Is there a right way and a wrong way to spell bear a testimony?

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Ok using my Collins Book of English Usage

to bare your testimony is the verb its the one that means to open or reveal - however i believe bear can be used as an idiom as bring to bear means to concerntrate on with a specific purpose. So both could be used as they are being used as verbs

Baring your testimony or Bringing to Bear your testimony

As a noun both can be correct it depends how you see your testimony


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First, AngelLynn, I promise I'm not trying to be rude.

But really, is it bear your testimony or bare your testimony? I can see how either one would work. Which should it be?

I hope it is "BEAR YOUR TESTIMONY". ^_^

Here are a couple of examples....

President N. Eldon Tanner, Conference Report, April 1967, General Priesthood Meeting - "I am sure that most of you recognize the name of Don Lind. I have asked him to come up here, and now I am going to ask him to bear his testimony to you. He is a man who has had a different experience to any other priesthood holder, and I am sure the young people throughout the Church, the young men holding the Aaronic Priesthood, and those who hold the Melchizedek Priesthood, would like to hear the testimony of an astronaut."

Elder Mark E. Petersen, Conference Report, October 1963, Afternoon Meeting - "But how strong a voice can you raise? How strong a testimony can you bear? Your testimony is no stronger than your obedience. I wonder how much your testimony has been watered down by your disobedience even in little things here or there. But God expects that you will bear a mighty testimony to the world that he lives, that he has spoken in our day, that Jesus is the Christ, and that destruction will come upon the world unl...

So, if the Elders of the church use the word 'BEAR' then so be it. :lol:

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This has been interesting. I actually looked it up at Dictionary and Thesaurus - Merriam-Webster Online. Here is the entire definition for the "verb" bear (note that there is also a noun bear). I will bold the things I found interesting.

Main Entry: bear

Function: verb

Inflected Form(s): bore \ˈbȯr\ ; borne also born \ˈbȯrn\ ; bear·ing

Etymology: Middle English beren to carry, bring forth, from Old English beran; akin to Old High German beran to carry, Latin ferre, Greek pherein

Date: before 12th century

transitive verb

1 a: to move while holding up and supporting b: to be equipped or furnished with c: behave , conduct <bearing himself well> d: to have as a feature or characteristic <bears a likeness to her grandmother> e: to give as testimony <bear false witness> f: to have as an identification <bore the name of John> g: to hold in the mind or emotions <bear malice> h: disseminate i: lead , escort j: render , give

2 a: to give birth to b: to produce as yield c (1): to permit growth of (2): contain <oil-bearing shale>

3 a: to support the weight of : sustain b: to accept or allow oneself to be subjected to especially without giving way <couldn't bear the pain> <I can't bear seeing you cry> c: to call for as suitable or essential <it bears watching> d: to hold above, on top, or aloft e: to admit of : allow f: assume , accept

4: thrust , press

intransitive verb

1: to produce fruit : yield

2 a: to force one's way b: to extend in a direction indicated or implied c: to be situated : lie d: to become directed e: to go or incline in an indicated direction

3: to support a weight or strain —often used with up

4 a: to exert influence or force b: apply , pertain —often used with on or upon<facts bearing on the question>

— bear a hand : to join in and help out

— bear arms

1: to carry or possess arms

2: to serve as a soldier

— bear fruit : to come to satisfying fruition, production, or development

— bear in mind : to think of especially as a warning : remember

— bear with : to be indulgent, patient, or forbearing with

Enough said?

Just go through it now, reading only the bold words.

I think bear (the verb) wins.


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