Never discuss <blank> with members of the opposite party


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Abortion comes to mind. I just spent the last 25 minutes 'discussing' abortion with my baby brother. I stated the Church's stance, then realized I'd spent the past 20 minutes stating it over and over with someone who wasn't even listening :P I'm counting it as aerobic exercise.

What other topics should never be discussed in mixed-political company?

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I don't think any topics should be off-limit (any common social issues, at least). Certain people do nothing but argue, and talking about controversial things with them is pointless. One problem in society, I think, is that there's not enough serious discussion about the subjects in our society- most of the people who are doing the talking are on the fringes of the issues.

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Guest Alana

This is a little off topic but something I've recently learned is not to talk about 'digestive problems' with those at least a generation older. I recently attended a 90th birthday party. When the subject of staying regular came up, oh man did that party liven up! My poor aunt was practically eaten alive, luckily I was able to escape the room with my bowels intact.

I hardly get along with any of my old friends from high school because our political views are polar opposite, and it seems to be the focus of their every waking moment. On the other hand my best friend is, well, lets say we voted for different people, but we're able to talk and disagree on politics all the time and it's actually a very enjoyable conversation.

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Abortion comes to mind. I just spent the last 25 minutes 'discussing' abortion with my baby brother. I stated the Church's stance, then realized I'd spent the past 20 minutes stating it over and over with someone who wasn't even listening :P I'm counting it as aerobic exercise.

What other topics should never be discussed in mixed-political company?

As far as abortion issues; none ever listens to the other because of missunderstanding of the others views' The "right" claims that the "left'

loves to kill babies e;t;c....As a matter of pure and simple fact; absolutely nobody beleives abortion is a good thing to do; nobody likes abortion, everybody knows it takes away a human life; We all agree with this; why must we continue to point fingers and make accusations of falsity; when actually we all do agree.? I think people just love to have something to argue about and refuse to see common ground.:(

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Socializing anything (like Health Care)

Robin Hood Economics (making rich pay more than their fair share)

Legalizing Same-sex Marriage

I'm sure there are more, but those are what I have found to be the hardest (with abortion). My wife's brother and his wife are very Democrat, and those issues are the ones they raise their voices at faster than any other.

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I don't think any topics should be off-limit (any common social issues, at least).

Me too. It's interesting how many who would support the effort of war which kills unborn babies and adults alike, would on the same note not support abortion.

Can we have a 'show of hands' for who thinks war is okay, yet doesn't support abortion? Because war is abortion of everything.

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War and abortion are different.

Sometimes a dispute need to be solved by war, like our Civil War. This does not mean every dispute needs to be solved by war.

Abortion is the killing of something innocent with no dispute in its heart. It did nothing to offend, it offers no resistance, and it commits no wrongs.

I think one can think *a* war (not all war) is justified and think abortion is always wrong.

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It did nothing to offend, it offers no resistance, and it commits no wrongs.

Kind of like civilians?

There is no difference. Mass killing is mass killing.

I also think it's unfair to call a civil war a war. It's an uprising of the people to force social change. Liberty vs. tyranny.

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As far as abortion issues; none ever listens to the other because of missunderstanding of the others views' The "right" claims that the "left'

loves to kill babies e;t;c....As a matter of pure and simple fact; absolutely nobody beleives abortion is a good thing to do; nobody likes abortion, everybody knows it takes away a human life; We all agree with this; why must we continue to point fingers and make accusations of falsity; when actually we all do agree.? I think people just love to have something to argue about and refuse to see common ground.:(

Not everyone believes as you do. Many believe that an abortion is nothing more than a medical procedure and that the aborted fetus is not a life. The Democratic Party supports a woman's right to choose.....or in other words they are Pro-abortion. It is a polarizing issue and is virtually a litmus test for Democrats that want to be judges or run for public office. That is one reason that so many people that describe themselves as religious tend to vote Republican also the religious (Judeo-Christian anyway) tend to vote conservative because of the disdain shown by the left (not all Democrats mind you) for their beliefs and values which are portrayed as racist, bigoted, homophobic and filled with hate.

