Questions a friend asked about the church

Guest JoshDwellington

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Guest JoshDwellington


we have an investigator now and she's got potential (yeah!)

She's asked us some very interesting questions, that left my bishop and the missionaries and I (lol) completely speechless...

Her questions were :

1. were dinosaurs created before, or at the same time as Adam and Eve ??

2. Since Satan has brought about one third of God's children with him, where are they ??

3. If the devil doesn't have a physical body, how can we see them ? (Joseph Smith tells us to ask 'angels' to give us their hands and if we cannot feel them, then they're not of God)

Thanks in advance,

we were kinda lost with all these unusual questions !

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Guest Alana

I'm hoping other will reply, because my understanding of things is well MY understanding and I got a long way to go;)

I'll take number one. Dinosaurs. Animals were created on the 5th day, man the 6th. So, dinosaurs would have been created before man. Did they live at the same time? Well, I do believe the earth and it's inhabitants were created in 6 days, but I have no idea what a day is for God. Could there have been millions of years as we understand them between day 5 and 6? Maybe.

An other idea that is kind of out there but kind of fun is that dinosaurs never even lived on this earth. That when the earth was created, matter from the universe was gathered. Some of that matter may have been from old planets where dinosaurs had lived. SO, we get the fossils in our earths matter, without them having been alive here.

I have a hard time invisioning Dinosaurs in the garden of Eden, though, then again... maybe...

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1. were dinosaurs created before, or at the same time as Adam and Eve ??

You can be a good, practicing, mormon in full fellowship, and believe whatever you wish to believe about dinosaurs. I've met "young-earth creationist" mormons, and mormons who believe in evolution.

2. Since Satan has brought about one third of God's children with him, where are they ??

Well, the exact term is "third part" - it doesn't say how big the parts were. But however many of them there are, they are here on earth as spirits. Again, different mormons speculate different things about what powers they have, how they can influence us, etc - I'm not sure revealed word paints a very clear picture.

3. If the devil doesn't have a physical body, how can we see them ? (Joseph Smith tells us to ask 'angels' to give us their hands and if we cannot feel them, then they're not of God)

Again, revealed word doesn't really contain the scientific explanation. But images projected on theater screens, rainbows, holograms, and people on the TV also don't have physical bodies, yet we can see them. (That's my speculation)


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we have an investigator now and she's got potential (yeah!)

She's asked us some very interesting questions, that left my bishop and the missionaries and I (lol) completely speechless...

Her questions were :

1. were dinosaurs created before, or at the same time as Adam and Eve ??

2. Since Satan has brought about one third of God's children with him, where are they ??

3. If the devil doesn't have a physical body, how can we see them ? (Joseph Smith tells us to ask 'angels' to give us their hands and if we cannot feel them, then they're not of God)

Thanks in advance,

we were kinda lost with all these unusual questions !

1: I think they were a part of the creation process and were living outside of the Garden of Eden while Adam and Eve lived there. It never says how long Adam and Eve were hanging out in the garden in total innocence before eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil. There isn't anything concrete about it. We only have conjecture.

2: Satan and the one third of the hosts of heaven are here on earth, attempting to thwart us on our path of righteousness. (I must say I'm surprised the missionaries and the Bishop were stumped on this one.)

3: Our eyes can see beings without glory. So we can see Satan or his evil spirits if they reveal themselves. Remember, we have a veil over our eyes that can be partially removed, but in order to behold beings of glory a physical change has to come over us like described in Moses.

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The existence of these animals is unquestionable, for their remains have been found in rocks all over the world. What eternal purpose they played in the creation and early history of the world is unknown. The scriptures do not discuss the subject of dinosaurs, and it is not the purpose of science to explain why they were here. We can only conclude, as Elder Talmage did, that “The whole series of chalk deposits and many of our deep-sea limestones contain the skeletal remains of animals. These lived and died, age after age, while the earth was not ready for human habitation.”

one idea

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I am with Ruthie on 1 and 2. No one really knows all the answers with regards to the creation of the earth, all its inhabitants, and a concrete time line.

And with regard to Satan and his angels, remember that the spirit world (prison and paradise) are here on this earth. Now, how and where.....that is not understood either, but they are at work here trying to win the war that was started in the Pre earth life.

I met a man on my mission. He was a self appointed preacher with Don King hair and a crazy attitude and had decided such because an angel of the devil had appeared to him. Frankly, I thought the man was off his rocker. But I don't doubt that Satan will try to impersonate God or an angel.

We have been taught that spirit is matter. Section 131:7-8 says "All spirit is matter, bit it is more fine or pure and can only be discerned by purer eyes."

I don't know exactly but once I had a group of these dark spirits in my home. I didn't see them with my natural eyes but I could still see them. They were taunting and laughing at me and chased me out of the apartment and into the street. Again, I can't explain how I could see them, but I could perceive them, for lack of a better description.

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1. were dinosaurs created before, or at the same time as Adam and Eve ??

Obviously, long before. Exactly how they fit in and how they got here is still a mystery though.

2. Since Satan has brought about one third of God's children with him, where are they ??

They are here. But, as your next question points out, they can't be seen.

3. If the devil doesn't have a physical body, how can we see them ? (Joseph Smith tells us to ask 'angels' to give us their hands and if we cannot feel them, then they're not of God)

My understanding is that they can make themselves visible to us.

The next obvious question is then why don't they appear more often? There are 2 possible answers. I think the real answer is a combination of the 2.

