Note for teacher


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I'm surprised that no one seemed to notice the fact that Obama was basically trying to upstage the parent.... the father or mother of the little girl is the one who should write a note when their daughter is absent, not Obama. I find it disturbing and egotistical that he would even offer such a note.

They should burn the note. But since the father had taken his daughter to see Obama, he most likely views him as some sort of hero, and will undoubted treat the note as a prized possession.

NO person, not even a public figure like the president, has the right to assume responsibility for a child's absence. The parents alone have that right and responsibility. Who the heck does Obama think he is to try and usurp that??? Disgusting!

Wow... from the way the note Obama signed was written, I would have said it was in jest - it's not often a child comes in with an absence note from the president.

Obama is in a catch 22 situation at all times. Whatever he does, he'll offend someone somewhere, simply because he is the president. That response was highly amplified from what it probably would have been had a 'normal' person done it. Being president unfortunately doesn't mean he isn't human, he'll still make mistakes, as would anyone else. Unfortunately being the president also means he'll be slammed by someone somewhere even when a mistakes hasn't really been made. Whatever he does, whether it be that he had sausages for breakfast (shouldn't he be honouring the beliefs of vegetarians?), killed an insect (oh my gosh, the president took an innocent life!), visited a muslim school (why not a christian school?!), visted a christian school (why not a muslim school?) or signed a note in jest explaining why a child wasn't in school that day, someone won't like it.

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I'm surprised that no one seemed to notice the fact that Obama was basically trying to upstage the parent.... the father or mother of the little girl is the one who should write a note when their daughter is absent, not Obama. I find it disturbing and egotistical that he would even offer such a note.

They should burn the note. But since the father had taken his daughter to see Obama, he most likely views him as some sort of hero, and will undoubted treat the note as a prized possession.

NO person, not even a public figure like the president, has the right to assume responsibility for a child's absence. The parents alone have that right and responsibility. Who the heck does Obama think he is to try and usurp that??? Disgusting!

Excellent post...

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I'm surprised that no one seemed to notice the fact that Obama was basically trying to upstage the parent.... the father or mother of the little girl is the one who should write a note when their daughter is absent, not Obama. I find it disturbing and egotistical that he would even offer such a note.

They should burn the note. But since the father had taken his daughter to see Obama, he most likely views him as some sort of hero, and will undoubted treat the note as a prized possession.

NO person, not even a public figure like the president, has the right to assume responsibility for a child's absence. The parents alone have that right and responsibility. Who the heck does Obama think he is to try and usurp that??? Disgusting!

Indeed. That poor little tike's now scarred for life, and God-fearing parents will grind their teeth for eternity.

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Guest SisterofJared

Sorry my post is a bit obtuse to you, MOE. I'll try and break it down:

The PARENT has the God-given AND the legal responsibility for the child. They can excuse their attendance from school for any reason they see fit... maybe the just want to go to Disneyland. It happens. It's up to the PARENT. You alone decide when your child may skip school. Your neighbor cannot write a note to excuse your child, the cashier at the bank cannot write a note to excuse your child, even their sunday school teacher cannot write a note to excuse your child. Only you as parent can do that.

The most important person in a child's life is and ought to be their parent. Insignificant people in the scheme of things when you look at world politics.. yes. But NO ONE has a greater interest in your child's well being, no one has greater influence over the direction of their life.

I find it egotistical to the extreme that Obama would presume to momentarily step into that role. Truth be known, he has NO vested interest in that child, no love for her, no responsibility to follow through with her growth and development. He may be a world leader, but in that little girls life, he is small potatoes. His note has much less authority than the father's note would. It's kinda like baptizing without the priesthood. Only generally people who baptise others when they don't have the priesthood at least believe they have some authority because of their schooling or something. Obama knows darn well he isn't the girls parent.

Hope that's clearer for you. LOL.

Edited by SisterofJared
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No one is accusing you of anything. You quoted no news source, nor provided any link, and it sounds like the type of thing that would get passed around in an email, so it's perfectly normal that people were suspicious of its origin.

I can't tell if anyone actually verified the story on this thread, or not, but it did happen. I saw it on the news.

He ripped off a piece of paper from his notes to write the note. I agree, she should keep it as safe as possible, for it will be worth a chunk of change one day. (I'm not sure if it will be in her lifetime, but who knows?)

It was an endearing moment.

This is just in case you were still suspicious.


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Sorry my post is a bit obtuse to you, MOE. I'll try and break it down:

The PARENT has the God-given AND the legal responsibility for the child. They can excuse their attendance from school for any reason they see fit... maybe the just want to go to Disneyland. It happens. It's up to the PARENT. You alone decide when your child may skip school. Your neighbor cannot write a note to excuse your child, the cashier at the bank cannot write a note to excuse your child, even their sunday school teacher cannot write a note to excuse your child. Only you as parent can do that.

The most important person in a child's life is and ought to be their parent. Insignificant people in the scheme of things when you look at world politics.. yes. But NO ONE has a greater interest in your child's well being, no one has greater influence over the direction of their life.

