Question about a person calling


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I think people by human nature are more apt to sustain then whine and complain about it later.

you would think...but.....I remember my mission President talking about missionaries that served under him. he would say that he would have to remind himself that he isn't the one who called them..:)....thats good wisdom for all of us to remember.....:)

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If someone has a real reason. Something that has to do with known unworthiness to be called to a calling then it should be brought up to the proper person in authority. If it is because you don't like them or they hurt your feelings then I would say you need to get over it.

If you saw him in a strip club stuffing dollar bills in someone's g string that would be a reason, I would ask what were you doing there to observe such behavior. Probably just delivering the sparkletts water or something. :)

Ben Raines

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Everyone has brought up some good points and thank you, this person has no compassion she is a phony I know this is a harsh word but it is true she acts like a caring person to the bishopric and other members, the problem is she judges people for their misfortune and she is supposed to be there to help at he Bishop request, we are so grateful for our church, very grateful. I don’t want to go into details but she was instructed to help us out and did not and told us we didn’t need the help how are we going to tell our Bishop what she said to us. We have a family of 4 and we needed a food order which is 2 weeks of food months ago she only gave us enough for 2 people and said that is all she is going to give us and we need to learn how to stretch the food needless to say it didn’t last more than a week. She has no children and can’t possible know how much a family of 4 can eat or has a general dislike for us. But I will continue to donate my time for our church when I can and not let a person bring me own. If she doesn’t like her calling she should step down and say she is not the right person for the calling if it gets in the way of her private life or personal prejudices (better than us) that also is a harsh word to use, I am not a perfect person and know it, but I try to be better person that is all we can do is try.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas

Why are there callings:

Because the members are so talented and need an outlet? - I do not think so.

Because we need to develop our talents? - Probably not (too many exceptions)

I believe callings are inspired because most of us would not serve without a calling.

The Traveler

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It's funny, or maybe my ability to be "invisible" at church really works, but I haven't had a calling for quite a long time. It's not like I've been asked to serve and declined the call; I just haven't been asked.

Or maybe someone knows something they shouldn't and has communicated this to the Bishop? I kinda doubt it. I'm more inclined just to think that the Bishop hasn't been prompted to make a call. This is why I sustain a person who has been called. As far as I know, the Lord has prompted the Bishop, and who am I to argue with the Lord...LOL.

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It's funny, or maybe my ability to be "invisible" at church really works, but I haven't had a calling for quite a long time. It's not like I've been asked to serve and declined the call; I just haven't been asked.

Or maybe someone knows something they shouldn't and has communicated this to the Bishop? I kinda doubt it. I'm more inclined just to think that the Bishop hasn't been prompted to make a call. This is why I sustain a person who has been called. As far as I know, the Lord has prompted the Bishop, and who am I to argue with the Lord...LOL.

you need to reveal your secrets.....there are several of us who must not be hiding good enough....:)
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Georgia, no offense, but biding your time? I know I don't know the whole situation, so do what you will with this comment and I won't be think the worse of you, but 'biding your time' never helps a situation like this. Perhaps you need to improve as much as this other person, just in different areas? Anyway, your comment sounded odd to me. I apologize if I'm off base.

Yeah, not knowing the particulars does make my comment seem strange.

When this person was called, it was a shock to several women due to the behavior, attitude, so forth. WE did not vote for or against. To vote against means you know of an issue of unworthiness. This was not the case. We none the less, supported, attended meetings, engage in conversation, all of the things we would have done if we were 1oo % behind this calling from the beginning. But, the attitude, control issues, behind the scenes issues have not changed. This person doesn't even feel it necessary to conduct the meetings the way it is set up by church headquarters. Meetings are conducted the way she wants. She even teaches 3 out of 4 lessons each month! So, we who want a relief society to be run the way it is supposed to, where all sisters are given a chance to grown and develop, when the needs of all sisters are taken in to consideration, are desirous to have this happen. It has been almost 4 years and these things still haven;t changed. This is what I mean by biding my time. :unsure:

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Once when I was serving as a scout master one of the parents of one of my scouts called me to tell me that they were going to the bishop to have me released. I kindly thanked them and informed them that if I had my druthers I would not be teaching 12 and 13 year olds (especially their 13 year old) how to camp in -30 degrees winter conditions. I also assured them that I would second their notion to be the scout master that replaced me. I thought this interesting since this particular parent had not attended any of our camps.

For the most part there are few that perform their calling so poorly that I would want to replace them. I am impressed that others are so prepared and anxious to demonstrate how callings should be fulfilled.

The Traveler

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Once when I was serving as a scout master one of the parents of one of my scouts called me to tell me that they were going to the bishop to have me released. I kindly thanked them and informed them that if I had my druthers I would not be teaching 12 and 13 year olds (especially their 13 year old) how to camp in -30 degrees winter conditions. I also assured them that I would second their notion to be the scout master that replaced me. I thought this interesting since this particular parent had not attended any of our camps.

For the most part there are few that perform their calling so poorly that I would want to replace them. I am impressed that others are so prepared and anxious to demonstrate how callings should be fulfilled.

