I need cheering up


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Hi everyone.

I'm getting baptized on Sunday (7/4), and I have been having a lot of incidences of people aggressively opposing my beliefs in the last few days, in ways that are very offensive to me and have made me sad. I could really use some cheering up and encouragement in this time of worry, and assurances that it will be okay. :(

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1. Congratulations!

2. You'll hear it a lot--but the scriptures really do have a huge amount of power to help you get through this kind of thing.

3. Don't expect things to get easier after you've been baptized--they won't. Do expect to keep learning and growing, and expect your walk in the Gospel to be worth the effort.

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Hey BluePlastic,

You hang in there. Rarely have I seen someone convert and be baptized without any opposition at all. There are very real forces at work to oppose your baptism, and to discourage you and bring you down.

Stay close to the Lord, through prayer and scripture study, as Just_A_Guy pointed out, and keep the commitments you have made.

What kinds of things have been happening?



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Thanks to all who have posted so far.

Vanhin: I have encountered resistance from a friend from my former church, who I am afraid I might not be able to be friends with anymore. And, last night, I was ganged up on in a chat room I frequent with no provocation, and harangued for almost an hour, even after I stopped replying. I was called a bad person just for my religion, and accused of supporting and endorsing all sorts of prejudices and bad things. It really hurt my feelings. :(

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Hi everyone.

I'm getting baptized on Sunday (7/4), and I have been having a lot of incidences of people aggressively opposing my beliefs in the last few days, in ways that are very offensive to me and have made me sad. I could really use some cheering up and encouragement in this time of worry, and assurances that it will be okay. :(


You have nice penmanship.

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Guest mirancs8

I can relate to what you are going through. I got baptized back in early March and I had a really hard time! Between family and friends it was just to much. Then I have my STBX who was/is on a mission to make things very complicated. I was getting random mormon hate mail out of the blue. Had friends emailing me mormon hate stuff and making me feel like I was the devil. No it doesn't get any better afterward either unfortunately. I am still struggling a great deal with opposing views and comments to my conversion.

Please feel free to IM me because I can completely relate. I would be more then happy to talk with you and help you get through it. The more support you have the easier it will be for you to get through it. Though difficult you will be so happy and at peace knowing you have made this choice to be baptized.

I will be praying for you.

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If you are getting hate e-mail/messages--delete it. You don't have to read it.

In the chat room--why did you stay once it turned hateful and you stopped replying? Just leave next time (or don't go back at all).

You may lose friends but you will make new ones both in and out of the church. Also, keep in mind that friendships start and end throughout life even without an event like this.

Try to participate in ward activities and community service things. You'll feel better helping those in need.

Some phrases to maybe halt comments from those who you think you may be able to maintain a friendship anyway (courtesy of Miss Manners :P). Remember, keep the sarcasm OUT.

--Thank you for your comments/ideas/views. I will be sure to give them the consideration they deserve.

--Why do you ask?

(If asked to attend a meeting or group where you suspect they might try to change your mind)--Thanks for asking, but I really can't. (repeat as needed--you don't owe an explanation)

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I stayed in the chat because other people were talking to me too, and I was sort of talking around the people berating me.

I will be participating in ward activities when they happen, since I was baptized today I might have more things I can do. It's a little hard for me because I am too old for things aimed at young single people, but I'm not married so I don't have much in common with most of the women my age in the church and in life in general, who are mostly married with kids. :P

If you are getting hate e-mail/messages--delete it. You don't have to read it.

In the chat room--why did you stay once it turned hateful and you stopped replying? Just leave next time (or don't go back at all).

You may lose friends but you will make new ones both in and out of the church. Also, keep in mind that friendships start and end throughout life even without an event like this.

Try to participate in ward activities and community service things. You'll feel better helping those in need.

Some phrases to maybe halt comments from those who you think you may be able to maintain a friendship anyway (courtesy of Miss Manners :P). Remember, keep the sarcasm OUT.

--Thank you for your comments/ideas/views. I will be sure to give them the consideration they deserve.

--Why do you ask?

(If asked to attend a meeting or group where you suspect they might try to change your mind)--Thanks for asking, but I really can't. (repeat as needed--you don't owe an explanation)

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I stayed in the chat because other people were talking to me too, and I was sort of talking around the people berating me.

I will be participating in ward activities when they happen, since I was baptized today I might have more things I can do. It's a little hard for me because I am too old for things aimed at young single people, but I'm not married so I don't have much in common with most of the women my age in the church and in life in general, who are mostly married with kids. :P

How did the baptism go???


Don't worry about people. There will be some people from your former life that will be mean, there will be some that will be alright. There will be some people from your new life that will disappoint you as well, and there will be some that will be alright.

The thing to remember is, being baptized is not about the people in your life. It's all about you and your relationship with God.

Single adults are so very awesome to have in a ward... They can be counted on to help with ward activities (I used to be the ward activity coordinator) because they don't have to find babysitters! Also, they can help out during the activity itself because she can be relied upon to be a part of the presentation without her having to leave her kids running around scooping up 10 servings worth of the mac-and-cheese or dropping their cup of kool-aid on the carpet!

