"Hot Mormon Muffins" calendar


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Link to Daily Herald article:

Calendar pokes fun at Mormon mom stereotype

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Hot Mormon Muffins

What do you think? Fun and harmless, or inappropriate? Personally, I lean towards the latter. It's obviously designed to be sexy and enticing, which isn't something we should be involved with. I think they could've pulled off a similar thing but with the women dressed modestly, and not in such provocative poses.

Edited by annamaureen
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It's funny how the news media--even the LDS-oriented media--are going out of their way to cover up the fact that the calendar's creator, Chad Hardy, is in a long-term, same-sex relationship; and act like the calendar was the sole reason he was excommunicated.

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In reading the article, yeah, the only reason given for him being ex'd was for making calendars that are in poor taste. Since when do we, as a church, WANT to be accepted by the world or their standards?

And the 'cover muffin mom' talked of how she got 'mad' that the church was so unfair to the creator Chad when she knew nothing of the circumstances.

Satan shall lead them CAREFULLY down to hell, or so Nephi claims. I don't know anything of these women, but it seems that this calendar, just like 'men on a mission' is an attempt to make the church and its people look foolish. And there are consequences to that, whether you want them or not...

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I admire your leaders for excommunicating those who publicly profess to be LDS, but then live a life completely outside of your doctrines of faith and morals. I'm waiting for the news that Harry Reid is excommunicated.

As a Catholic, I am super disappointed that the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Kathleen Sebelius have not been excommunicated by our bishops, although Sebelius has been prohibited from receiving Communion in her home diocese. I know they've been spoken to privately by their bishops, but they just don't seem to care so throw 'em out! That said, I have not the wisdom or understanding of the bishops, so I guess I just sit tight waiting for Judgement Day.

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Gee, wasn't there just a thread recently about what girls should and shouldn't wear to proms and how it was a big no-no for them to be wearing sleeveless and spaghetti strap gowns because they don't conform with the 'modesty' look that the church wants to maintain, yet I'm reading where people are saying that this is o.k. and harmless? Wow, there seems to be a big double standard on this one! I can't see how we can say it's o.k. for adults to dress like this, then tell our teens it's not. That's hypocritical to say the least.

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Gee, wasn't there just a thread recently about what girls should and shouldn't wear to proms and how it was a big no-no for them to be wearing sleeveless and spaghetti strap gowns because they don't conform with the 'modesty' look that the church wants to maintain, yet I'm reading where people are saying that this is o.k. and harmless? Wow, there seems to be a big double standard on this one! I can't see how we can say it's o.k. for adults to dress like this, then tell our teens it's not. That's hypocritical to say the least.

Well I disagreed with the prom thread so I'm not being hypocritical! :D

Who says they are even endowed anyway? Its none of our business if they are and risky to make assumptions.

Not wearing garments isnt immodest anyway. Does that mean we are immodest when swimming or sleeping? If I wore a burkha but didnt wear my garments would I be immodest?

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Not wearing garments isnt immodest anyway. Does that mean we are immodest when swimming or sleeping?

Umm, I thought it was made pretty clear to all of us who've been through the temple that we're supposed to wear our garments at all times except for sex, swimming, etc, and not to make "exceptions" so we can wear something skimpy.

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I can't see how we can say it's o.k. for adults to dress like this, then tell our teens it's not.

Same way we can tell them to be home by 8:00, be in bed by 10:00, not use the power tools, don't touch the guns etc. They are teens, not adults.

Now i don't dispute the fact kids can learn from us, but i don't know any parent who plays buy some diferent rules then the kids, because (as mom would say)

"Who am I"

the parent

"Who are you"

the kid

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I admire your leaders for excommunicating those who publicly profess to be LDS, but then live a life completely outside of your doctrines of faith and morals. I'm waiting for the news that Harry Reid is excommunicated.

As a Catholic, I am super disappointed that the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Kathleen Sebelius have not been excommunicated by our bishops, although Sebelius has been prohibited from receiving Communion in her home diocese. I know they've been spoken to privately by their bishops, but they just don't seem to care so throw 'em out! That said, I have not the wisdom or understanding of the bishops, so I guess I just sit tight waiting for Judgement Day.

I won't be so kind as to bite my tongue. I'm curious about what reason the Church has to excommunicate Reid. In fact, as far as I'm aware, Reid still carries a temple recommend. So what evidence do you have that he should be excommunicated?

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Artistically, the photo on the cover of the calendar is rather tasteful. The muffins look particularly delicious. Why is it that this calendar provokes more outrage than the Sports Illustrated swimsuit calendar? Just because they're mormon moms? I wonder what would happen if I found photos of mormon women acting as models in a Victoria's Secret catalog?

Honestly, I have nothing against this calendar. I hold it up as a shining example of the First Amendment. This is what free speech is all about.

In that same breath, I thank God that the First Amendment also let's me not purchase the calendar because I don't like the message that the calendar's creators hope to send by making it: that strong mormon women will challenge the teaching of the prophets when it suits their fancy.

But the fact remains that the calendar can be tasteful and artistic while simultaneously portraying a flawed understanding of what and why the Church teaches about modesty.

Maybe I'll buy the calendar for the recipes :D

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I'm gonna be honest. I thought it was pretty funny. But at the same time, I did cruise a bit and I am somewhat concerned that it misrepresents married mormon mothers as being... softly pornographic. I could use other words but I am not sure if they would get me suspended or banned. :)

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Honestly, I have nothing against this calendar...I don't like the message that the calendar's creators hope to send by making it: that strong mormon women will challenge the teaching of the prophets when it suits their fancy.

Which is it, MoE?

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Same way we can tell them to be home by 8:00, be in bed by 10:00, not use the power tools, don't touch the guns etc. They are teens, not adults.

Now i don't dispute the fact kids can learn from us, but i don't know any parent who plays buy some diferent rules then the kids, because (as mom would say)

"Who am I"

the parent

"Who are you"

the kid

Oh O.K., so let me see if I understand this then. All these years that the church has been teaching about dressing modestly is only directed towards the teens in the church and not the adults. Got it.

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Which is it, MoE?

It's both. I have nothing against it or that it is being made or sold. I also choose not to support the notion by lending it financial support. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it doesn't bother me. If anyone asks me what I think about it, I'm happy to explain what they got wrong about LDS teachings about modesty. But I'm not going to go out of my way to denounce them. What they did was certainly within their rights.

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Oh O.K., so let me see if I understand this then. All these years that the church has been teaching about dressing modestly is only directed towards the teens in the church and not the adults. Got it.

Point is while the purpose is the same the application is different between kids and adults.Because kids are kids and adults are adults

I.E the point of fire safety is to keep people safe. But for my kids it means no touching the stove, any sign of smoke or fire alarm get out of the house.

For me, it means be careful cooking, any sign of smoke means get the fire extinguisher.

While the purpose of teaching modesty is the same there's no reason to expect the adults and teens to have the same "rules" Just like in everything else in life.

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