Swimsuits, Dresses, Garments, and Modesty


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True story as told by my mother about her siser as a teenager;

Aunt(wearing a dress in the '50's that *gasp* revealed her knees!!)-I want to wear this dress to the dance.

Grandma-Not on your life! Go get out of it right now!

Aunt-I can wear it if I want to!

Grandma-No you cannot.

Aunt (turning to Grandpa, who has been reading the newspaper the whole time)-Dad, can I wear this dress?

Grandpa (without looking away from the paper)-Absolutely.

Aunt (turning to stick her tongue out at Grandma)

Grandpa (Still without looking away from the paper)-As long as you don't leave your room.

As to the situation itself, a gorgeous young lady I dated before I got married needed a nice dress for a dinner event she was invited to. We found a simple green dress that had a modest neckline, long slender sleeves, and accented her silouette very nicely. She loved it because it looked amazing on her, and it was comfortable...and she wasn't a member of the church.

Showing skin IMHO does not equal beautiful attire. If that were the case, then every woman would want to wear a bikini to dinner. While it may be getting tougher to find dresses that are suitable for garments underneath, the fact remains that they are out there, you just need to look.

And, if that fails, do as my older sister did, and make your own evening dresses, or have someone witht the skills do it for you. Chances are it will be cheaper anyway.

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Swimsuits, Dresses, Garments, and Modesty

While each of these words have been used repeatedly on this forum as well as the dictionary, too few times have I ever heard repeated one of my favorite quotes that contains the keywords: Consistency, hobgoblins and little minds.

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"I am a child of God, and He has sent me here. . ."

Amazingly as I look back in time and remember my children asking me almost the same questions.

"Why can't I just try out everything

and learn for myself what is right for me?

After all, don't you trust me?"


Edited by JohnnyRudick
Spell correction:-(
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My big question with all of this is.....why do we even need to go swimming? If we're told that taking our garments off for extracurricular activities is looked at as not taking our covenants seriously, then why would we need to do something extracurricular that would require us to take them off? I never understood this.

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My big question with all of this is.....why do we even need to go swimming? If we're told that taking our garments off for extracurricular activities is looked at as not taking our covenants seriously, then why would we need to do something extracurricular that would require us to take them off? I never understood this.

Could it be that swimming is either fun or the best all around exercise?

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Of course we don't wear garments when participating in many sporting activities.

You've got your sports, and I've got mine.:-)

There's a whole big can of worms right there. What sports are officially O.K. and not O.K. for wearing our garments? Or is this left up to everybody's own discretion? About 20 years ago, my mother saw our (at the time) Stake Presidents wife playing tennis wearing tennis shorts that no way garments could have been worn underneath. So is playing tennis O.K. for not wearing garments? Where does one draw the line on all of this?

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There's a whole big can of worms right there. What sports are officially O.K. and not O.K. for wearing our garments? Or is this left up to everybody's own discretion? About 20 years ago, my mother saw our (at the time) Stake Presidents wife playing tennis wearing tennis shorts that no way garments could have been worn underneath. So is playing tennis O.K. for not wearing garments? Where does one draw the line on all of this?

For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is a slothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.

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My big question with all of this is.....why do we even need to go swimming? If we're told that taking our garments off for extracurricular activities is looked at as not taking our covenants seriously, then why would we need to do something extracurricular that would require us to take them off? I never understood this.

Who told you that? There is nothing wrong with taking the Garment of the Lord off when participating in certain activities. I believe the spirit of the counsel is that you don't look for excuses to remove them and keep them off for extended periods of time. For instance, you don't remove them in the morning to go to the gym, then after working out go shopping in your workout clothes and running errands before going home and putting the garment back on. However, if you go to the lake and spend the day in your swimsuit engaging in watersports, I personally see no problem with wearing your suit all day at the lake, then putting the garment back on when you are done playing in the water.

Now, if you start engaging in those kinds of activities mainly for the purpose of removing the garment, then you probably need to reevaluate your commitment to the covenants you have made.

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There is nothing wrong with taking the Garment of the Lord off when participating in certain activities.

And that's the question that never seems to get answered. What are those "certain activities" where wearing garments is not necessary? Again, what about tennis? Do you really need to take them off when going to the gym? If taking them off at the gym is about sweating, then what about jobs where people sweat profusely? Again, I'm just trying to understand where the line is drawn on all of this.