1) They can only show themselves when God wills it.

2) If/when they show themselves to man and prove they exist, they also prove God exists. So, it's generally not in their best interest to prove spirits exist.

Just my opions.

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Her questions were :

1. were dinosaurs created before, or at the same time as Adam and Eve ??

From what I can remember the timeline of the dinosaurs spanned from 245 million years ago (time of Pangea) till their extinction 65 million years ago.

Modern Man has only been around for about 200,000 years.

Maybe Pam remembers better.


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I have questions for you Josh. Is you your friend just curious about these things, or is she trying to determine if religion is/isn't true by its ability to answer these questions? What do these questions have to do with the reality of Heavenly Father and his plan for us?

If it were me, I'd be trying to steer her away from trying to intellectually grasp the gospel toward trying to feel the Spirit when contemplating matters that truly pertain to salvation. The Spirit is the only way to bring lasting and true conversion. Pseudo-conversion by intellect is a poor substitute.

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Guest JoshDwellington

I have questions for you Josh. Is you your friend just curious about these things, or is she trying to determine if religion is/isn't true by its ability to answer these questions? What do these questions have to do with the reality of Heavenly Father and his plan for us?

If it were me, I'd be trying to steer her away from trying to intellectually grasp the gospel toward trying to feel the Spirit when contemplating matters that truly pertain to salvation. The Spirit is the only way to bring lasting and true conversion. Pseudo-conversion by intellect is a poor substitute.

First, thanks to all of you who answered !!

Solid material for her future questions hehehe :lol:

She's just curious, b/c she already has a set date for baptism in early august.

The bishop talked to her last sunday and we came to the conclusion she's by nature a very curious person.

Nevertheless, I do understand your point and it is true : she's mentioned a lot of things, but the Spirit was left out of the conversation way too often.

I will pay attention to that,

thanx !

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It's my belief that dinosaurs are a hoax that God planted on earth just to make us wonder. Every time we 'discover' something new about dinosaurs, God falls out of his throne laughing because we fell for it again.

Sounds more like Loki. Norse god of trickery.Posted Image

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1. were dinosaurs created before, or at the same time as Adam and Eve ??

2. Since Satan has brought about one third of God's children with him, where are they ??

3. If the devil doesn't have a physical body, how can we see them ? (Joseph Smith tells us to ask 'angels' to give us their hands and if we cannot feel them, then they're not of God)

Dinosaurs were probly created before people.

The way I understand it is that Satan and his followers are on earth with us. The only reason we cant see them is beacuse the human eye cant usually see at that plane of existance. You can see them if you have god helping you however. This is just me talking however

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It's my belief that dinosaurs are a hoax that God planted on earth just to make us wonder. Every time we 'discover' something new about dinosaurs, God falls out of his throne laughing because we fell for it again.

I've heard less plausible theories. :D

There is no doubt in my mind God has a sense of humor. Seen a platypus lately? ;)

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It's my belief that dinosaurs are a hoax that God planted on earth just to make us wonder. Every time we 'discover' something new about dinosaurs, God falls out of his throne laughing because we fell for it again.

You need to use smilies when you say stuff like that, people might get the idea that you seriously believe it.

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we have an investigator now and she's got potential (yeah!)

She's asked us some very interesting questions, that left my bishop and the missionaries and I (lol) completely speechless...

Her questions were :

1. were dinosaurs created before, or at the same time as Adam and Eve ??

She having some fun at your expense. Adam and Eve came about around 7000 years ago (according to the Bible) Dinosaurs came about 230,000,000 years ago.

So close.

2. Since Satan has brought about one third of God's children with him, where are they ??


3. If the devil doesn't have a physical body, how can we see them?

Let me see if I can help... When is the last time you saw Satan or one of his minions?

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we have an investigator now and she's got potential (yeah!)

She's asked us some very interesting questions, that left my bishop and the missionaries and I (lol) completely speechless...

Her questions were :

1. were dinosaurs created before, or at the same time as Adam and Eve ??

Joseph Smith taught that this earth was created from the remnants of previous earths. The Book of Moses chapter 1 tells us that creation and destruction is continuous and on-going. Other LDS (B.H. Roberts, Hugh Nibley, etc) have advanced this thought to suggest that the dinosaurs lived in a previous creation period, and then their world was destroyed, each cycle preparing the world for our own. And science bears this out. Huge destructions have occurred in the fossil record, 250 million years, 65 million years, and 15,000 years ago. Each of these destructions, and many others have eliminated as much as 95% of the earth's life. With the destruction of dinosaurs in 65 million years ago, the door was opened for mammals to rule the earth. The last Ice Age wiped out sabre tooth tigers, and open the door for modern man to rule today.

2. Since Satan has brought about one third of God's children with him, where are they ??

I would presume they are around us, tempting us and seeking our destruction. Since they are spirits, we cannot easily see them with our physical eyes.

3. If the devil doesn't have a physical body, how can we see them ? (Joseph Smith tells us to ask 'angels' to give us their hands and if we cannot feel them, then they're not of God)

Spirit is made from matter, just finer (see D&C 88, 93). And it can be visible at times, as the veil between us and the spirits can sometimes be very thin.

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Spirit is made from matter, just finer (see D&C 88, 93). And it can be visible at times, as the veil between us and the spirits can sometimes be very thin.

Visibility is not a function of the thinness of the veil, but rather the properties of the physical matter to reflect and refract the rainbow color spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.

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