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Today after church we had Pot Luck Dinner. I noticed on the table there it was....you guessed it...GREEN JELLO....someone made green jello and cottage cheese.....I busted up laughing and started thinking about all the jokes and comments made here about green jello.....:D:D:D

Why is it, when POT LUCK is serve, someone always brings GREEN JELLO? ^_^

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Today after church we had Pot Luck Dinner. I noticed on the table there it was....you guessed it...GREEN JELLO....someone made green jello and cottage cheese.....I busted up laughing and started thinking about all the jokes and comments made here about green jello.....:D:D:D

You need be very carefull about what you say; the spirit will not abide in a jello bashing person. :)

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homemade mac and cheese.... we always have one if not 2 at our pot lucks...... though my kids kinda started it. lol

i only make the box kraft stuff, so when they went to a pot luck and someone had brought some they thought it was the greatest stuff ever and raved about it. we are in a small branch, at the time i had the only kids in the branch, everyone else is grandma, grandpa age. when they saw how much my kids loved it the grandparent genes kicked in and they like to "treat" my kids to real mac and cheese. lol

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Today after church we had Pot Luck Dinner. I noticed on the table there it was....you guessed it...GREEN JELLO....someone made green jello and cottage cheese.....I busted up laughing and started thinking about all the jokes and comments made here about green jello.....:D:D:D

HELP!! i'm so confused....why is this significant?

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It's a joke about green jello and cottage cheese being a "Mormon" thing. It seems that every potluck at a Mormon function someone brings a dish like this. Utah at one time was the #1 state for it's consumption of jello.

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It's a joke about green jello and cottage cheese being a "Mormon" thing. It seems that every potluck at a Mormon function someone brings a dish like this. Utah at one time was the #1 state for it's consumption of jello.

i never knew that! that is so interesting....do most lds folks like to eat it, or is it like fruitcake at christmas time....everyone gets it as a gift and then throws it away?

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Well I'll be honest. I happen to like green jello with cottage cheese...oh and with pineapple and shredded carrots.

I can't speak for everyone else.

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Well I'll be honest. I happen to like green jello with cottage cheese...oh and with pineapple and shredded carrots.

I can't speak for everyone else.

is there something saying it has to be green jello, or do other colors work as well? i get the feeling that this is something that is well understood in lds culture, so i apologize for asking what may be the obvious!

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i must interject here..... this is ut lds culture..... lds born and raised in the southeast do not eat green jello with stuff in it. i have seen ppl (not just lds) put fruit in jello of many colors but not veggies and no mayo, etc. it is considered a desert here and is not a "salad"..... or however it's clasified.... i am proud to say i've never eaten mormon jello. lol

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Guest Alana

There must be something wrong with my ward. I've never seen jello at a pot luck, oh wait, we don't have pot lucks, we have catering! lol. Last time was thai food! My ward is always breaking the rules, what with all the Obama bumper stickers and everything;)

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now THAT is disgusting!! LOL. i have never tasted meat in the whole of my life, but if i had, i can imagine that the greasy fried variety would get old after a while....

My Ward had their traditional "Wildlife Supper" last Friday night. I have never gone to one (I do not eat meat) but I had promised my son I would take him this year. What a mistake! The first thing I saw when I placed my contribution (a southwestern vegetarian bean-dip) on the table was a WHOLE pig; snout, tail and all!!! (And since when was a pig considered "WILDLIFE"?)

I thought I was going to be sick right then and there...LOL

The only table I ate from was the dessert table! (No meat, or jello, there.):D

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