Two Mormon Missionaries Die in Romania


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that is so sad!

Still I do believe that they were where they were supposed to be, and doing what they were supposed to be doing- so if God allowed them to "return" home to Him-- it must somehow be for the best-- but it is sure hard for all those who love them etc! :(

Sometimes- the question can be asked- especially of missionaries-- 'would you be willing to die for the gospel?" and I think they would probably say yes- and just MAYBE-- this terrible happening will cause people to investigate the church and why they were there and maybe their message?

Also- I believe that they will recieve all the blessing they would have had if they had remained longer on the earth. I understand that after Jesus comes again, and we have the thousand years of peace, that MUCH work "fixing" things will be done- like in the temples- where with their being in effect no longer a "veil" between this life and the afterlife-- that we will have the work done for those who we can't do now for lack of info- and *could* even seal those (with their directions) in marriage who didn't get to do that while they were alive. -- Ok- I totally AM way out beyond basic church doctrines-- but it works for me. :) God bless us all to trust that "all things work to the good of them that love the Lord". Gramajane

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Kind of gives you mixed feelings when two servants of God die from something so pathetic as bad infrastructure and bad piping, etc. Seems like an awfully anti-climactic way to go.

Are we not all just regular mortals? Was not the Messiah hung between thieves? Was not Joseph Smith shot and killed, falling gruesomely from a window?

There'd be little need for faith in this world if Christ sheltered, coddled, and cocooned every faithful saint that came along. Everyone would jump on board if they could see such protections...

Personally, while I sorrow for the mourning families, I'd humbly suggest those two young men have it made! Could there be a better time in life to be taken back home than at your spiritual apex?

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My good freinds son just came home from there a few months ago. We who live in the richest countries in the world are not always able to calculate the dangers of such countries like Romania. We are too well protected and are not able to take care of ourselves in less tenical world. The tecknics are taking over.

I myself have never learned how to use the american round door knobs or showers... :eek:

Much easier with the Northern European good old handles... Quess what kind of showerknobs I got... yeah americans :rolleyes:

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Are we not all just regular mortals? Was not the Messiah hung between thieves? Was not Joseph Smith shot and killed, falling gruesomely from a window?

I get what you're saying. But Joseph Smith and Jesus Christ died in such a way that their deaths really meant something. All I'm saying is that if you have to a martyr to a cause, I don't think they'd have chosen to be martyrs to the cause of better plumbing and piping.

Of course I know that we're all mortal. I remember a number of different stories of missionaries dying from other everyday things. Getting hit by a train, car accidents, getting hit by a car, etc. I'm not saying we need to be granted super-powers or anything.

I'm sure that they're doing just fine right now. In many ways, yes it is the best time for them to meet their maker. But it's still sad of course.

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It happens in America to. I remember a close call two missionaries had in my mission. It had been snowing, there was some kind of gas leak under the house. Caused a very nasty explosion with the two missionaries in the house. Fortunately nobody was hurt. Accidents do happen it is tragic when they do my heart goes out to the families of those young men.

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Well today {in logandale nevada} we buried one of our missionaries that passed in romania last week; from what i understand his companion was also buried in provo today as well;Quentin l cook presided hear and Russel m nelson presided in provo; the funeral hear was very nice; Although i didnt know either of the elders or there families; the spiritual presence was very abundant for all; it was nice; and very somber indeed; it is a very differant situation when the lord calls home a missionary; from what Elder Cook said; there was a large group of romanian people whom were very kind and helpfull in this sad situation; And it caused sevearl hundred people to be put on the "call list" for the missionaries to contact. So its obvious there are many reasons why the lord called these two wonderfull elders home; I know this is true as well; and as time gos on more things will become clear as to why he took them home to everyone involved;

our local missionaries father was recently released two weeks before his sons passing from bishop. this is the lords work; and its so obvious in so many ways;:mellow:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Really sad thing to hear about. Kind of gives you mixed feelings when two servants of God die from something so pathetic as bad infrastructure and bad piping, etc. Seems like an awfully anti-climactic way to go.

Maybe they were such great Missionaries that they were translated and its just a Romanian Goverment coverup? ^_^

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