Getting a second patriarchal blessing?


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i got 2 blessings, about 2 months apart. when i got my first the recorder had something malfunction and the patriarch could not transcribe it. nothing was recorded so he called me back to do it again. i didn't need to get a second recommend for it. i know that's not really what you are talking about.

also know a man that lived to be very old, still alive actually lol i think he's in his 90's, who prayed about his and found it to have been completed... he outlived his blessing. lol he is a patriarch by the way. he went to the bishop and the bishop gave him permission for a new one, so he got a second one.... though i'm not sure who gives a patriarch a blessing, wouldn't think he could do it himself... lol again i know not really what you are talking about.

lol i guess i don't really have anything to contribute.

Each Stake has or should have a Patriarch. Another Patriarch would give the blessing.

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i'm sorry that doesn't sound like a good reason to get a first, much less a second. sounds a little like mocking the lord. but that's just my opinion, the bishop should be the one to make that decision.

If i had the issues with everything in the church like you do....I would not even think about another one...

I agree with you Gwen...

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I guess I don't understand the reasoning behind a 2nd Patriarchal blessing. Even if you are excommunicated and rebaptized...all is to be restored. Though I don't think your Patriarchal blessing was ever taken away. It is what it is..a blessing given. Your lineage doesn't change. Many things don't change. As most say they will rise forth with the first resurrection that probably won't change either. Your original Patriarchal blessing usually gives some promises that if you do this or that..certain blessings will be yours. If you have failed to live up to you just say..Okay I don't get those blessings how about some others?

One thing in my patriarchal blessing promises that if I keep it I will have numerous blessings. It's something I struggle with daily. That won't change just having another one.

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Guest missingsomething

While I am not on a quest to get a second PB, I appreciate your input. I was just asking because as I was reading my PB tonight, I got thinking about how one of the choices I made in life could possibly nullify a portion of my Patriarchal blessing, and then I got thinking about people who might possibly have forfeited all their blessings, and what they would do.


Here is what i have been told about PB's... I got mine just barely a member and only 13 and i didnt prepare for it and later in life I felt like I wasnt ready at 13...

but you can under rare circumstances get a 2nd blessing....but these are to be used sparingly.

falling away from the church does not nullify your blessing. Its not a fortune, nor a timed blessing.

Your blessing is not a temporal thing - its an ETERNAL thing - its for our entire life (spiritual life). They are blessings that you can only receive if you live your life righteously... and part of that is making mistakes and REPENTING of them.

If you dont think the blessing applies, ask yourself this... "am I living the way I should to receive these blessings?' Remember it is not fortune telling.... its blessings as you deserve and one blessing will take on new meaning as you mature.

Pray and ponder and Im pretty sure it will apply.

Finally, you need to have faith that your blessings will be given to you. I was told by doctors that I would never have children. NEVER. It would have been easy to believe with all my problems and my sister couldnt have children either. But my blessing said that my children (yes more than one) would grow up around me... I struggled with this. One person told me - oh well it means you will be blessed in eternities w/ children or you will adopt. I prayed and prayed over this...and I really believed it meant I would have children. Just incase you dont know me.... I have two children...healthy, beautiful children.

Be happy with your blessing... if you havent gotten one - know its not a plan for your life- its what you can obtain based on your faithfulness and service to the Lord. Fast before you go - read scriptures and MAKE it a very spiritual thing - you will get so much out of it.

Edited by missingsomething
correcting grammer as always.
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Guest missingsomething
Dunno really. To see what it says. Why not?


Its not a fortune. Its not something that should be taken lightly and if you do - I personally believe you will be accountable for living up to it and heaven help you if you abuse it. Unless you lie to your bishop - there is no way this is a good reason.

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This is interesting for me. Community of Christ used to have the 1 patriarchal blessing policy. Around 10 years ago it was opened up for Continuing Life Blessings and we can now have more than one, the decision made with Patriarch (called Evangelists now in Community of Christ). This is an area where our two faiths have closer similarities.

