Glenn Beck anyone?


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I'm starting to feel bad for Glenn Beck. I'm doing research on the internet about him, and I'm finding a lot of people who hate him. Luckily, they quote the readily-available transcripts from whatever show of his (radio or television) they had a problem with, and all I've seen so far are people blowing a regular person's comments waaay out of proportion. It seems the same thing with the blog that LittleWyvern posted.

Personally- from the little I have seen and am still learning about him- he seems to be a living example of the small and weak confounding the wise. Of course, no one's been confounded yet, but I get the feeling, for all his coarseness, he's right about a lot of the stuff he's talking about.

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His show is on while I'm still working, but he cracks me up. I'm a fan. I take his rants tongue in cheek and pay attention to the message. I loved his mockery of Barney Frank the other day. I couldn't stop laughing. :animatedlol:

I also watched his 7 part conversion story. It was quite moving. Glenn's definitely one of those guys that wears his emotions on his sleeve. He may be funny or crazy, but with Glenn, what you see is what you get. Nothing phony about him. My opinion anyway.

Go Glenn!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

The first time I ever heard fo Glenn Beck was during the Terri Schaivo (sp?) thing. Back then he was only on the radio, I believe. I saw a link on some blog and saw that he had designed some t-shirts and coffee mugs with a picture of Michael Schiavo on them and it said something like "I killed my wife and all I got was this lousy shirt." Angry as I was about what was happening to Terri, and how, with the state's help, Michael was getting away with it, I did get a laugh out of Beck's blunt punditry on the matter.

I've watched his show a few times when he was on HNN (CNN part two), but have very rarely seen him on Fox news because the time slot just isn't good for me. I especially liked when he has Ted Nugent on. But I once saw Ted Nugent on the Jon Stewart show (back in the early to mid 90s, before he went political), and that was hilarious too. The "Nuge" is just good viewing entertainment, I think.

I like Beck's sense of humor. On the wikipedia page about him, he's quoted as saying that God "stalked him with a baptismal rifle", as a way of saying that he wasn't particularly interested in the Church at first, but God didn't give up on him and kept leading Beck toward the Gospel.

What I find really sad is members of the Church who hate Glenn Beck just because of their own political views. They let their politics influence the way they will talk about another member of the Church. Not to say it's okay to bag on someone who's not a member, but I would hope at least they could holster the guns for a fellow member.

It's just really sad that some people get so worked up about politics that they will spew hatred and venom all over someone they don't even know. If it keeps up, I can see Doctrine and Covenants 45:68 coming to pass. This rampant and wildly out of control animosity is going to tear this country apart.

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When people talk about whether or not they like Glen Beck they are either talking about his politics or his humor--not him personally. It's unnecessary to take offense at those who might criticize him here...suggesting that a brother in the faith is being tarnished. Any such commentary here is about the politics and comedy. For example, while I appreciate his moral values, and perhaps 80-90% of his political views, sharp sarcasm doesn't do it for me. Additionally, naive me, I still believe in the principle of "loyal opposition." You can be a patriotic American and vote liberal Democrat.

BTW, if he's going to use his faith to deflect criticism (and I do not accuse him of this), he probably needs to tone down some of his sexual innuendo.

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Not accusing anyone here of being unduly critical or hostile viz a viz Glenn Beck. I was talking about criticism of him in general society and other sites, like politico, and sadly, even Deseret News online. I expect better from fellow saints. As far as the rabid lefties go, I just wish they could place humanity and country over politics.

That's all I meant to say. Probably should have been more clear.

And I haven't listened to/watched Beck enough to witness any dirty talk, but I can tell you it's the biggest reason I don't listen to Rush anymore. Your point is a valid one.

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I still can't help but like the guy. He makes no pretense of being better than anyone else. He's admittedly flawed, knows he's an alcoholic and fallible as anyone else. He happens to be LDS (converted), has strong political views, and is not about right or left, but rather right or wrong and will go after both right and left when either is wrong. As for his sarcasm and edgy humor, I think he could be more refined, but then I wouldn't laugh as much. Guess I'm just as fallible as he is and don't take myself so seriously either. :lol:

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does anyone here watch glenn beck?

what do ya think of him?

he's one of my favorite t.v/radio host he's awesome!!


I respect him for his faith, but absolutely hate some of the things he says on his show about democrats; he always seems to be grasping at an audiance that wants to hear anything bad wheather or not its even true; If these people are going to speak to millions of people there should be a law they tell the truth and not a bunch of made up stuff.. besides that i think he is smart and a good public entertainer, but hate his extreme right wing agenda.:)

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  • 3 months later...

Beck is interesting to listen to now and then. Sometimes he seems inspired, other times he seems to travel down the road of semi-paranoid conspiracy theories (i.e. trilateral commision, CFR, etc. all being in cahoots to dominate the world). He's a net positive, but I find his more mature competion over at the E.I.B. Network easier to digest.

CFR = semi-paranoid conspiracy theories?

Well, that's not what Ezra Taft Benson taught, and I'll take his word over yours any day.


and the book he recommends can be read online (with it's implications that the CFR is part of the Secret Combination):

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