the lie?'

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As recently as 2006, President Hinckley acknowledged that some of the members of the church were racist. He reprimanded them, saying:

Now I am told that racial slurs and denigrating remarks are sometimes heard among us. I remind you that no man who makes disparaging remarks concerning those of another race can consider himself a true disciple of Christ. Nor can he consider himself to be in harmony with the teachings of the Church of Christ.

I'm currently reading a book called The Freedom Writers Diary. While it is about overcoming prejudices, it's awfully hard to read it and believe that racism doesn't exist.

Have you seen the movie "The Freedom Writers"? Its very good.


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we know Rascism happens in the church - Sister Okazaki wrote about her experiences admittedly years ago, but as recently as 6 months ago a Sister posted on this board she was in a mixed raced marriage and wanted to know how different wards in an area would receive her husband and children because of previous bad experience.

Its not just black vs white - heck here it can be Scots vs English at times. Then we have issues with Eastern Europeans. I have yet to encounter much but I do know it happens.

My Mum was unaware of racism in the city she grew up in it was only later she realised that the city centre shops refused to serve black people creating an unoffcial apartheid.


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Guest DeborahC


You know, those "stoning laws" from Leviticus.. you either have to take them ALL or drop them ALL. You can't pick and choose the ones you like.

For instance,

"While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day ... And The Lord said to Moses, "The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp." (Numbers 15:32,35 RSV)

Honestly, would you stone to death someone who picked up firewood on a Sunday?

20:9 Any person who curses his father or mother shall therefore be put to death. Since he has cursed his father or mother, he shall be stoned to death.

20:10 If a man commits adultery with a married woman, [and] she is the wife of a fellow [israelite], both the adulterer and adulteress shall be put to death.

20:27 Any man or woman who is involved in [the practices of] the mediums or oracles shall be put to death. They shall be pelted to death with stones, and thus stoned to death.

And are we going to stone every teenager who says they hate their parents?

Or every adulterer or adulteress?

Or Sylvia Brown or John Whatshisname?

I'm sorry... but using those texts as your byline make me question your judgment.

Just thought I'd say... sorry if it offends you...

It's just that I seem to remember Jesus saying, "Woman, where are thy accusers?" AFTER saying, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..."

::: picking up all the loose stones and hiding them behind Jesus ::::

Edited by DeborahC
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You know, those "stoning laws" from Leviticus.. you either have to take them ALL or drop them ALL. You can't pick and choose the ones you like.

For instance,

"While the people of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day ... And The Lord said to Moses, "The man shall be put to death; all the congregation shall stone him with stones outside the camp." (Numbers 15:32,35 RSV)

Honestly, would you stone to death someone who picked up firewood on a Sunday?

20:9 Any person who curses his father or mother shall therefore be put to death. Since he has cursed his father or mother, he shall be stoned to death.

20:10 If a man commits adultery with a married woman, [and] she is the wife of a fellow [israelite], both the adulterer and adulteress shall be put to death.

20:27 Any man or woman who is involved in [the practices of] the mediums or oracles shall be put to death. They shall be pelted to death with stones, and thus stoned to death.

And are we going to stone every teenager who says they hate their parents?

Or every adulterer or adulteress?

Or Sylvia Brown or John Whatshisname?

I'm sorry... but using those texts as your byline make me question your judgment.

Just thought I'd say... sorry if it offends you...

It's just that I seem to remember Jesus saying, "Woman, where are thy accusers?" AFTER saying, "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone..."

::: picking up all the loose stones and hiding them behind Jesus ::::

I don't get offended, mainly because I don't care what people think.

Since you seem in search of an explanation...

They are there to remind those joyfully engaging in practices of sin and those who support them, how lucky they are for Jesus' atonement and to live in a country that tolerates their perversions to the extent that it does.

Oh, I'm about to change it anyways.

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No one exactly. All those who have bought into the lie, only those who have can determine that. But because the have bought into the lie they may not realize they have bought into the lie. So I think everyone should go look at the book.

Sounds like you own stock in the publishing company :D

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Have you seen the movie "The Freedom Writers"? Its very good.


I have some issues with that movie, as the high school where that teacher worked at was not an inner-city school. It's actually in a middle-class area and had I lived across a certain street, I would have attended there. I went there for football games and felt completely safe when I was there.

As for the original topic, racism is still a part of society today, but in my area, it's also directed towards Hispanics, not just African-Americans. In the real inner-city schools in my district, the racial fights have been between African-Americans and Hispanics.

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For me my family and extended family is so mixed it would be hard to find an ethnicity that we don't cover somewhere. My hope is that someday we will become so innermixed that it won't be such a big deal. Adoption has done a lot in that reguard. Where i grew up racism grew rampant. It is the main reason that I have chosen to marry a city boy and live in the city. I couldn't bear the thought of my kids hearing the things I heard. The interesting thing is that for a large part me and 7 of my brothers and sisters are pretty much (muts). Don't know how else to describe it. I think those that still hold racism in their hearts will eventually be left behind in the world because it does not fit with the plan of the almighty. We are all created in God's image. And until we see God we will have no idea exactly what that entails. I was blessed to have parents that enjoyed differences in people. I think they were different because when my dad was 12 he started herding his fathers sheep with the mexicans that his father had hired. They would be up in the pastures for 2 - 3 months at a time. My dad always spoke of the things he learned from those men.

