Appreciating from a distance


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I have noticed that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is notoriously good at getting itself 'out there' online, as are it's members through wonderful websites such as this. ;)

In-fact before I get into what I want to ask, I'd like to thank all of you out there who have contributed to getting the Gospel message you believe in readily available online and thank-you for continuing to do so.

What I'm wondering is ... is it okay in your mind to appreciate this Church from a distance, through the information available online (so much stuff on!)? I mean, it's not that I'm not interested in whether this Church could be true (and all that comes with it) it's just that I'm very slow to progress with such realisations/choices. It will probably take me until next year before I make the plunge to attending a Mormon service to see what it's all about... that'll be when I move to Canberra.

There's this other thing though, that I keep wondering about. My struggle of recent to stay focused on my school-work (which is really quite a shock to me, because I love my studies!), I've been wondering if it's because I've reached a point where I have to admit there's something significant I'm lacking... or something along those lines.

Thank-you for your time and guidance.

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For me sites like this ans are invaluable. I am semi-inactive and live in the mountains so am isolated. I can study and learn from home.. I also can interact with other members and ask questions...... This has only helped keep me connected to the church. We all grow as fast or slow as we are are able and I think your pace is your own . I look forward to your continued growth . I am very glad your here,

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I have been investigating the church for going on five years. I have read the BOM and attended some services. I have been really studying for the last year and have just now decided to start attending full time and stop church hopping. There has to be a reason that i continue to come back to the LDS church so I'm going all in to see for my self. Nothing ventured nothing gained. I still do not think I'm quite ready to be baptized, but I feel i'm now heading in the right direction. Take your time and continue to study. This site is great to answer any questions you may have.

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I have noticed that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is notoriously good at getting itself 'out there' online, as are it's members through wonderful websites such as this. ;)

In-fact before I get into what I want to ask, I'd like to thank all of you out there who have contributed to getting the Gospel message you believe in readily available online and thank-you for continuing to do so.

What I'm wondering is ... is it okay in your mind to appreciate this Church from a distance, through the information available online (so much stuff on!)? I mean, it's not that I'm not interested in whether this Church could be true (and all that comes with it) it's just that I'm very slow to progress with such realisations/choices. It will probably take me until next year before I make the plunge to attending a Mormon service to see what it's all about... that'll be when I move to Canberra.

There's this other thing though, that I keep wondering about. My struggle of recent to stay focused on my school-work (which is really quite a shock to me, because I love my studies!), I've been wondering if it's because I've reached a point where I have to admit there's something significant I'm lacking... or something along those lines.

Thank-you for your time and guidance.

Keep your school-work in focus. There is a time and a place for everything and when you are in school is the best time to get good grades. After you leave school is not the best time to master your school subjects. Also there are important social things going on when you are in school.

There are many things to enjoy along your journey of life but it is important to keep the most important things as the most important things. I believe one of the most important things is understanding priorities.

The Traveler

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... is it okay in your mind to appreciate this Church from a distance, through the information available online (so much stuff on!)? I mean, it's not that I'm not interested in whether this Church could be true (and all that comes with it) it's just that I'm very slow to progress with such realisations/choices.

Sounds good to me. I appreciated people with testimonies for two decades before I worked up the initiative to see about finding one myself.


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Sounds good to me. I appreciated people with testimonies for two decades before I worked up the initiative to see about finding one myself.


Me too, sort of. I noticed after I had my daughter and was feeling completely out of sorts I was relying on her testimony. How sad that a 3 year old would be stronger than her mom :P That got me off my duff, and now we both have good ones :D

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I have noticed that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is notoriously good at getting itself 'out there' online, as are it's members through wonderful websites such as this. ;)

In-fact before I get into what I want to ask, I'd like to thank all of you out there who have contributed to getting the Gospel message you believe in readily available online and thank-you for continuing to do so.

What I'm wondering is ... is it okay in your mind to appreciate this Church from a distance, through the information available online (so much stuff on!)? I mean, it's not that I'm not interested in whether this Church could be true (and all that comes with it) it's just that I'm very slow to progress with such realisations/choices. It will probably take me until next year before I make the plunge to attending a Mormon service to see what it's all about... that'll be when I move to Canberra.

There's this other thing though, that I keep wondering about. My struggle of recent to stay focused on my school-work (which is really quite a shock to me, because I love my studies!), I've been wondering if it's because I've reached a point where I have to admit there's something significant I'm lacking... or something along those lines.

Thank-you for your time and guidance.

Well, appreciating the Church from a distance is better than disapproving of it! :P

Seriously, though, you may want to attend one or two services if you can just to get a taste of what they're like. But there's no hurry to join. I think it's a good idea to learn what you need to know and feel confident about your decision before you get baptized.

Anyway, thanks for thinking well of the Church. :)


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From the perspective you speak of, I can appreciate and understand your desire to appreciate the church from a distance for the time being. Its understandable to need time before making this change.

When I look back on my own life, especially lately, I can see how the gift of the Holy Ghost has been an invaluable tool in helping my mind to be refined, enlightened, and far more efficient with the time I do have. With the Holy Ghost as your constant companion there is great potential for mental refinement. So, take your time and appreciate. When you do decide to make the commitment, you'll find its worth it. Whatever time you do spend, I promise you, it will pay off.

Edited by MikeUpton
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