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Guest missingsomething

We seek additional answers from a Patriarch when we should be learning to talk to GOD directly. ;)

Ooohhhh hemi i love ya~! What a completely perfect answer! I hadnt ever given this much thought and seriously, I am grateful for this simple yet perfect answer.

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I have so much to do in my PB that I think that will do for the rest of my life. But I wnder if my DH should get a new one. It only said in his that he will choose himself what his faith will be... looks like he has chosen and he sure has been tryed! Not really much in his PB.:huh:

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  • 3 years later...

I received my PB about a year after joining the church 15 years ago. It was quite detailed, but also said that my lineage was not to be revealed at that time. I would receive it at a later time, in another PB (an addendum). I didn't think anything of it, but my husband said this was very rare. I haven't done the second one.

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I received my PB about a year after joining the church 15 years ago. It was quite detailed, but also said that my lineage was not to be revealed at that time. I would receive it at a later time, in another PB (an addendum). I didn't think anything of it, but my husband said this was very rare. I haven't done the second one.

That's amazing. I have never heard of anything like that.

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When my husband had his PB I remember hearing something very specific when that really stuck in his mind. When he got the printed copy of his blessing---I read it---and could not find the very specific thing i had heard. I called and talked to the patriarchs wife and told her that I did not see something in his blessing that i was sure i had heard. She went back over the recording of his blessing, and then called me back and told me that i was right---for some reason, when it had ben typed up, that part of his blessing had been left out. He was sent a new, corrected version of his patriarchal blessing. The patriarch wife commented to me that maybe this had happened before when people have said they were sure they had heard something---but then it was not in their blessing when they got the printed copy----I think they must have assumed it was never really said.

so i guess if you are listening carefully and hear something, but it doesn't show up in print--it is worth it to ask if their might be a mistake.

My husband also was called back by the patriarch after his blessing to come back over because he had forgotten to tell him his lineage. It was very brief, and just enough of a blessing to declare his lineage---and then added to his blessing in the appropriate spot---not added like a separate blessing.

I have often wondered about whether or not my blessing still applied to my life. i got it when I was 16--and it did talk about me being in my youth--it also said some very wonderful things--but I was told that there should be no lowering of standards and no compromise as to principles---well---I made a few mistakes over the years, but managed to get myself back on track by teh time I was 22. I have often wondered if because I made mistakes, whether or not my blessing was now null and void.

I had one person, a number of years ago tell me I could get another one, but more recently i have been told that my mistakes did not make my blessing null and void. My blessing went well beyond my youth and talked about my future. It has been neat to see some of the things my blessing said come to pass in small ways--sometimes it has taken someone else saying something about me to even realize that I was seeing things happen in my life that were in my blessing----but i still can't help but wonder if my mistakes might not have changed a few things......I hope not.

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As far as 2nd PB's, I heard my stake patriarch say in a fireside, and I spoke to him about it and he said the only real reason to get a 2nd blessing is if a person has come back from excommunication. Then it would be up to the individual and stake president or bishop (?) whether it would be appropriate. He advised me to wait until I receive my blessings before I start to really think about it. But I've noticed that my blessing still seems very relevant even though I'm ex'd. So I'm not sure that a blessing ever becomes null and void, but then, I've not researched the subject, only my own experience.

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slamjet--If I'm understanding what you are saying (I really don't read between the lines well), but it sounds like you are in the process of working on regaining your blessings after being "ex'd"--as you put it---i admire you for that. I have a sister who went through that process and made it back and had her blessings restored.

I think that would also mean the blessings of your Patriarchal blessing---especially where you can still see things that are relavent in your life, even now.

I am hoping that my slipping away, repenting, and becoming active again means the same thing for me, as far as my blessing goes----I am also able to see things that are relevant in my life, in my blessing, even though I didn't heed the warning it gave about not straying from my standards. I was so young when I strayed---I'm sure the Lord takes that in to consideration--at least I hope he does!

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