I find it egotistical to the extreme that Obama would presume to momentarily step into that role. Truth be known, he has NO vested interest in that child, no love for her, no responsibility to follow through with her growth and development. He may be a world leader, but in that little girls life, he is small potatoes. His note has much less authority than the father's note would. It's kinda like baptizing without the priesthood. Only generally people who baptise others when they don't have the priesthood at least believe they have some authority because of their schooling or something. Obama knows darn well he isn't the girls parent.

Hope that's clearer for you. LOL.

I still cannot think it was actually serious... this is what your post seems to be based on. As far as I can see, he did it for the humour of it and for the media. I doubt very much he thought in his mind that he was taking over a parental role.

And I don't know if it's the same in America, but here, the parents cannot just take their kids out of school without a very good reason, and often requires a note from a qualified individual to explain their absence, like a doctor.

But as I said, every move he makes will offend someone. He knew this was going to happen before he took office, most likely the backlash he receives about most things just washes off him.

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Sorry my post is a bit obtuse to you, MOE. I'll try and break it down:

The PARENT has the God-given AND the legal responsibility for the child. They can excuse their attendance from school for any reason they see fit... maybe the just want to go to Disneyland. It happens. It's up to the PARENT. You alone decide when your child may skip school. Your neighbor cannot write a note to excuse your child, the cashier at the bank cannot write a note to excuse your child, even their sunday school teacher cannot write a note to excuse your child. Only you as parent can do that.

The most important person in a child's life is and ought to be their parent. Insignificant people in the scheme of things when you look at world politics.. yes. But NO ONE has a greater interest in your child's well being, no one has greater influence over the direction of their life.

I find it egotistical to the extreme that Obama would presume to momentarily step into that role. Truth be known, he has NO vested interest in that child, no love for her, no responsibility to follow through with her growth and development. He may be a world leader, but in that little girls life, he is small potatoes. His note has much less authority than the father's note would. It's kinda like baptizing without the priesthood. Only generally people who baptise others when they don't have the priesthood at least believe they have some authority because of their schooling or something. Obama knows darn well he isn't the girls parent.

Hope that's clearer for you. LOL.

Now let me clarify something for you. President Obama in no way assumed neither the God-given nor the legal authority for the child. President Obama didn’t even make the decision that the girl could skip school. That was a decision her parents made. Her parents let her skip school so she could have the opportunity to meet President Obama, something only a relatively few school children will be able to claim. Having successfully completed the effort to meet the President, the girl’s father mentioned to him, quite innocently, that she was missing school for this opportunity. President Obama then demonstrated his knowledge of how public schools operate and quipped, “Do you need a note?” Recognizing a unique opportunity for fun and for a unique memory for this girl, he wrote a simple note that would verify the claim that she met the President. The note was never intended to excuse her from school. The note was intended to validate her experience.

Even the most vocally conservative people on this board are recognizing the humor in this story. You seem to be the only one that sees anything wrong with it. You’ve come up with a very contrived and stretched explanation for why this show President Obama’s “egotism to the extreme.” I can only surmise that this is because you’ll gladly accept any reason you can to trash anyone who doesn’t share your political views. All I can say to that is get off your high horse and come join humanity.

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Guest SisterofJared

I do not appreciate the rude and scornful response, MOE.

Disagreement is fine, in fact a discussion where all agree turns boring quite quickly. But to tell someone to get off their high horse and join humanity is just beyond what this conversation called for. Perhaps you need to go back to bed and get out on the other side.

True, I do not like Barack Obama. But if the indicident had occured with one of my political heroes... like Ron Paul... I would have still felt that it was out of line for him to be writing a note asking the school to EXCUSE the absense... as Obama did write in his note. You seemed to believe that my response was driven by dislike for Obama rather than the principles that I explained. Not so. You assume incorrectly.

For future discussions I hope you will control the desire to drip acid from your tongue so easily. It is quite possible to have an interesting and lively debate without trying to promote yourself by denigating others.


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Hope that's clearer for you. LOL.

Yes, it clears it up just fine. It clears up the fact that you can't stand the man, and will take advantage of anything he does, even the most benign, to bash him.

Her father took her out of class specifically to see President Obama speak, and it was obviously a special occasion for the both of them. Obama knew this, and thus, jokingly gave her the note. Only a person who hates the president would see it otherwise.

(No, I do not believe if Ron Paul had done the same, your anger would be the same. Only someone who viscerally hates Obama would be as ridiculous as you're being.)

Obviously the young girl and her father were delighted to receive the note. The girl is going to frame the note, along with the event ticket.

Hate Obama for his policies, but don't tarnish a young girl's magical moment with nonsense about how Obama really thought his note was going to replace her parents'. That's just obtuse.


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Guest SisterofJared

Elphaba... I don't feel any anger about this at all. Sheesh! Is it not possible to have a difference of opinion without being accused of feeling hatred and anger? I felt more surprised and indignant. Once one of my children spent the night with a friend on a school night. He was supposed to go to school with the friend the next day. But for some reason (I don't remember why) the boys missed school the next day, and his friend's mother called the school and had their absence excused. I was appalled. And I don't think it makes it any more right for the President to do it than a niegborhood friend.

