Breast Implants


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After reading the thread about being modest if you are well endowed, it made me wonder what some of you think of women who get breast implants. Lets say the purpose behind getting the implants is for any reason other than reconstructive surgery or post mastectomy stuff. The woman/sister could be either single or married civilly or in the temple. Any issues with this? Do you think that they should just recognize that 'things' change and accept themselves as they are?

I know several women, most of them temple married, that have chosen to have it done. Most of them are pretty discrete about it, but with most you can tell that some work was done. Most of the time rumors start spreading and there tends to be some backbiting or assumptions made about the woman. Lets hear your thoughts.

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I see breast augmentation surgery as being vain. I don't see it as being sinful or immodest per se.

I have, however, seen women dress immodestly after having breast augmentation surgery. Presumably these women find having the surgery pointless if they can't show off the results.

Edited by Daniel2020
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Honestly I don't think about it. It doesn't affect me in the least as I'm neither married nor female. I certainly don't assume a moral flaw is indicated by the simple act of having cosmetic work done (be it breasts or a tummy tuck).

Edited by Dravin
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After reading the thread about being modest if you are well endowed, it made me wonder what some of you think of women who get breast implants. Lets say the purpose behind getting the implants is for any reason other than reconstructive surgery or post mastectomy stuff. The woman/sister could be either single or married civilly or in the temple. Any issues with this? Do you think that they should just recognize that 'things' change and accept themselves as they are?

I know several women, most of them temple married, that have chosen to have it done. Most of them are pretty discrete about it, but with most you can tell that some work was done. Most of the time rumors start spreading and there tends to be some backbiting or assumptions made about the woman. Lets hear your thoughts.

It is a sad aspect in life when I see people of both gender, have to uplift their self -esteem by artificial means. If it is for replacement than it is ok but not for enhancement. We need to follow the same admonishment of the councils given in the New Testament, warning about this type behavior, along with materialism. By the way, this is what is meant in the Revelations concerning those who will toil day and night, wearing the seal of the beast. Part of beast sealing is materialism and artificiality. Be natural, be true, be one with GOD is a true servant.

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I'd never known anyone personally who had an augmentation until a few months ago, when my sister-in-law had the surgery. I'm not her, and I don't know her exact reasons, but I do know that she's extremely co-dependent and insecure, and has low self-esteem. I doubt she'd own up to any of those things, but they are evident in her life. I think she got new boobs because she hopes they'll make her feel better about herself. I think that's a bad reason to get them.

On the flip side of the coin, maybe it makes me a hypocrite, but when I'm done having kids, I'd love to get a reduction and lift.

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Reduction of course is a different issue than breast implants. While many get augmentations for vanity, many reductions are done for health reasons.

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After reading the thread about being modest if you are well endowed, it made me wonder what some of you think of women who get breast implants. Lets say the purpose behind getting the implants is for any reason other than reconstructive surgery or post mastectomy stuff. The woman/sister could be either single or married civilly or in the temple. Any issues with this? Do you think that they should just recognize that 'things' change and accept themselves as they are?

I know several women, most of them temple married, that have chosen to have it done. Most of them are pretty discrete about it, but with most you can tell that some work was done. Most of the time rumors start spreading and there tends to be some backbiting or assumptions made about the woman. Lets hear your thoughts.

I find nothing wrong with a woman wanting to get implants. A lot of people with a disfigured face or piece of their body want to get plastic surgery because they are unhappy with how they look. I don't consider that wrong. Why would one consider it wrong if a woman would like to get breast implants because they are unhappy with how they look? Now I don't personally find small breasts unattractive but that is me and it is not my body. Not everyone has their body develop right. Some guys don't like that they are so hairy. Is that wrong if they remove it? It is no ones business what someone does with their body but I would consider it a bit extreme to go as far as Michael Jackson. Ultimately, it is their choice and people should respect that.

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Reduction of course is a different issue than breast implants. While many get augmentations for vanity, many reductions are done for health reasons.

My reasons wouldn't be medical. I just don't like how big they are -- it's inconvenient. I'd like to go down to a C cup.

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I have a coworker and two friends that have breast implants. Dunno about my coworker but my friends got theirs done solely for vanity reasons to enhance what already looked fine. So going under the knife was never because of low self-esteem but the opposite. For me personally, I don't have anything against it. If down the road I truly feel that getting a boob job or tummy tuck is something that will improve my quality of life — I'll do it. It's a personal decision and hold nothing against those that choose to get it done.

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I don't particularly care for breast augmentations, and I will admit that I'm disappointed in women that get them. But I would never say so to their face as it's likely to reinforce the insecurities that pushed them toward augmentation in the first place.

However, I refuse to hide my irritation when women (or men) undergo elective plastic surgery and complain about the recovery. When you choose to have surgery, I don't want to hear about how much it hurts. I'm not going to have sympathy for you. Get over it.

