Well....now what?

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Well, I got my high school diploma yesterday...so....now what? If I was more worthy, I'd go on a mission. If I had prepared better, I'd go to college. If I wasn't a wuss, I'd join the military. I have no sense of direction. I feel so lost now that I'm graduated.

Whatever your struggles, you could work towards and prepare for a mission if it is truly the desire of your heart.

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You can take general education classes at a community college, try out some art classes or vocational classes to see what type of career path draws you (sometimes you never know what you *really* want to be when you grow up until you dip your toes in the water and try it out).

You have until you're in your mid-20's I believe (I want to say 26?) to prepare for a mission. That's plenty of time to find a job and work towards saving the money necessary to pay for it, as well as plenty of time to dive into the scriptures, study "Preach My Gospel", and prepare for the Temple.

Just because you may not feel prepared to make the next step after high school, doesn't mean you can't START preparing right now.

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LostSheep said:

I feel so lost now that I'm graduated.

LostSheep, that is a very normal feeling. The future is unknown, it can be a little scary. Take some time to think of what interests you. Find yourself a job in the meantime (that might be work in itself - job hunting). Once you start to feel a little more grounded, you'll have a better idea about what you want to do.
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Well, I got my high school diploma yesterday...so....now what? If I was more worthy, I'd go on a mission. If I had prepared better, I'd go to college. If I wasn't a wuss, I'd join the military. I have no sense of direction. I feel so lost now that I'm graduated.

If you don't feel you are ready for the rigors of military life, have you considered the Air Force??? :P (J/K! Kudos and thanks to those who served in the winged branch of our armed forces!!!)

You may want to take a year and serve in Americorps. You can earn some money towards college, gain some skills, and do some good.

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If you don't feel you are ready for the rigors of military life, have you considered the Air Force??? :P (J/K! Kudos and thanks to those who served in the winged branch of our armed forces!!!)

You may want to take a year and serve in Americorps. You can earn some money towards college, gain some skills, and do some good.

Boo. Think running around with a ruck sack is stressful try removing , repairing and reinstalling an aircraft part that if done improperly will result in millions of dollars in damage, the death of the crew, anyone unlucky enough to be in the crash zone at the time.

But yes we do/did live better (in deployed situations) then most.



Service before self

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Pick something and run with it. I suppose if you want, it can be that 'poor me, I screwed up and I'm not worthy' nonsense you post. Seems like kind of a waste of a life to follow that path though.

Anyway, it's up to you. Nobody will hand you a better life. For what it's worth, it's quite obvious to me, after reading the breadth and depth of your posts here, that you would be very able to achieve pretty much whatever you end up putting your mind to. Here's hoping you decide to make it something worthwhile.

Top Secret Hint About Life: Pursuing a life of meaning is a decent replacement for actually having one to start out with.


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Pick something and run with it.

But don't forget to take stock of yourself every now and then either- keep re-evaluating if your current goal is still what you want.

I knew a guy who was home-schooled, went to community college while I was in high school, then got a BA in chemistry, then a masters, and was soooo close to a PhD before he finally realized that he really wanted to work with computers..... not chemistry..... so he dropped out of the PhD program and got a job with computers- couldn't be happier now.

My advice- apply for college now- even if it's for winter quarter. 90% of freshmen are in the same boat you are- they don't have a clue about what they want. At least if you're in school, you'll be making progress on the general university courses that you need to graduate, AND you'll be exposed to a lot of subject areas.... so you might find something. If you "skip" a year and go work, you're statistically less likely to ever go to college.

Good luck- congrats on that diploma!

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Yup, Go to school. College is different than High School. You will find that it's up to you if you really want to be there, and just knowing that you are choosing to be there makes it so much more worthwhile. Prepare to serve a mission, and if in a year or two you are ready to serve, you can do that. If you decide not to do a mission, you will still be better for the effort. Good luck, and congrats on becoming an adult. :)

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Strange transition isn't it!

Now What? I wonder how many times all of us here have asked that! Get down on your knees and ask Heavenly Father what’s next, he will tell you. Has he already told you and you’re just having a hard time with the answer? Go see your bishop, talk over the answer you probably already have.

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The definition of insanity is doing the same things you've always done while expecting different results.

Picture who you want to be in 10 years, then make a plan to get there.

Follow the plan.

Too many times the only reason we don't do this is because it seems like such a long time ahead. But, if you don't do it now, start at the very beginning by taking the first step, in 10 years you will be where you are now.

It's not rocket science.

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It will sound a litle overdone, but my best advice would be for you to have your goal to be a mission. there are alot of things you can do and accomplish in the process of preparing, like working, or going to school, and dealing with whatever issue of worthyness - but your mission should be the thing you should be trying to accomplish. For me, serving a mission was the best thing I have ever done. While I was serving, I was able to step outside of my life, and I was able to understand better what I wanted to do with it. My mission helped me to find purpose and direction - and I was able to help bring many people to a knowledge of the gospel at the same time!

It may not seem so appealing sometimes to serve a mission, but it will help you to shape your life.

Edited by Ezequiel
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Picture who you want to be in 10 years, then make a plan to get there.

Follow the plan.

Too many times the only reason we don't do this is because it seems like such a long time ahead. But, if you don't do it now, start at the very beginning by taking the first step, in 10 years you will be where you are now.

Don't let implementation of the plan become the goal however... make sure that the plan is always to get to the goal.

I graduated from college and worked for 5 years before coming to the conclusion that "this sucks" and decided to go for my previous goal.... to become a doctor. You mention 10 years- that's not too far off the mark for me, and honestly, it's a depressing number. I've been very tempted over these past two years to give up and go back to work (and make "good" money again)... thankfully I have good friends that always talk me back down..... they know what I REALLY want even when my own sloth might otherwise cloud my judgement.


Please don't make the same mistake I did 9 years ago... I went into school thinking "I want to be a Dr" and then found out just how much work the pre-med track is. Video games and hanging out with buddies in the dorms easily trumped hard work, so I ended up bouncing from major to major ultimatly ending up with a BA in business administration and a marginal GPA. Now it's 11 years later and i'm FINALLY about ready to apply for medical school (I take the MCAT next week).... I have a 3.98 GPA this time around....and yet my past STILL haunts me. You see, when I apply for med school, my cumulative GPA is what's used, so if you can follow this math:

Awesome GPA this time + Horrible GPA last time = meh

Yeah- So even though i've made the plan and stuck with it for the past two years, my prior decisions are still negatively affecting me. If you do decide to go to school, at least commit to doing well in school (or rather, comit to doing well in whatever you decide upon) so that when you DO decide on your eventual course, you haven't inadvertently closed any doors.

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If you don't feel you are ready for the rigors of military life, have you considered the Air Force???:P (J/K! Kudos and thanks to those who served in the winged branch of our armed forces!!!)

You may want to take a year and serve in Americorps. You can earn some money towards college, gain some skills, and do some good.

Great advice. Americorps will put hair on your chest. Also, do not forget that if you join the Navy you can see the world, plus you get to sleep in hammocks.

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