Hot chocolate with... WATER?!


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Because part of the "hot chocolate" experience is putting the water on the stove and then waiting for the teakettle to whistle.

Don't the instructions for both Stephen's and Swiss Miss call for water?

I believe they do. I actually think some hot chocolate mix taste better with water instead of milk.
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I prefer water most of the time simply because I go through milk like crazy already.

However, there are the cold winter nights when only milk will do, and then it's off to the store for whole milk because anything less is pointless in my opinion. If you're gonna go thick and rich, go all the way, baby!!

(suddenly craving hot chocolate)


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I agree with the OP the stuff that they sell in packets is not hot chocolate it is a cheap substitute undrinkable....

real hot chocalate is made with real chocolate and real milk it does not come in a little packet that you mix with me if you go to south america or europe they will laugh your american butt out of town if you ask for that junk..

jeez people that instant stuff is gross

next thing you know I'll hear that potatos from a box are just fine and gravey from a can or lil packet is cool GROSS!!

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I make hot chocolate with the little pouches because the kidlings don't have the restraint for the good stuff yet. Seeing a $0.99 box of cocoa packets slaughtered is better than seeing a $9 container empty in a day.

I would have to say though that the marshmallows in the Swiss Miss packets are far superior than any others I've tasted.

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When I was a kid growing up...we always made hot chocolate on the stove with milk and cocoa. Now a days it's more common that the hot chocolate you drink is powdered and just add water. If you go into a convenience store, the hot chocolate you get is not anything more than powdered mix and water. But I usually add one of the creamers available in the coffee section..Like the caramel one or the french vanilla. Yummmm...adds just the right touch of flavoring.

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You guys need a lesson in hot chocolate making...


1.) whole milk

2.) hershey's chocolate syrup

Stove top directions: Pour a cup of whole milk in a kettle over medium heat. Heat until almost boiling (boiling is very not good!). Pour into a cup. Squirt 1 tablespoons of hershey's chocolate syrup. Stir and enjoy.

Microwave directions: Pour milk into microwaveable cup. Heat for 1 minute 30 seconds. Take out of microwave (be careful, it's hot!), and squirt 1 tablespoon of hershey's chocolate syrup. Stir and enjoy.

For richer hot chocolate, squirt more syrup.


Hot strawberry. Use the hershey's strawberry syrup instead of chocolate.

Marshmallow chocolate. Add a generous amount of mini-marshmallows.

Vanilla chocolate. Add 1 to 2 drops of vanilla extract.

Nut chocolate. Add 1 to 2 drops of almond extract.

If you notice, there's nothing that says WATER in there!

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When I was a kid growing up...we always made hot chocolate on the stove with milk and cocoa.

I call bull.

When Pam was a kid, western civilization hadn't been introduced to chocolate yet. :D

One of the best chocolate and dipping hot buttered toast into it. That was a treat at our house when I was a kid.

Used to do the same thing in Brazil, but with cevada (a barley-based hot drink analogous to Postum).

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I call bull.

When Pam was a kid, western civilization hadn't been introduced to chocolate yet. :D

Used to do the same thing in Brazil, but with cevada (a barley-based hot drink analogous to Postum).

*gasps* When did you become a member of the "pam is old club?"

You should be mighty thankful I like you. haha

Edited by pam
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