The Traveler

When I sevred as scoutmaster I had a Dad give me a what for one sunday after a campout. He was telling me he thought from what he heard I was to rough on his son. Needless to say, I just invited him to come along on our next campout and told him the date of it. I never heard from him again.....:)
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It's funny, or maybe my ability to be "invisible" at church really works, but I haven't had a calling for quite a long time. It's not like I've been asked to serve and declined the call; I just haven't been asked.

Or maybe someone knows something they shouldn't and has communicated this to the Bishop? I kinda doubt it. I'm more inclined just to think that the Bishop hasn't been prompted to make a call. This is why I sustain a person who has been called. As far as I know, the Lord has prompted the Bishop, and who am I to argue with the Lord...LOL.

LOL they are just biding their time next calling Stake President - I haven't had a heavy duty calling for over 5 years and right now don't have one. I just have feeling in my waters that when I do get one I am gonna be glad of the rest


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Everyone has brought up some good points and thank you, this person has no compassion she is a phony I know this is a harsh word but it is true she acts like a caring person to the bishopric and other members, the problem is she judges people for their misfortune and she is supposed to be there to help at he Bishop request, we are so grateful for our church, very grateful. I don’t want to go into details but she was instructed to help us out and did not and told us we didn’t need the help how are we going to tell our Bishop what she said to us. We have a family of 4 and we needed a food order which is 2 weeks of food months ago she only gave us enough for 2 people and said that is all she is going to give us and we need to learn how to stretch the food needless to say it didn’t last more than a week. She has no children and can’t possible know how much a family of 4 can eat or has a general dislike for us. But I will continue to donate my time for our church when I can and not let a person bring me own. If she doesn’t like her calling she should step down and say she is not the right person for the calling if it gets in the way of her private life or personal prejudices (better than us) that also is a harsh word to use, I am not a perfect person and know it, but I try to be better person that is all we can do is try.

Everyone have a Merry Christmas

Maybe she's in this particular calling to help teach her about compassion. Maybe she's in this position to teach others? I'm not judging. . . just throwing that out there. There is always a reason why a person is called. And sometimes we're all baffled because we don't understand all things. But the Lord does.

In your situation, I would go to the bishop about the problems you're having with her. Sometimes a mediator is necessary.

Good Luck and I hope you're personal situation improves soon.


Edited by applepansy
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If you are brave enough to raise your hand in opposition being pulled out for a couple of minutes shouldn't be too awkward.

In my experience. . .When someone's doesn't sustain a calling, they are usually talked to privately. The meeting isn't or shouldn't be stopped to deal with this issue. In the wards I've been in whatever issue there was is resolved another time. If it was just one person then it is resolved with just that person. If there were several people then they ask for the Ward/Branch to sustain again.

More often the situation has been that the person who can't sustain someone in a calling actually goes to the bishop before the Bishop can go to them.


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Once when I was serving as a scout master one of the parents of one of my scouts called me to tell me that they were going to the bishop to have me released. I kindly thanked them and informed them that if I had my druthers I would not be teaching 12 and 13 year olds (especially their 13 year old) how to camp in -30 degrees winter conditions. I also assured them that I would second their notion to be the scout master that replaced me. I thought this interesting since this particular parent had not attended any of our camps.

The Traveler

Funny, I had nearly the exact same thing happen to me.

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If your in need of aid (food) and your running out to soon and unable to sustain til her next visit, then yes you need to have a discussion with the biship, leave personal feelings out of it , just talk about the food thats in need and Im sure he will see that its about your family and not that you want to bring someone down.

He may question what happened during your first visit with the RS pres. then tell him she felt we should make the food last longer and that you tryed which im sure you did, but you feel that with 4 children maybe if possible could you receive more at one time so that the children could eat.

Im sure you already know what to say but im hoping you and your family have a Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year.

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All of us are entitled to make mistakes in our selection decisions. Just ask Human Resources. Don't know where that notion came from that all callings are inspired decisions. They are not. However, even seemingly bad decisions may turn out okay and everyone should have the chance to rise to the occasion and succeed.

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The majority of people would not consider turning down a calling. I have never turned down a calling. Even when it was something that I felt I really didn't want to do.

We believe these callings are coming from the Lord using our Bishop as a mouthpiece who extends the calling. To me it would be the same as telling the sorry I don't want to do it.

Edited by pam
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is it at all common for people to reject their callings when they are given them?

I think only the Bishop's can answer that one as most members would not be aware another person had turned down a calling. I personally have asked to be removed from one, that turned out to be inspired as I ended up in hospital 3 days later lol

Personally I would usually accept if I was unsure would ask for time to pray and gain a testimony of it myself.


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I have asked a Bishop to put a time limit on a calling. New in a ward and the first week I'm there get called to teach Primary. I asked the Bishop if he would set a limit of one year so that at that time I could enjoy getting to know the Sister's in the ward through RS etc. He totally agreed with me. Surprising he was true to his word and released me one year later. I was actually surprised he even remembered.

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I have asked a Bishop to put a time limit on a calling. New in a ward and the first week I'm there get called to teach Primary. I asked the Bishop if he would set a limit of one year so that at that time I could enjoy getting to know the Sister's in the ward through RS etc. He totally agreed with me. Surprising he was true to his word and released me one year later. I was actually surprised he even remembered.

what is RS? (sorry for all the questions!)

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