Note for teacher


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A man went to a speech by Presdent Obama. He took his daughter out of school for the day so she could see the President also. During the question period the man was called on and mentioned he had taken her out of school. The President asked jokingly, "Does She need a note"? The man took him up on it and the President wrote her a note asking the teacher to excuse her because "She was with me". Signed Barack Obama.

I hope the girl makes a copy for her teacher and holds onto the original. That will be worth some money someday.

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That's amusing. Is it actually verifiable?

As for money vs. moment, maybe the girl will find herself in a tough spot down the road. She might be able to get some money from the sale. It doesn't diminish her experience or take away from it in any way.

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How long does it take to write a short note? A few seconds. If the story is true what an experience for the child to remember forever. How often do you get a President writing you an excuse from school? Unless of course you are his daughters.

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Although if this story were true... I'd question the competency of any president who has time to write a note to excuse a child from school.

Hand shaking and baby kissing/holding is part of the job this is just a subset of that.

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Here's a link to the story.'s a link to foxnews, if you're one of those crazies that get an electrical shock for going to Fox, then find your own source. :D

'She's With Me': Obama Writes Girl Absence Note - Political News -

Fox News had something good to say about Obama.... are you sure there's not a followup story that speculates the note was actually laced with anthrax and the school is now quarantined?

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I thought that was part of a candidate's job, but it all goes out the window after the election.

He still has another term to campaign for. Regardless good PR will always be part of being a politician as will maintaining public confidence (which one can argue is a part of PR I suppose), a President who held up in the White House and never did any public appearances but had his Press Secretary do everything would lose in the polls pretty quick. If public opinion no longer matters because he's been elected whats with all the opinion polls?

The above is of course talking about American politics, other cultures may very, but do people feel the Governor who meets with Miss Dairy or the Mayor who cuts a ribbon is incompetent? If every politician who takes the time for a photo op is incompetent there probably isn't a competent one out there.

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Although if this story were true... I'd question the competency of any president who has time to write a note to excuse a child from school.

It is stories of people's humanity that endear them to us. President Kimball also had time for many little things like helping a lady at the airport with her child.

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NO WAY would I've taken that note to the school! Take it home and frame it! That's something you'll NEVER replace. What if the principal gets his hands on the note and says he wants to keep it? If it's her last day of the year and she's had a good attendence record, I wouldn't sweat it over 1 illegal absence. Since the girl looked middle school age, it's not going to go on her college record so KEEP THE NOTE AND SHOW IT OFF TO ALL YOUR FRIENDS!!:)

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NO WAY would I've taken that note to the school! Take it home and frame it! That's something you'll NEVER replace. :)

I doubt a note would be necessary. Even if the teacher is oblivious to the news, several of the girl's fellow elementary school classmates would fill the teacher in on the news story.

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One other thing. Many of the early posts said "if this story is true". Do you people think I make these things up? I'm retired. I have nothing better to do than sit around and pick up on meaningless, trivial, unimportant news stories.:(

No one is accusing you of anything. You quoted no news source, nor provided any link, and it sounds like the type of thing that would get passed around in an email, so it's perfectly normal that people were suspicious of its origin.

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Guest SisterofJared

I'm surprised that no one seemed to notice the fact that Obama was basically trying to upstage the parent.... the father or mother of the little girl is the one who should write a note when their daughter is absent, not Obama. I find it disturbing and egotistical that he would even offer such a note.

They should burn the note. But since the father had taken his daughter to see Obama, he most likely views him as some sort of hero, and will undoubted treat the note as a prized possession.

NO person, not even a public figure like the president, has the right to assume responsibility for a child's absence. The parents alone have that right and responsibility. Who the heck does Obama think he is to try and usurp that??? Disgusting!

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I'm surprised that no one seemed to notice the fact that Obama was basically trying to upstage the parent.... the father or mother of the little girl is the one who should write a note when their daughter is absent, not Obama. I find it disturbing and egotistical that he would even offer such a note.

They should burn the note. But since the father had taken his daughter to see Obama, he most likely views him as some sort of hero, and will undoubted treat the note as a prized possession.

NO person, not even a public figure like the president, has the right to assume responsibility for a child's absence. The parents alone have that right and responsibility. Who the heck does Obama think he is to try and usurp that??? Disgusting!

This must rank pretty high on the list of most obtuse posts ever seen on

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