Children not off limits for liberals.


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Guest Godless

I am guessing here......but I suspect some liberals would consider his comments tasteless.....not so much some on this site...but somewhere I am sure.

Everyone makes gaffes. A few weeks ago Jon Stewart called Harry Truman a war criminal (and later apologized). The great thing about being open-minded is that you don't necessarily have to agree with everything that is said by people on your side. Unfortunately, many people on both sides blindly agree with and defend the people who best represent their views. Heck, I'll be the first to admit that I'm sometimes guilty of it. No one is going to be objective 100% of the time.

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Everyone makes gaffes. A few weeks ago Jon Stewart called Harry Truman a war criminal (and later apologized). The great thing about being open-minded is that you don't necessarily have to agree with everything that is said by people on your side. Unfortunately, many people on both sides blindly agree with and defend the people who best represent their views. Heck, I'll be the first to admit that I'm sometimes guilty of it. No one is going to be objective 100% of the time.

Party politics has become (maybe it's always been) like cheering for your favorite football team....regardless of how stupid the players are:eek: Lettermen is an idiot and his comments were tasteless....if I were Todd Palin I would accept the invitation and do a tap dance on his skinny backside.:o

Edited by bytor2112
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For what it's worth, Letterman said he regrets telling the joke.


Really? I thought he said he wasn't referring to the 14 y/o. His apology for tasteless jokes is questionable as he didn't sound like he admitted they were wrong, but merely that he makes tasteless jokes all the time.

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He said that he was referring to Bristol (the older daughter), however, Willow (the 14-year-old) is the one that was actually in New York during the referenced time.

Personally I think that politics should be set aside in this. He's a comedian and he made a tasteless joke. It happened to be about the daughter of a politician. It was also about an athlete.

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David Letterman "An awkward moment fot Sarah Palin at the Yankee's game, in the seventh inning her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriquez". This was in reference to Palin and her 14 YEAR OLD daughter attending a Yankees game as guests of Rodriquez.

He also called Palin a slut.Let's take a look at Lettermans life. After divorcing his first wife, he had a long affair with writer Merrill Markoe(sp) and had a child with Regina Lasko in 2003. They finally got married in 2009. Letterman should know a good bit about sluts.

His audience thought his comments were hilarious. Of course, the IQ of a Letterman audience is probably about two points above that of a Jerry Springer audience.

Who watches this show? ^_^

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I'm not a Palin supporter at all, and might vote for her opponent if she ran for President, but I think Letterman went too far with his comedy routine. Even though Palin is a public figure, any jokes about her daughters being raped are not funny at all. It doesn't matter that the oldest daughter became a teen mom, things like that shouldn't be joked about.

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Im still confused, at what point did Letterman say Palin's daughter was going to be raped? All I heard was some comment about her getting knocked up by A-rod. It's not necessarily indicative of rape, it was a joke about her daughters being trashy. Which they are. He may have been talking about Bristol, but the joke could have easily applied to the younger one too. The 14 year old has pictures of her making out with different guys all over the internet.

Can't take the heat? Stay out of the kitchen.

Maybe Palin should have paid better attention to what her kids were doing, rather than running for public office. Then perhaps her oldest son wouldn't be doing drugs, her oldest daughter wouldn't be a teen mom, her middle child wouldn't be known as a slut at 14, and David Letterman wouldn't have any jokes to make. There's a novel idea!

My parents make jokes about my brother being promiscuous all the time. I fail to see how this is that big of a deal.

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Im still confused, at what point did Letterman say Palin's daughter was going to be raped? All I heard was some comment about her getting knocked up by A-rod. It's not necessarily indicative of rape, it was a joke about her daughters being trashy. Which they are. He may have been talking about Bristol, but the joke could have easily applied to the younger one too. The 14 year old has pictures of her making out with different guys all over the internet.

Can't take the heat? Stay out of the kitchen.

Maybe Palin should have paid better attention to what her kids were doing, rather than running for public office. Then perhaps her oldest son wouldn't be doing drugs, her oldest daughter wouldn't be a teen mom, her middle child wouldn't be known as a slut at 14, and David Letterman wouldn't have any jokes to make. There's a novel idea!

My parents make jokes about my brother being promiscuous all the time. I fail to see how this is that big of a deal.

Wow....her daughters are trashy? Really? You know them personally? I googled searched for pics of Willow making out with different guys that are allegedly all over the internet....and didn't find any. But since you have seen them.....I'll just have to take your word for it. So, getting Pregnant out of wed lock makes one trashy........that's good to know, lots of people I am certain have made those same trashy mistakes, eh?

I guess Dave was right then......thanks for clearing that up?:confused::confused::eek:

Edited by bytor2112
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Im still confused, at what point did Letterman say Palin's daughter was going to be raped? All I heard was some comment about her getting knocked up by A-rod..

My guess is its a reference to statutory rape. Either that or A-Rod has a history of alleged rape (I don't follow him, wouldn't know) and so people are jumping to conclusions that if he knocked somebody up it's because he raped them.

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It was a statutory rape reference. However, Letterman said nothing about rape. His words were "knocked up." Was Bristol Palin raped? Not that the media or world has been made aware of. He was taking a pot shot at Gov. Palin's daughters, since one of them has already proven herself to be sexually active.

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Reminds me of Tom Hanks apologizing to the church for the added insult for supporting Prop 8 and many now will not support this man. For me, once he made the apology, I began to watch his movies [You Got Mail] and support the man. If the Savior can accept my apology, I am sure I can accept Tom's apology. ^_^

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Reminds me of Tom Hanks apologizing to the church for the added insult for supporting Prop 8 and many now will not support this man. For me, once he made the apology, I began to watch his movies [You Got Mail] and support the man. If the Savior can accept my apology, I am sure I can accept Tom's apology. ^_^

You can be so cool.


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