Yes, I am aware that the girl was with her father, and it was obvious that they consider him a hero and that is why I said I knew she would keep the note.

I read the discussion, watched the video and stated my feelings on the issue... all without any personal attacks or rudeness to anyone on this forum. In auctuality, while I do not like Obama, I spend very little time "bashing" him, or even talking about him.

I guess the only way to have your opinion considered genuine is to agree with whatever anyone else says.

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Remember the wisdom of Homer J. Simpson:

The code of the schoolyard, Marge! The rules that teach a boy to be a man. Let's see. Don't tattle. Always make fun of those different from you. Never say anything, unless you're sure everyone feels exactly the same way you do.

Edited by Jamie123
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Elphaba... I don't feel any anger about this at all. Sheesh! Is it not possible to have a difference of opinion without being accused of feeling hatred and anger? I felt more surprised and indignant. Once one of my children spent the night with a friend on a school night. He was supposed to go to school with the friend the next day. But for some reason (I don't remember why) the boys missed school the next day, and his friend's mother called the school and had their absence excused. I was appalled. And I don't think it makes it any more right for the President to do it than a niegborhood friend.

Yes, I am aware that the girl was with her father, and it was obvious that they consider him a hero and that is why I said I knew she would keep the note.

I read the discussion, watched the video and stated my feelings on the issue... all without any personal attacks or rudeness to anyone on this forum. In auctuality, while I do not like Obama, I spend very little time "bashing" him, or even talking about him.

I guess the only way to have your opinion considered genuine is to agree with whatever anyone else says.

C'mon....fess up! You can't lie to Elphaba....she can read minds. You hate Obama....viscerally.....she caught me hating him blast it all:eek:

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Elphaba... I don't feel any anger about this at all. Sheesh! Is it not possible to have a difference of opinion without being accused of feeling hatred and anger? I felt more surprised and indignant. Once one of my children spent the night with a friend on a school night. He was supposed to go to school with the friend the next day. But for some reason (I don't remember why) the boys missed school the next day, and his friend's mother called the school and had their absence excused. I was appalled. And I don't think it makes it any more right for the President to do it than a niegborhood friend.

Yes, I am aware that the girl was with her father, and it was obvious that they consider him a hero and that is why I said I knew she would keep the note.

I read the discussion, watched the video and stated my feelings on the issue... all without any personal attacks or rudeness to anyone on this forum. In auctuality, while I do not like Obama, I spend very little time "bashing" him, or even talking about him.

I guess the only way to have your opinion considered genuine is to agree with whatever anyone else says.

What? I am not trying to be rude but what did your story have to do with this one about President Obama? You say you are aware that the dad Who is her legal guardian checked her out, so it is obviously not the same situation or even close to the one in your story. Obviously the President didn't check the girl out of school. The point that you keep missing is that the note was obviously not a serious note, he was trying to make it a special moment for the girl and her father. I am sure they don't even need a note from anyone seeing as she was already checked out. I don't think that you have to have the same opinion as everyone else, and I am really not trying to drag your opinion through the mud...this is just my opinion on your opinion.

Edited by lchri134
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Honestly why is SOJ' opinion any less valuable than the opinions of those also mentioned? Just because they are going against the norm doesn't mean she can't express her opinion on how she views the situation.

I think people need to just back off a bit.

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Guest SisterofJared


Welll said. Thank you for expressing your difference of opinion clearly and kindly. Those types of comments give an opportunity to discuss differences while still according respect to others.

I recognize that the father had most likely already had the girl's absence excused ahead of time. In watching the video, I didn't see that Obama seemed to be making a joke... to me his manner wasn't joking. But I confess that it could be and perhaps I just didn't recogmoze his particular brand of humor. I dunno.

I agree that the girl will keep the note as a keepsake, and probably treasure it highly. Heck, I got a letter and 5 dozen roses from the white house when I was 13 (from ladybird johnson) and of course they went in my scrap book. Kennedy's note will be great fun for her through the years.

If Obama was joking, good enough. If he actually thought he was excusing the girl's absence... that is what I object to. I don't know that it's possible for us to know his intent.

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It goes to show, some of us do not worship men of the world and nor do we follow them but unto GOD, we give our life and will. I do agree with Sister Jarad.

So true and no doubt Obama writing a note to the girl was part of the philosophies of men designed to deceive us!!! :whip:

Someone must put their foot down and that foot is us!!! :gnash:


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Why not ask the girl who she'd rather have sign the note? I think that would be a no brainer. She can see her father at anytime, but to meet the President of the United States is a once in a lifetime experience that I'm sure that little girl will never forget.

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I didn't see that Obama seemed to be making a joke... to me his manner wasn't joking.

It's what's known as "deadpan" humor.

If he actually thought he was excusing the girl's absence... that is what I object to. I don't know that it's possible for us to know his intent.

Of course it was a joke. Nobody's stupid enough to think that you need a note from the President to get a day off school.

But even if it was serious, Obama did ask the father's permission before issuing the note.

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