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Guest SisterofJared

My only problem with races being so inter-mixed.... everyone wants to have babies that look like them. LOL. We caucasians generally lose in the genetic battle... so when we marry darker races, we don't have babies that look like us. Brown eyes lose to blue, etc. Generally.

Of course that would change when the races are so diluted.... but those in the first few generations of the mix would know for sure that we wouldn't have babies that take after us. Sad!


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Please forgive me SOJ I mean no disrespect. But your last post has me confused and I'm afraid I can take it in a bad way. With the start saying "My only problem with races being so inter-mixed" immediately brings up red flags to me. I am probably just too sensitive as racism has always been a very touchy subject to me. It just reminded me of my grandmother who said...people should never mix. I always had a hard time with that.

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Please forgive me SOJ I mean no disrespect. But your last post has me confused and I'm afraid I can take it in a bad way. With the start saying "My only problem with races being so inter-mixed" immediately brings up red flags to me. I am probably just too sensitive as racism has always been a very touchy subject to me. It just reminded me of my grandmother who said...people should never mix. I always had a hard time with that.

Why would God create so many beautiful and diverse races if His ultimate goal is that we are to intermingle and eventually all look the same?

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Oh please. So if I, being Caucasian, chose to intermingle with someone of Japanese descent that would be wrong? That's the point I'm trying to make. That sounds racist to me. That would be like saying Blacks should only be with blacks, japanese with japanese, chinese with chinese. I disagree with that. I look at the man not what race or nationality he comes from.

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My only problem with races being so inter-mixed.... everyone wants to have babies that look like them. LOL. We caucasians generally lose in the genetic battle... so when we marry darker races, we don't have babies that look like us. Brown eyes lose to blue, etc. Generally.

Of course that would change when the races are so diluted.... but those in the first few generations of the mix would know for sure that we wouldn't have babies that take after us. Sad!


Ah but when you mix you get something never before seen. My 12 yr old daughter (gorgeous skin, long eyelashes, full lips, beautiful cheekbones, and really tall.) My 9 yr old has fetal alcahol features and people keep saying she looks like me. Kind of interesting. She has the far apart eyes, light blue eyes, she tans instantly and never burns, is really short for her age and has the spirit of a giant. Between the two girls there is a mix of white, black, mexican, and ????? Life is fun if you like constant suprises. LOL:)

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Ah but when you mix you get something never before seen. My 12 yr old daughter (gorgeous skin, long eyelashes, full lips, beautiful cheekbones, and really tall.) My 9 yr old has fetal alcahol features and people keep saying she looks like me. Kind of interesting. She has the far apart eyes, light blue eyes, she tans instantly and never burns, is really short for her age and has the spirit of a giant. Between the two girls there is a mix of white, black, mexican, and ????? Life is fun if you like constant suprises. LOL:)

I have to admit mixed kids can be some of most beautiful children around. You have a point there. But I still think the different races were created for a reason.

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Guest SisterofJared

Pam, if you read the whole post, I don't understand what is confusing. But let me state it clearer.

Someone mentioned that one day hopefully all the races will be so intermixed that it will simply be one race. Anyway, that's how I understood their post.

And I replied that the only problem I have with that is that in order to get to that point.... well, if I was just having babies today, and married a different race, I would be sad to see that none of my children would look like me. Cacasians genes aren't that strong... so when you marry someone with brown eyes and you have blue eyes, usually the baby will have brown eyes. Usually olive skin genes are stronger than light skin genes, etc. So when a white person marries a black person, generally you have a black baby. And there is nothing wrong with that.... but if in your heart you want to have a baby that looks like you, you won't have.

There is nothing WRONG with that.... but there is also nothing wrong with wanting to have a child that looks like you. It's great fun seeing yourself in your children. Recently at my sisters house, my granddaughter and her granddaughter sat side by side. Both babies are 1 year old, born within days of each other. It was fun to see that both were the spitting image of their grandmas!

We look at family pictures and see whose ears someone has, whose nose or whose eyes. It's a normal part of being part of a family. And if we became one race... the chance to have our child look like us would be lost to many.

If you loved someone of a different race, it probably wouldn't matter at all. In fact, you would be happy to see that your child looked like their father/mother.

Does that clear it up for you? I confess that I fell in love with a caucasian because that is who I dated. I grew up in a time when dating outside of my race or my religion was discouraged. A general authority once told me that marriage was difficult enough, and that to marry outside of one's race added even more struggles, and for that reason it was recommended that one marry their own race. That was in the early 80s. I think that has changed a great deal.... I remember being in high school and a woman on my street had a bi-racial marriage and it was shocking. Today it is nothing. Well, almost nothing. We do still run around like the little wooden Wimmicks's in Max Lucado's book, giving each other stars or grey dots. For the most part, we don't give those based on race. But there are some who still do.

Any questions? I want you to understand that there is no disrespect or ill feeling toward any race in my comment about babies looking like the parents...


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