Del Parson's Painting of Christ question

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The, the OP argument is back to whether or not Del Parsons or the latest statue of the Savior is accurate...right? How would we know it?

The OP said nothing about a statue. You did.

The OP said nothing about accuracy. You did.

The OP asked about feeling that the painting evokes. You are the one that directed this thread to wherever it has gone.

Hi - I am an LDS student taking a paper on spirituality in the media. I am interested in stories of how Del Parsosn's painting of Christ in his red robe touches the lives of members of our faith. For me, it is the image which I have grown up to love the most - to look at that painting invokes feelings similar to those I feel when i see a photo of a beloved family member. It stirs my heart and increases my testimony of Christ.

My question to you all is - do you have this picture in your home? And what is its meaning/significance/value/power for you?

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I dreamed with Christ several times but I don't claim that I have seen Him. That's the difference for me. Heck, I dream with aliens and monkey mutations as well.

Tell me, was there anyone there prior with your as a guide prior in meeting the Savior? Please...Stupid remarks like this is not warranted.

Tell me Suzie, what methods did Joseph Smith receive revelation for the church? This answers how they, you, and me receive revelatory moments.

What is the mission of an apostle? To be a SPECIAL WITNESS as you stated. So, what is difference? Their calling...that is about it. We are serving the same GOD for the same reasons. At least I hope we are.

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The OP said nothing about a statue. You did.

The OP said nothing about accuracy. You did.

The OP asked about feeling that the painting evokes. You are the one that directed this thread to wherever it has gone.

Thanks for the correction. Now, what is your take on the accuracy Wingnut? Does it invoke a greater feeling for the Master?

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Even a person, who is a Sunbeam Teacher, is just as important to GOD as being seated on the podium in the Tabernacle.

Oh I agree with you completely on this. As a matter of fact I am in the group who think general authorities are just humans, with challenges, weaknesses and strengths just like the rest of us. However, since they haven't claim they have seen Christ I am not going to assume they have.

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Tell me, was there anyone there prior with your as a guide prior in meeting the Savior? Please...Stupid remarks like this is not warranted.


What stupid remarks are you referring to? :huh: What I meant was simple. I dream A LOT of stuff.

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Wow the thread went offtopic. Okay I will stop here before I get in trouble.

There is known pattern when a person sees the Savior, when a person sees the Godhead, whether it is in a dream or vision. Patternization is common habit for me but a useful tool.

But you are right, being to far off topic is not good. Thanks again for your comments.

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Not likely...why is that, what was the descriptor that Nephi gave in the Book of Mormon for Mary? Not only that, let us stop wasting so much energy with the speculation and seek real truths versus fables of men. If you truly want to know what the Lord really look like, ask Him. [being harsh for the Savior] Seeking information from Snow or even the Discovery Channel, you will not find it.

If you believe that Christ was the 'literal' son of God -- then it is not too far fetched to believe that the 'Fathers' DNA would be in the 'Son' correct?

Even though Mary was a virgin, the substance was put into her body -- how, we do not know -- God's ways are higher than mans ways, as Harold B. Lee put it in dismissing the notions of prior comments from past LDS leaders who claimed the Father had sexual intercourse with Mary.

Some believe it could have been invitro fertilization etc. Whatever your take is.....that Christ was half man -- half God -- or that he was fully human and fully God -- my point is that he had half of his chromosones from the Father -- an exalted being -- and the other half of his chromosones from Mary -- a mortal being.

Perhaps you know what ethnicity the Father was before he became exalted and you can let me in on the mystery -- or would that be as you said, 'wasting so much energy from the fables of men'

I was not seeking info from Snow as you concluded -- just copy and pasted a statement from the link he provided.

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Perhaps this is one of the key points provided in the 'what did Jesus look like' link provided by Snow.

"Thus, Jesus would have had DNA that was either 50% or 100% created uniquely by God. If so, then Jesus could have had any height, hair color, eye color, skin hue, style of nose, etc. He may or may not have resembled a typical Palestinian from 1st Century CE."

Perhaps Jesus, a first century Jew, looked like a 15th century Viking. Sure, anything is possible but let's try and stay grounded in reality and not wild speculation.

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The 'we' here Snow, to correct this statement, YOU DON'T KNOW.

Nope. What I said is correct. WE don't know.

If I am mistaken, and I'll grant there is a minuscule chance I am mistaken, then prove it. Of course we know that you can't prove, hence the absurdity of claiming it.

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Perhaps Jesus, a first century Jew, looked like a 15th century Viking. Sure, anything is possible but let's try and stay grounded in reality and not wild speculation.

I have known a few Jews in my life. They all claim to be pure. A couple have blonde hair and blue eyes, a couple have black hair and brown eyes, a couple had light brown hair and green eyes and two had red hair. Jesus maybe looked like any one of these types I guess.

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If you believe that Christ was the 'literal' son of God -- then it is not too far fetched to believe that the 'Fathers' DNA would be in the 'Son' correct?

Even though Mary was a virgin, the substance was put into her body -- how, we do not know -- God's ways are higher than mans ways, as Harold B. Lee put it in dismissing the notions of prior comments from past LDS leaders who claimed the Father had sexual intercourse with Mary.