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And that's the question that never seems to get answered. What are those "certain activities" where wearing garments is not necessary? Again, what about tennis? Do you really need to take them off when going to the gym? If taking them off at the gym is about sweating, then what about jobs where people sweat profusely? Again, I'm just trying to understand where the line is drawn on all of this.

Carl, the answer to your questions is going to come from the Spirit. We are not commanded in all things on purpose. If you still feel the need for guidance go talk with your bishop and/or read For the Strenth of Youth.

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I've always personally interpreted it as "if the sport you're playing generally requires an outfit that would reveal your garments, then you can remove them." For example, basketball shorts are generally pretty long and you could easily wear your garments while playing a game. However, things like soccer shorts or tennis skirts tend to be shorter.

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I'm reminded of the story about when Pres. Kimball one Sunday just popped in on a ward unannounced for sacrament meeting. The bishop asked him to enlighten them with a new message, and the Prophet got up and asked them why they thought they should get something new when they weren't living up to what they had already been counseled to do.

I did not say anything about you pushing the modesty line, but if the shoe fits, feel free to wear it. Quit taking this so personal, unless it applies to you.

I just realized that you deleted one of my posts. I wonder why. I read all your rules and didnt break any of them. This reminds me of how history is written. The tyrants destroy anything that they dont want read. (This segment is probably breaking a rule.)

I know you will delete this too, but before you do, go read ALL of your rules before you do. Namely these:

3. Personal attacks, name calling, flaming, and judgments against other members will not be tolerated.

4. No bickering and nit-picking toward others. Realize that sometimes it is very difficult to be able to express how one feels through written words. Please be courteous and ask for a further explanation, rather then trying to attack and find holes in someone else's post.

You should recognize that you are nit-picking and judging.

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Good afternoon Carl62. It is a pleasure to meet you! :)

And that's the question that never seems to get answered. What are those "certain activities" where wearing garments is not necessary? Again, what about tennis? Do you really need to take them off when going to the gym? If taking them off at the gym is about sweating, then what about jobs where people sweat profusely? Again, I'm just trying to understand where the line is drawn on all of this.

I think, in some sense, your line of reasoning is falling in to the same folly that many of the Pharisees fell in to during the mortal ministry of Jesus. This folly is legalism. In short it is where all religious activities are precisely defined and prescribed. The gospel of Jesus Christ isn't legalistic, although there are most certainly eternal principles, we are mostly left to apply these principles in our lives following the dictates of the Spirit and the Light of Christ that all of us have.

The issue of where and when should we wear our garments hasn't been dictated specifically. We are given the general counsel that we should wear our garments. In most cases it is up to the individual to determine how this general counsel is applied in daily life and activities. My best advice would be search your feelings and pray for guidance to know through the Holy Ghost what God expects of you in regards to wearing the garment and try to follow the general counsel that our leaders have given the best that you can.



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Its a matter that pits the Lord's Standard against Social Expectations.

How I view it: Among other things, garments cover everything that we should routinely cover when we are in public. God works with us from where we are, but I would not be the least bit surprised if the Lord's standard is eventually "upgraded" to swimwear that covers the thighs and shoulders. But that sort of swimwear isn't always easy to find. Other activities often offer us minimal flexibility. Various sports uniforms are simply not conducive to wearing garments.

It's certainly not easy to hold our standards where the Lord wants us to.

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for me there is a difference between a swimsuit which is intended to make an activity easier and a dress which is designed to draw attention to yourself. With what sport surely it depends how seriously you do the sport whether you need to remove your garments, i go to a dance class but am quite happy to dance in a baggy tshirt and trousers because its just fun, wearing something more revealing would serve no purpose

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Guest mirancs8
I have never liked swim suits. Just don't like the way it feels on plus you're out in public... to tight and shows to much. It must be at least 18 years since I have worn one. I always wear shorts and a shirt to the beach. More comfortable. I'll leave the tight fitted stuff for the bedroom ;)
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I have never liked swim suits. Just don't like the way it feels on plus you're out in public... to tight and shows to much. It must be at least 18 years since I have worn one. I always wear shorts and a shirt to the beach. More comfortable. I'll leave the tight fitted stuff for the bedroom ;)

I agree with most of your post but am confused with some of it also.

O' well:huh:

Thanks for the info:p

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I have never liked swim suits. Just don't like the way it feels on plus you're out in public... to tight and shows to much. It must be at least 18 years since I have worn one. I always wear shorts and a shirt to the beach. More comfortable. I'll leave the tight fitted stuff for the bedroom ;)

...must be nice having an indoor pool in the bedroom :)
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