Swine Influenza!

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Have you guys heard about the outbreak of Swine Influenza? They are getting 1 reported case a day, but there's probably a lot more that aren't mentioned. If the reported cases were the only cases, how did it teleport from Texas to Kansas?

Has anyone on these forums been infected yet? I sure hope not.

(P.S: Sorry about my rant in the beginning, I'm just tired of officials claiming that the only cases are the reported ones, when people like my sister show symptoms, but don't go to the doctor about it.)

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If the reported cases were the only cases, how did it teleport from Texas to Kansas?

Kansas is not THAT far from Texas. Could have been someone visiting one of those areas. Could have been on a bus, a plane..who knows.

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Guest Alana

But I just paid for a vacation to San Diego next month *whine*

Maybe we can have fun at lego land while wearing those little masks, my kids look pretty cute in them.

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But I just paid for a vacation to San Diego next month *whine*

Maybe we can have fun at lego land while wearing those little masks, my kids look pretty cute in them.

Can I go with you to San Diego? Huh can I? Can I can I? That's my favorite place in the world. Just went there last weekend.

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I just rec'd an update:

As of 9:00 AM on April 26, CDC has confirmed 20 human cases of swine flu in the U.S.:

California: 7

Kansas: 2

New York City: 8

Ohio: 1

Texas: 2

Investigations are ongoing to determine the source of the infection and whether additional people have been infected with swine influenza viruses.

To learn more about swine flu and the CDC investigation, please visit the CDC Swine Flu website.

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(P.S: Sorry about my rant in the beginning, I'm just tired of officials claiming that the only cases are the reported ones, when people like my sister show symptoms, but don't go to the doctor about it.)

I can understand the frustration but to be fair there are three things are work here:

1. Just because you show symptoms doesn't mean you have a case of the particular disease du jour, doctors are better at making that kind of call. I'm not saying self-diagnoses is always incorrect, I just remember the time I was sure I had strep but it turned out to be bronchitis, not sure how I blew that one.

2. They can't work with numbers that don't have, it has to be reported for them to work with it, and Doctors are the ones to do that, mainly because of the above. They could do an internet poll, "Do you think you have X?" but I doubt that'd be useful information outside of how scared the public is at the moment.

3. If they run around saying, "We know of X cases, but who knows how many more there are out there." they could cause a panic, something government agencies (except possibly the Department of Homeland Defense) try to avoid.

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I am happy to see this post, I have been trying to get more information about this lately as I am in charge of the Business Recovery Plan at my workplace. Pandemics are not something I would want to have to go through. Nasty stuff.

Recently I attended a Business Continuity Conference and some of the sessions were about pandemics. They were pretty scary, especially since dealing with a pandemic is different than dealing with any other type of disaster.

Thank you to those who have posted links to more information.

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Mexican soldiers have handed out six million surgical masks in and around Mexico City.

I wish I knew whether the meat I buy at Smiths is from Mexico or Canada. Just saying they may be from one place or the other seems so imprecise. That way I could choose between Mad Cow disease or Swine flu.

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Guest JHM-in-Bountiful

I do volunteer work in a hospital. There are alot of Spanish speaking "patients". I hope one of them comes in with the swine flu so I contract it. I would let the virus take its full course and not see the doctor. This enduring to the end is f#%*ing awful.

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"SALT LAKE CITY -- A deadly virus is spreading across the globe. It first appeared in Mexico, now France, Israel, and the United States are getting hit.

So far in the U.S. the cases have been minor, but it's expected to get worse. It's a public health emergency sparked by Swine Flu. That flu has already killed 81 people in Mexico and is now working its way across the United States.

Sunday, Utah's top health officials were part of an emergency national phone conference working on plans and recommendations....

One concern is over-reaction; the health care system could be swamped by people with minor symptoms. That's why they don't want people to over-react. Be alert, they say, but don't be alarmed...."

ksl.com - Plan in place to deal with swine flu in Utah

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We have 8 reported cases here in New York. :eek: It seems to be getting around.... Just seems strange how wide the spread.

Given the speed that people travel at, I would be surprised if they could contain any outbreak ever.

Assuming the flu takes 2 days to incubate(Pretty standard among flus Influenza Questions and Answers ) then we can assume that no symptoms will be showing when they're highly contagious. Then, we have carriers(People who are contagious but don't exhibit symptoms), people travelling after they feel better, etc.

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Have you guys heard about the outbreak of Swine Influenza? They are getting 1 reported case a day, but there's probably a lot more that aren't mentioned. If the reported cases were the only cases, how did it teleport from Texas to Kansas?

Has anyone on these forums been infected yet? I sure hope not.

(P.S: Sorry about my rant in the beginning, I'm just tired of officials claiming that the only cases are the reported ones, when people like my sister show symptoms, but don't go to the doctor about it.)

Swine flu sparks global concern - CNN.com

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We already have a flu going around here. We don't need another one *builds a wall around Idaho*

How many people go to the doctor when they get sick? I don't, and most of my family doesn't. I am however gonna take along hand sanitizer wherever I go. And drink lots of orange juice. Any other ways to avoid the flu? *takes down wall*

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  • Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hands cleaners are also effective.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
  • Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
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(P.S: Sorry about my rant in the beginning, I'm just tired of officials claiming that the only cases are the reported ones, when people like my sister show symptoms, but don't go to the doctor about it.)

I don't think that anyone claims that reported cases are the only cases out there. They are the only cases that receive any attention because they are the only cases that we know about. If your sister has swine flu (or anything) and doesn't go to the doctor, that's her own fault. Don't get mad at anyone else about it.

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Guest Alana

40 deaths [uSA] are reported this morning....

Have you been reading the tabloids again? Because, unless you have something to back that up, I'm reading that as CDC reporting 40 cases, but ZERO casualties in the USA. Big difference.

Edited by Alana
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