Some believe it could have been invitro fertilization etc. Whatever your take is.....that Christ was half man -- half God -- or that he was fully human and fully God -- my point is that he had half of his chromosones from the Father -- an exalted being -- and the other half of his chromosones from Mary -- a mortal being.

Perhaps you know what ethnicity the Father was before he became exalted and you can let me in on the mystery -- or would that be as you said, 'wasting so much energy from the fables of men'

I was not seeking info from Snow as you concluded -- just copy and pasted a statement from the link he provided.

Good insights. I do not think any LDS leader has said God had sex with Mary. They said she got pregnant in a natural way. Would that leave the possibility that God's DNA was implanted like gynocologists do today with artificial insemination?

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I have known a few Jews in my life. They all claim to be pure. A couple have blonde hair and blue eyes, a couple have black hair and brown eyes, a couple had light brown hair and green eyes and two had red hair. Jesus maybe looked like any one of these types I guess.

And how many of them actually are (first century) Jews?

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Good insights. I do not think any LDS leader has said God had sex with Mary. They said she got pregnant in a natural way. Would that leave the possibility that God's DNA was implanted like gynocologists do today with artificial insemination?

News flash: Jesus live 2000 years ago.

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Isaiah 53: 2-3

For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him.

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

I think Isaiah was referring to Jesus' social status--not being rich and beautiful or comely as to the things of the world. As far as I'm concerned the Jews in His time, particularly the pharisees, Saducees, scribes, rulers, etc., looked down on anyone lower than them in terms of wealth and social status, thus calling Peter and his associates unlearned and whatever else they may have called them. They were more concerned at how a person dressed and how much money he had. I would assume that Jesus, being a carpenter, was a strong, robust, and well framed man, probably bearing a commanding and dignified presence, not to mension probably being a handsome man (One must remember how Nephi described Jesus' mother, Mary, plus being a descendant of David). But since he is just a humble carpenter with no official or political position in the government or the church he wasn't esteemd as someone important. At least not to those who are not in tune to the spirit when He speaks. But I bet that those who liked Him admired Him and were probably awed by His speach and the many wonders He did. I think Isaiah was just referring to those who were not at all and in anyway attracted to Him and infact despised Him because of the popularity He was gaining. Those who really despised Him had only in them nothing but political issues and concerns. They were losing their grounds and His doctrine is accepted by many. And because he is not important in terms of political and financial aspects the high societies would not want to associate themselves with him for they feel it may lower their status in the society. Although a few did invite Him in their dinner but with caution and reluctance.They did so not to please Him but the people who believes Him.

Isaiah spoke as a Jew and knows exactly the ways of the Jews. He know what they liked and disliked. Even Peter had a little problem with seeing everyone as equal. He gave special treatment to the members who are Jews and not so good a treatment when dealing with the Gentile members as Paul noticed.

So yes, in the eyes of the wealthy and ruling Jews, Jesus has no form nor comeliness; and when they saw him, there was no beauty that they should desire Him. That's why they despised Him because they were so jealous at how popular He was becoming, even overshadowing their popularity and standing in the society. So they esteemed Him not.


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I believe those who really want to see a vision from the LORD to confirm their faith can receive such a witness. I had to pray for years and do a lot of repenting before I received what I asked for. We must true and obedient and ask to confirm our faith in the Gospel of Christ.

Edit: I still need to do a lot of repenting.

Edited by Still_Small_Voice
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We can listen to those who rather push their 'postulations' or we can seek a direct testimony from GOD. It is always a choice. But I rather listen to past journal writings, now canonized scriptures, by a person who had that first-hand witness of both Mary and those who lived in the land 600 years prior to Christ; migrated north later, to other lands now called Europe [vision or dream] from one called Nephi;

1Nephi 11:13 And it came to pass that I looked and beheld the great city of Jerusalem, and also other cities. And I beheld the city of Nazareth; and in the city of Nazareth I beheld a virgin, and she was exceedingly fair and white.

14 And it came to pass that I saw the heavens open; and an angel came down and stood before me; and he said unto me: Nephi, what beholdest thou?

15 And I said unto him: A virgin, most beautiful and fair above all other virgins.

1 Nephi 15:11 And it came to pass that the angel said unto me: Behold the wrath of God is upon the seed of thy brethren.

12 And I looked and beheld a man among the Gentiles, who was separated from the seed of my brethren by the many waters; and I beheld the Spirit of God, that it came down and wrought upon the man; and he went forth upon the many waters, even unto the seed of my brethren, who were in the promised land.

13 And it came to pass that I beheld the Spirit of God, that it wrought upon other Gentiles; and they went forth out of captivity, upon the many waters.

14 And it came to pass that I beheld many multitudes of the Gentiles upon the land of promise; and I beheld the wrath of God, that it was upon the seed of my brethren; and they were scattered before the Gentiles and were smitten.

15 And I beheld the Spirit of the Lord, that it was upon the Gentiles, and they did prosper and obtain the land for their inheritance; and I beheld that they were white, and exceedingly fair and beautiful, like unto my people before they were slain.

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