O'Reilly in favor of public healthcare option


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Hey, since I don't watch Olbermann anymore, I think it only fair that you guys dump one of your bloviating pundits as well. My first choice would be Limbaugh, but hey, I'll leave you guys alone to think about it.


Actually, I just lost a lot of respect for O'Reilley . . .

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Actually, I just lost a lot of respect for O'Reilley . . .

Based on a 10 second clip, you lost respect for a pundit? I have to respectfully disagree with you. O'Reilly is willing to defend himself and, though he has a conservative bent, he at least is willing to consider what people are saying:

What was it that made you lose respect for him?

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Based on a 10 second clip, you lost respect for a pundit? I have to respectfully disagree with you. O'Reilly is willing to defend himself and, though he has a conservative bent, he at least is willing to consider what people are saying:

What was it that made you lose respect for him?

It was supposed to be deadpan humor, based on the notion that he'd "sold out" on health care reform. Should have added a smiley. :blush:

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I still dont beleive he will stick to this or something is not in context hear? bill oreilly would never beleive in anything that helps the needy americans. NEVER!. if he sticks to this, then i will personaly fly to new york and shake his hand, but it aint gonna happen.:)

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Well there are a couple of things you can count in him fighting for. He will fight for kids in abuse situations at the drop of a hat. He does not seem to like underdogs being treated wrongly.

Now I am not a fan but he has a soft underbelly regarding kids.

He will not stand for injustice in the court systems either.

It is easy to see him for the egomaniac he is and not see that he does have some good things about him.

I do not watch his show anymore because he ticks me off too often and my husband snarls whenever he sees him on. lol. Still he is not all bad as some would have it.

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It's official: heck has frozen over.

Seriously though, I actually have nothing against O'Reilly. I rarely agree with what he has to say, but he's usually pretty level-headed compared to some of the other Fox News pundits.

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