Do you speak a language?


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Do you speak a language besides English? I'm curious to see how many languages are represented on this board. Will you post the language you speak? If your language is already listed, thank that post instead of doing another post.

I speak Bulgarian and can communicate in Spanish and Russian (meaning, I can ask for the bathroom and say no, I don't want to marry your son so he can come to America).

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I'm fluent in French and am learning Spanish thanks to the fine peeps over at

True story: the Liahona is a super way to maintain your reading fluency in whatever language you speak. It has a nice range of articles, from stuff for primary kids all the way up to talks/articles by GAs. I found the Book of Mormon in French to be tough sledding because of the archaic verb tenses, but it sure broadened my vocabulary!

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P.S. It always bugs me when a job is posted with "bilingual preferred" and then you call and they say, oh, we don't mean just any other language, we mean Spanish and English. Well then, say "spanish-speaking preferred"! It make it sound like you are only bilingual if you speak Spanish! Sheesh!

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Do you speak a language besides English? I'm curious to see how many languages are represented on this board. Will you post the language you speak? If your language is already listed, thank that post instead of doing another post.

I speak Bulgarian and can communicate in Spanish and Russian (meaning, I can ask for the bathroom and say no, I don't want to marry your son so he can come to America).

hah almost the same languages here:p

i speak Bulgarian (my native language), Russian (my mother tongue...but i'm not very good at it:( ), obviously English^_^, some Greek (stressing on "some":D )....

but since languages are a hobby of mine - i do have some general knowledge (meaning a few words and phrases and some grammar) of classical Nahuatl, Quechua, Maori, Irish, Gaidhlig, Welsh, French, German, Quenya....

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hah almost the same languages here:p

i speak Bulgarian (my native language), Russian (my mother tongue...but i'm not very good at it:( ), obviously English^_^, some Greek (stressing on "some":D )....

but since languages are a hobby of mine - i do have some general knowledge (meaning a few words and phrases and some grammar) of classical Nahuatl, Quechua, Maori, Irish, Gaidhlig, Welsh, French, German, Quenya....

Quechua? Imanalla K'asanki Khan?

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Quechua? Imanalla K'asanki Khan?

lol...i'll need to use a dictionary and to refresh my grammar in order to answer you:D i'm too lazy to actually learn a language:p - usually i just get a "taste" of the language and move to the next one...

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I speak a little of Spanish and a little of German. I took three years of Spanish in school and can sometimes follow conversations if the people are speaking slow enough. I took German in college and finished my German studies up with going to Germany for a month. Again if the speakers are speaking slow enough I can generally follow conversations. Problem is that I often have my languages mix themselves up in my head. So I will be responding to someone in German and have a word come to me that is Spanish. It makes conversations a bit jumbled and messed up. I tell people that I speak Germish a mixture of German and Spanish. So I may say, "Ich spreche Deutche und Espanol un poko." Yea I know, my brain is messed up.

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Guest xforeverxmetalx

I learned German after Spanish. In not too long, German started to take over Spanish. I think it basically replaced it. Once a friend asked me what "happy birthday" was in Spanish... easy enough, everyone knows that. But I couldn't remember to save my life. All that would come to mind was "Herzlichen Glückwunsch". I actually had to look it up to tell him.

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