And they're awesome in Relief Society meetings because sometimes, women there get so caught up with raising children that sometimes you just need this one person who will consistently comment during the lessons on something that is completely for the woman herself, not for her role as mother.

Edited by anatess
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Congratulations, Blue!

I, too, am an adult convert and experienced extreme opposition and depression after my baptism. It wasn't until much later that I came to understand the concept of spiritual opposition. In time I realized that you can count on having challenges when you're headed in the right direction!

My family has been less than kind about my choice and even now after several decades in the church they still make cutting comments.

And still I would do it all over again . . .only much sooner! I LOVE being LDS. The Gospel is my anchor and helps my life make sense. In hard times it lifts me, in happy times it magnifies my joy; it has come to define who I am and what I want to become.

You and I are so blessed to have found the Gospel and the road Home.


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Congratulations on your baptism! :)

My DH and I are both converts and we both experienced extreme opposition around the times of our baptisms and have continued to experience opposition from friends, family members and coworkers ever since.

From what I've heard, this is a very common thing for converts to experience. It's just one more bit of proof to me that this church is true, as Satan seems to try so hard to keep people from joining it. I just don't hear about this kind of opposition occurring for those who are being baptized into other faiths. I'm sure it happens, but it just doesn't seem to occur with the frequency or intensity that it does for LDS converts.

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Congratulations on your baptism! :)

My DH and I are both converts and we both experienced extreme opposition around the times of our baptisms and have continued to experience opposition from friends, family members and coworkers ever since.

From what I've heard, this is a very common thing for converts to experience. It's just one more bit of proof to me that this church is true, as Satan seems to try so hard to keep people from joining it. I just don't hear about this kind of opposition occurring for those who are being baptized into other faiths. I'm sure it happens, but it just doesn't seem to occur with the frequency or intensity that it does for LDS converts.

Thanks :)

That does seem to be the case -- I have a lot of people who are neutral to fine, but then there are startling, upsetting incidents, like the one in the chat room -- I really felt like I was being rebuked by something really awful, through this person. It didn't even sound like them. :(

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I really felt like I was being rebuked by something really awful, through this person. It didn't even sound like them. :(

I have experienced that very same thing. Normally nice people have suddenly just turned really nasty to me, almost as if they were channeling something evil. It's definitely upsetting.

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I have experienced that very same thing. Normally nice people have suddenly just turned really nasty to me, almost as if they were channeling something evil. It's definitely upsetting.

Definitely. And in my case, it was very eerie, because the things they were berating me about were exactly the type of things that would hurt me the most -- basically, trying to equate my religious beliefs with hatred/prejudice against people, and also trying to convince me that the church will force me to stop doing all the things I love and turn me into a boring housewife-bot. It was like the person knew how to hurt me most -- and they don't even know me that well, so it was really weird.

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Definitely. And in my case, it was very eerie, because the things they were berating me about were exactly the type of things that would hurt me the most -- basically, trying to equate my religious beliefs with hatred/prejudice against people, and also trying to convince me that the church will force me to stop doing all the things I love and turn me into a boring housewife-bot. It was like the person knew how to hurt me most -- and they don't even know me that well, so it was really weird.

That's sad. I once was told by the patriarch in my stake that there are three times in a person's life where opposition will be greatest. Baptism was one of those times and I can promise you it's true.

We're proud of you and you aren't alone. It takes a lot of courage to ask for help. :) We'll be here as long as you need it.

Don't get discouraged; It'll be worth it in the long run.

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I have experienced that very same thing. Normally nice people have suddenly just turned really nasty to me, almost as if they were channeling something evil. It's definitely upsetting.

I experienced that when people found out I was getting a divorce. People in my ward I talked to every single day suddenly stopped calling. I was no longer invited to their parties and bbqs. I hadn't changed as a person, only my marital status.

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That's sad. I once was told by the patriarch in my stake that there are three times in a person's life where opposition will be greatest. Baptism was one of those times and I can promise you it's true.

What are the other two?! :eek:

I experienced that when people found out I was getting a divorce. People in my ward I talked to every single day suddenly stopped calling. I was no longer invited to their parties and bbqs. I hadn't changed as a person, only my marital status.

I'm sorry. That's so wrong of them. I'm glad I didn't have to go through that. No one batted an eyelash when I got divorced. Maybe it's because my ex was an atheist, lol. But seriously, I was just in a super nice ward.

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Hi everyone.

I'm getting baptized on Sunday (7/4), and I have been having a lot of incidences of people aggressively opposing my beliefs in the last few days, in ways that are very offensive to me and have made me sad. I could really use some cheering up and encouragement in this time of worry, and assurances that it will be okay. :(

There is an old saying and I do not know from whom. “When rumors and lies are being spread about you the only effective option is to live in such a manner that no one will believe it.”

The Traveler

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