Shocker: Obama is a US Citizen


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Obama is an American Citizen? Clearly he isn't. Some Republicans don't like him ergo he must be a foreigner.

Actually, I just realized I'm not 'Talkin' American', like most of the people who believe he was born outside the US. I'll rephrase.

Dang, y'all! That thar King Barak is a furriner, sho' 'nuff! He is thuh Ann Tie Christ 'cause he might raise TAXES. Th' Const-uh-too-shun promises me no taxation 'ceptin' by someone whut wuz born here in 'Merica!

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Actually, the "Obama is not a citizen" deal is driven by a Democrat/911 conspiracy theory nut (Phillip Berg ??Philadelphia Attorney) and followed by some other nut jobs. All Republicans? Doubtful. Some Democrats? Probably? All nut burgers? YEP!!

Edited by bytor2112
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A sad number of people in my workplace truly believe, despite any evidence you could present to them, that Obama is not a "natural born US citizen." All of them happen to be republicans, but that doesn't say much because 90% of the office are republicans (I live in Utah).

Since when are we above unfair characterizations!?

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Obama is an American Citizen? Clearly he isn't. Some Republicans don't like him ergo he must be a foreigner.

Actually, I just realized I'm not 'Talkin' American', like most of the people who believe he was born outside the US. I'll rephrase.

Dang, y'all! That thar King Barak is a furriner, sho' 'nuff! He is thuh Ann Tie Christ 'cause he might raise TAXES. Th' Const-uh-too-shun promises me no taxation 'ceptin' by someone whut wuz born here in 'Merica!

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I received the email about Obama at least 30 times from my republican friends. Not once did I get an email about John McCain having been born in the Panama Canal Zone. Life is goofy sometimes.

Ironic, huh? McCain was born on a military base, I believe, which counts as sovereign US territory.

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A sad number of people in my workplace truly believe, despite any evidence you could present to them, that Obama is not a "natural born US citizen." All of them happen to be republicans, but that doesn't say much because 90% of the office are republicans (I live in Utah).

Try telling them they are right and that proof exists that he is actually Kolobian.

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funkytown...that was basically hilarious. thanks for making me laugh!

Hahah. Thanks, Lost. ;) I love Americans. I just hate how balkanized the US is with regards to politics. Something like 9% of voters will sometimes vote one side and sometimes vote the other, which means that less than 10% of the population get to decide the future of American politics. With such a large base of 'Pure Republicans' and 'Pure Democrats', each side demonizing the other, is it any wonder that the most well-funded politician inevitably becomes President?

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