Crap! Just, crap.


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I've been really depressed the past couple of weeks. It's probably because the 3rd year anniversary of my wife's death is coming up in a week and a half. Now I can't sleep, have been having dreams about her, etc., and it just sucks. :(

Just had to vent.


[offering sisterly cyber-hug] Wish I knew what to say or do to help.
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I'm so sorry. I have some understanding of what you're going through. This is a normal reaction when we've lost someone. The anniversary of their death, their birthday, other significant dates can trigger all the grief and emotions all over again.

I lost my oldest son in a car accident at age 21. That was on Nov 11, 1999. The date that really hits me hard is his birthday, July 21st. I get anxious, insomnia is worse, etc. And its coming up soon. I'm not looking forward to July.

Be gentle with yourself. Try distractions. Be around people you love and who love and care for you. Talk! Come here and vent.

again...I'm so sorry!

Edited by applepansy
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Oh man do I feel for you. My mother is the only close person I have lost, and I can't imagine how hard it must be to loose a spouse. Always willing to listen if you want someone to talk to.

May I offer a word of advice? As long as this current episode has been going on, and the fact that it is starting to impact your sleep, I would urge you to seek out help. Don't let this become a downward spiral that entraps you.

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Hey HEP. I remember how hard this was for you last year as well. So sorry.

Ugh! Life can just really suck! But there is HOPE, hope in eternal life...hope in the gift of our savior, a promise that not only might you see her again but that you WILL see her again.

3 Nephi 22:10 “For the amountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my bkindness shall not depart from thee, neither shall the covenant of my peace be removed.”

“While He prayed in Gethsemane, all of the agony and sorrow of the entire world was centered in Him…He took upon His sinless soul...the weight of the world’s sorrows. “It was not physical pain, nor mental anguish alone, that caused Him to suffer such torture as to produce an extrusion of blood from every pore; but a spiritual agony of soul such as only God was capable of experiencing. He prayed to the Father, “Not my will, but thine, be done” (Luke 22:42). To do the Father’s will was the Son’s supreme desire—even when it was as painful as it was in Gethsemane.” (2002 Ensign, Elder Johann A Wondra) The atonement is given to us to bring us peace in our heartache, all we have to do is ask. Christ truly loves you and your wife HEP.

Much luv HEP.

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I'm with everyone else. You just feel free to vent to your hearts content. I lost my dad 3 months ago tomorrow and it's not easy. Like someone else said..I can't imagine what it is like to lose a spouse. It has been hard enough losing a father.

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