I'm at the last stage of life...


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I was called in tonight and told I was moving to te High Priest's Group.:D

This makes sense, I'm on a statin, play duplicate bridge, and listen to Dean Martin.

I guess now I need to purchase a Lincoln Town Car?

I'm going to have my Father in Law do the ordaining.


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I was called in tonight and told I was moving to te High Priest's Group.:D

This makes sense, I'm on a statin, play duplicate bridge, and listen to Dean Martin.

I guess now I need to purchase a Lincoln Town Car?

I'm going to have my Father in Law do the ordaining.


It helps to know that this life is just the beginning of eternity for us. .... like my Dad always used to say, "sprint through the finish."

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I was called in tonight and told I was moving to te High Priest's Group.:D

This makes sense, I'm on a statin, play duplicate bridge, and listen to Dean Martin.

I guess now I need to purchase a Lincoln Town Car?

I'm going to have my Father in Law do the ordaining.


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BTW, have you purchased your high waist pants yet? ;)

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You know you are old, when you start seeing AARP mailers.

I'm 29, and have been sent them before -- four years ago. They weren't misaddressed, either. That was a little depressing.

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I was called in tonight and told I was moving to te High Priest's Group.:D

This makes sense, I'm on a statin, play duplicate bridge, and listen to Dean Martin.

I guess now I need to purchase a Lincoln Town Car?

I'm going to have my Father in Law do the ordaining.


Congratulations to you! Becoming a high priest literally supercharged my spiritual life. I had never imagined that such a thing would occur. If you can recall the spiritual changes that occurred when you transitioned from the Aaronic to the Melchizedek Priesthood, you can expect something similar to occur when you're ordained a high priest.

Sometime I joke with elders in my branch, telling them, "If you want to help somebody move, call the Elders' Quorum. If you want to move a mountain, call the high priests."

Expect good things!


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The way I explain the difference between a High Priest and an Elder Quorum meeting; EQ is like a really bad sitcom, the HP discuss things and share ideas that can build a man into a better man. (The over-sized scriptures are just for looks)

And I was ordained a HP when I was 31. It’s been the best learning environment I have ever had!

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Hmmm, my former bishop, also a former member of my stake presidency, actually sometimes walks out of High Priests and sits in with the Elders. He finds that the High Priests go off-topic from the lessons much more than the Elders do. Our Elders Quorum actually gets some good gospel discussions in, and they are many times the most spiritual meeting of the block.

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Hmmm, my former bishop, also a former member of my stake presidency, actually sometimes walks out of High Priests and sits in with the Elders. He finds that the High Priests go off-topic from the lessons much more than the Elders do. Our Elders Quorum actually gets some good gospel discussions in, and they are many times the most spiritual meeting of the block.

Yeah, I thought it was Elders' Quorum, High Priest Forum.:P

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I know how you feel. I was ordained a High Priest at 37 (1 year ago). Today I am the first assistant in our newly formed High Priest Group. Nothing more humbling than trying to teach a group of men who have been Bishops, High Council Members, Stake Presidents, etc.

If you remember Sesame Street with the game "One of these things just doesn't belong here"? That's how I feel most Sunday's.:lol:

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My hubby was ordained a HP last fall. He was in his early bishopric meeting and heard a baby crying in the hallway, at first they just went on with the meeting. Then the baby started crying louder, My hubby looked at the Bishop, who was still talking, so didn't want to interrupt. The baby continued, seemed unconsolable. The Bishop got up, went into the hallway. The crying immediately stopped. He returned and sat down to continue the meeting.

My hubby asked, "That was amazing, what did you do?"...

The Bishop replied, "I ordained him a High Priest and he fell right to sleep"

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