Edited by bytor2112
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Religion, evolution, global warming, evil corporations.....just to name a few. Emotion so often gets the better of logic and reason in these debates. It's kind of like the debate over the economic policy of the Obama Administration....I seriously doubt he would have been elected had the vast majority of his supporters knew that he was going to drive our national debt into hyper drive. Maybe I am wrong, but I don't think the average Joe really understands the danger we are facing......kaysarasara.

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I think it best not to view the Church as a political party. God, Mammon and Caesar should not be mixed for the wellbeing and purity of both Caesar's institutions and God's.

I realize that there are some pretty far out political believers in the Church, but when these political quirks are brought into a discussion regarding the Church as a party, it can dilutes the mission of the Church to proclaim the Gospel to all people in the world. Church members have the freedom of choice to hold a wide variety of political views, while still opting for the same Kingdom of God.


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I think it best not to view the Church as a political party. God, Mammon and Caesar should not be mixed for the wellbeing and purity of both Caesar's institutions and God's.

I realize that there are some pretty far out political believers in the Church, but when these political quirks are brought into a discussion regarding the Church as a party, it can dilutes the mission of the Church to proclaim the Gospel to all people in the world. Church members have the freedom of choice to hold a wide variety of political views, while still opting for the same Kingdom of God.


see i kinda agree with you.. like issues like socialised healthcare or other economic matters i feel have nothing to do with the gospel and these things i think its healthy that there are differing opinions in the church and the church not viewed as a 'political party'. But on issues strongly relating to the gospel and the strength of the church such as gay marriage and abortion, i feel it's our duty to be united on such issues, even to the point of using our unity for political strength.

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Abortion comes to mind. I just spent the last 25 minutes 'discussing' abortion with my baby brother. I stated the Church's stance, then realized I'd spent the past 20 minutes stating it over and over with someone who wasn't even listening :P I'm counting it as aerobic exercise.

What other topics should never be discussed in mixed-political company?

I don't think it's parties so much as people. My mother for instance, don't ever talk politics with her unless you agree with her. I love her to death but it frustrates her to no end and makes her a tad cranky.

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Guest missingsomething

I think it depends on the mixed party. There are some, even some here - that no topic would be off limit because they are respectful and can agree to disagree without getting offended or being nasty.

Personally, I think femine problems should be kept to all female as I have yet to find a male who doesnt wince at this topic. LoL I even feel bad saying it here! hahaha. :P

oh edit edit edit...

I also think some topics are off limits with members of the opposite sex - if you are married. :eek:

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oh edit edit edit...

I also think some topics are off limits with members of the opposite sex - if you are married. :eek:

I agree with that missingsomething. I have my lunch period with all women. They say things about their marriage I don't and, in my opinion, shouldn't be hearing.

It's usually from younger women. Most be the new morality. I prefer the old.

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I think it depends on the mixed party. There are some, even some here - that no topic would be off limit because they are respectful and can agree to disagree without getting offended or being nasty.

Personally, I think femine problems should be kept to all female as I have yet to find a male who doesnt wince at this topic. LoL I even feel bad saying it here! hahaha. :P

oh edit edit edit...

I also think some topics are off limits with members of the opposite sex - if you are married. :eek:

Not necessarily true! If any of you women feel a need to discuss your feminine issues with a man, I’m at your service. The majority of my work is in Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Women’s Health (including breast cancer and other breast services). Oddly, I probably know more about your cervix than you do :D

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Please tell me that's on purpose. If it is, it's funny.

Personally, I think femine problems should be kept to all female as I have yet to find a male who doesnt wince at this topic. LoL I even feel bad saying it here! hahaha. :P

missingsomething, please meet Mr. Wing; Mr. Wing, missingsomething. There, now you've met one.