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I have been gone for awhile, this is kind of a surprise topic.:D

When we were younger my wife and I had dicussed this issue. Then one evening on Discovery Health (I believe) I watched a show that went through the process. A very attractive woman in her ealry 30's wasn't pleased with her upper body shape so she and her husband decied she would get an add on. (The husband acted like a kid in a candy shop going through the "choices" with the plastic surgeon.) By the end of the show I knew my wife wouldn't be going through that. The money, the actual physical pain of post surgery, etc.

My sister in law just had a new front porch put on. I couldn't figure out how they could afford it. You can finance augmentations.:huh:

Of the world's populationn probably 80% wake up every morninng wondering where the next plate of food is coming from, and "in the West" we finance implants?

Oy Vey

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My wife has talked about getting them for years- she held off because she wanted to breast feed, but that didn't work out too well- it wouldn't surprise me if in a few more years she seriously looks into it. I couldn't care one way or the other- i'm pretty cheap, so the idea of spending $5k or whatever on boobs doesn't thrill me, but if it's what she wants, I'm not going to try and stop her or tell her no.

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Guest mirancs8

It doesn't bother me either way. I think it is a personal decision for each person to make. Of course when you are married it's 2 people making the decision as it has an impact on both not only to each other on a personal intimate level but financially.

I would jump on the chance to get a breast lift and a tummy tuck once I get to my goal weight. I don't think I will ever lose the baby pouch no matter how thin I get. My breast which are already large have sunk much more south after breastfeeding 2 very hungry boys. It would lift my self confidence because those areas make me very uncomfortable. I don't like the way it looks... period. And if one day I find myself married again those insecurities about my body could put a bit of a damper in the intimacy area unfortunately.

I see it as a personal decision that is of no concern to me what others opt to do. What someone decides to do is on them. Everyone has a story as to why or why not plastic surgery would be an option/necessity.

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I couldn't care one way or the other- i'm pretty cheap, so the idea of spending $5k or whatever on boobs doesn't thrill me, but if it's what she wants, I'm not going to try and stop her or tell her no.

My sister-in-law went from an A to a B and it cost her $7,000. They have five kids. I don't get it.

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Isn't the issue with breast implants really about power? To achieve community, belonging, esteem, gratification, control, Etc?

If power is purchased and implanted into the body instead of being acquired from the Lord through spiritual means, then isn't it possible that implants change the body from a "temple" to a "tower of Babel"?

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isn't it possible that implants change the body from a "temple" to a "tower of Babel"?

By that reasoning why spend money to make the exterior of temples beautiful? Or the grounds around them? Why have a gold-leafed angel adorn the top of a temple with an iron lightning rod would suffice?

Anyways, speaking only about my wife, it's about her own self image. I don't know the medical term (if there is one), but her boobs kinda stopped developing mid-development- I suspect due to poor nutrition (a high ramen diet) in her early teens when her parents divorced and her mom had zero cash. As a result she has never been happy with how they look, etc, and if surgery can "fix" that and make her happy with her body, how is that a bad thing?

edit: btw Obolus- your avatar looks like a set of breast implants

Edited by marshac
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It seems the biggest issue is about vanity, do you all feel the same way about a nose job, or someone having their ears pinned back or other superficial surgeries? (Gwen, thanks for posting the link to the other thread. I know this is somewhat repetitive, but there may always be a new perspective from a newer member.)

My wife has implants. We have children. The implants were paid for in cash. It has boosted her self esteem. Her self esteem wasnt poor to begin with and did not revolve around her breasts. After having children and losing most of what little she had, she no longer felt like a woman when she looked at her body. I think that is her choice and her's alone. I did not participate in the "shopping". I told her that I was cool with it so long as she didnt look like a side show. She is happy, and therefore I am happy. She looks and acts modest and is a great and righteous woman.

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It seems the biggest issue is about vanity, do you all feel the same way about a nose job, or someone having their ears pinned back or other superficial surgeries? (Gwen, thanks for posting the link to the other thread. I know this is somewhat repetitive, but there may always be a new perspective from a newer member.)

My wife has implants. We have children. The implants were paid for in cash. It has boosted her self esteem. Her self esteem wasnt poor to begin with and did not revolve around her breasts. After having children and losing most of what little she had, she no longer felt like a woman when she looked at her body. I think that is her choice and her's alone. I did not participate in the "shopping". I told her that I was cool with it so long as she didnt look like a side show. She is happy, and therefore I am happy. She looks and acts modest and is a great and righteous woman.

I think the majority have to do with vanity. But I wouldn't ever condemn or judge someone for wanting to have it done for whatever reason. It honestly doesn't bother me. If someone wants it done let them do it. I suppose if I could afford it I would probably have some kind of cosmetic surgery done as well.

That being said, even all nose jobs etc aren't all for vanity. There are many medical reasons to have things done.

Just to throw this out. Barbra Streisand would have liked to have had a nose job. But she was worried that it would affect her voice and didn't want to take the chance so she has just dealt with it. Even with being the brunt of jokes for many years about her nose.

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Is coloring one's hair considered vain?

Maybe. If it's to hide gray hairs about which you are in denial, probably. If it's that you think that you have to be blond to get anywhere in life, probably. If you just want to try a new color, probably not.

The difference is that dying one's hair is not permanent, invasive, or radical.

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