(He's the one that initially brought up the subject when we were still dating.)

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Oddly, I probably know more about your cervix than you do :D

True story. I work in the disability insurance field. When I first started, I got a claim from a woman complaining of cervical pain from a work related accident. I had to code this claim on our system and after giving it to my trainer, he laughed out loud. I had coded it as pain in the cervix rather than neck pain.

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Personally, I think femine problems should be kept to all female as I have yet to find a male who doesnt wince at this topic. LoL I even feel bad saying it here! hahaha.

I don't*, I did grow up with me and my Dad being the only guys in the family until I was 10 (and before my brother came along I had 4 sisters). It's a bodily function, I sat through health classes in school, I'm aware of it (though only in a general sense I've forgotten all details by now though I'm sure MoE could refresh me). I will wince at horror stories but that's the point and I imagine most women would wince at the retelling of passing a clot the size of a tangerine or what have you.

I'll give it to you in a general sense though, when it comes to 'female issues' a lot of men seem abnormally sensitive but in my experience some women in mixed company who notice a man not fleeing the scene or redirecting their attention they try their best to tell horror stories till the men flee in discomfort. If one thought every conversation revolved (or might revolve) around passing giant clots and anything else that was told in a manner to calculate discomfort it wouldn't take me long to flee on instinct either. Tis not just 'female issues', my brother does the same thing with zit stories, if my first experience about talking about zits had come from him and a few friends who felt like playing along I'd probably excuse myself the first chance there was even the hint of a discussion about zits as well.

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As far as abortion issues; none ever listens to the other because of missunderstanding of the others views' The "right" claims that the "left'

loves to kill babies e;t;c....As a matter of pure and simple fact; absolutely nobody beleives abortion is a good thing to do; nobody likes abortion, everybody knows it takes away a human life; We all agree with this; why must we continue to point fingers and make accusations of falsity; when actually we all do agree.? I think people just love to have something to argue about and refuse to see common ground.:(

This just ain't so. The Prochoice crowd argues that since we cannot prove the tissue is human, only the mother and God can judge it. I remember asking a classmate when she thought life began, and she answered, "When they cut the embylical cord. Until then it's a parasite, and the mother can do as she pleases." It sounds extreme, but our laws agree.

IF we could all agree that abortion is the termination of a human soul, the issue would have a very different flavor. As it is, pro-choicers believe we are heartless, having no concern for the young mother. Further, they argue that if we care so much about the unborn child, we should pay for its care. And, of course, we who believe the baby is a human soul cannot find justification for killing it.

Quite frankly, if we pro-lifers are right, there's not much middle ground here. We simply must continue to proclaim truth.

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We simply must continue to proclaim truth.

That attitude is exactly what makes it difficult to discuss some issues without arguing. Not that there's anything wrong with it per se, but when you get two people with opposite views both believing they are simply proclaiming the truth, the discussion is bound to get heated and at the end both sides will be even more entrenched in their belief that they are patently right and others are patently wrong and nothing is accomplished.

Edit: I know you qualified the statement before with "if we pro-lifers are right" so I'm not saying you necessarily have this viewpoint.

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That attitude is exactly what makes it difficult to discuss some issues without arguing. Not that there's anything wrong with it per se, but when you get two people with opposite views both believing they are simply proclaiming the truth, the discussion is bound to get heated and at the end both sides will be even more entrenched in their belief that they are patently right and others are patently wrong and nothing is accomplished.

Edit: I know you qualified the statement before with "if we pro-lifers are right" so I'm not saying you necessarily have this viewpoint.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with believing one's opinions are true. However, rousing, loud, angry polemic only serves to rally supporters. It turns off potential converts. So, when I'm discussing my views with those who disagree, or are uncommitted, I listen a lot, plant my ideas concisely and respectfully, and hope that the listener eventually considers my view and makes it her own. Tone is everything...well, listening first, then tone.

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