The Resurrection


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Can anyone tell me what happened during the three days he was being resurrected. His spirit went to prison.

What happens to the body?

What is the significance of 3 days?

Why did he tell Mary "don't touch me, I haven't yet ascended to my father in heaven" What does that mean? So he was a body and spirit when he saw Mary but the resurrection wasn't complete?


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Can anyone tell me what happened during the three days he was being resurrected. His spirit went to prison.

What happens to the body?

What is the significance of 3 days?

Why did he tell Mary "don't touch me, I haven't yet ascended to my father in heaven" What does that mean? So he was a body and spirit when he saw Mary but the resurrection wasn't complete?


1) The body was in the ground. They buried it.

2) Jewish people believed a man could be resurrected up until 3 days after death. Any resurrection that took place after that was impossible, as the spirit no longer lingers near the body. Resurrection after 3 days was an impossibility, which is why 3 days is significant. Jesus 'broke the rules'.

3) I've never thought about. I'm sure there's a reason for it, but I've never cared enough to look. I suppose there's probably an answer on the Internet somewhere, or possibly Could simply be because he was still suffering the after-effects of the crucifixion and being touched really hurt.

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Could simply be because he was still suffering the after-effects of the crucifixion and being touched really hurt.

This sounds a little mundane for the Son of God. Also what would that have to do with his not yet having ascended to heaven? He could easily have said "Those nails really hurt so don't touch me or I might be sick!"

This has often struck me as a little odd, but like you I've never seriously thought about it. I'd be interested to know the answer though. There may be some spiritual nuggets buried there :)

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This sounds a little mundane for the Son of God. Also what would that have to do with his not yet having ascended to heaven? He could easily have said "Those nails really hurt so don't touch me or I might be sick!"

That's exactly why I like it, Jamie. Jesus ate. He slept. He was like you and me. We know he still had nail holes in his hand and someone had broken his legs. Maybe before he went to heaven, he was still in a tremendous amount of pain. I can't imagine heaven having a lot of pain, though, so that could be it?

Ultimately, that might not be the case as I've said(Probably isn't). I never really thought that much about that particular line. If anyone else can shed light on it, it might be better. ;)

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Can anyone tell me what happened during the three days he was being resurrected. His spirit went to prison.

What happens to the body?

What is the significance of 3 days?

Why did he tell Mary "don't touch me, I haven't yet ascended to my father in heaven" What does that mean? So he was a body and spirit when he saw Mary but the resurrection wasn't complete?


1. Christ's body was laid in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea.

2. In fulfillment of this," Jesus answered and said unto them, Destroy this Temple , and in three days I will raise it up. "

3. According to Elder James Talmadge (late Apostle)....Christ had not yet presented His resurrected and immortalized self to Heavenly Father and until such time could not permit others to touch Him. Later, we can assume HE had presented/ascended to the Father because He did allow others to touch Him.

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Christ's body was entombed for 3 days.

I have never heard why it was 3 days, or if there is any significance to it.

"Being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the spirit by which He also went and preached unto the spirits in prision." Peter 3: 18-20

During the three days He was a spirit, He went to the Spirit world and taught the people there, by organizing a teaching force from among the righteous as shown in D&C 138:

"...the Son of God preached unto the spirits in prison, who sometime were disobedient, when once the long-suffering of God waited in the days of Noah—and how it was possible for him to preach to those spirits and perform the necessary labor among them in so short a time.

29 And as I wondered, my eyes were opened, and my understanding quickened, and I perceived that the Lord went not in person among the wicked and the disobedient who had rejected the truth, to teach them;

30 But behold, from among the righteous, he organized his forces and appointed messengers, clothed with power and authority, and commissioned them to go forth and carry the light of the gospel to them that were in darkness, even to all the spirits of men; and thus was the gospel preached to the dead."

"Missionary labor among the dead was inagurated by the Christ... "Jesus the Christ," by James E. Talmage.

"Many wonder why Jesus had forbidden Mary Magdeline to touch Him...we may assume that Mary's emotional approach may have been prompted more by a feeling of personal, yet holy, affection than by impulse of a devotional worship...There was about Him a divine dignity that forbade close personal familiarity...we have to infer that no human hand was to be permitted to touch the Lord's ressurected and immortalized body until after He had presented Himself to the Father. "Jesus the Christ," by James E. Talmage, page 477.

He was completely ressurected when He saw Mary.

Alma 41 is also a great chapter to learn of ressurection.

I hope that helps a bit?

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3. According to Elder James Talmadge (late Apostle)....Christ had not yet presented His resurrected and immortalized self to Heavenly Father and until such time could not permit others to touch Him. Later, we can assume HE had presented/ascended to the Father because He did allow others to touch Him.

Precisely. I like to think about all of the significant gospel events as fitting into the model we see demonstrated every day in the church here on earth... such as...

Perhaps, (and this is pure speculation "gospel according to rubondfan2" kind of talk here), the Savior and His mission was a "calling" for which he was set apart by the Father at some point... and the Atonement and Resurrection are actually "ordinances" for which there are rules and procedures... much like "dusting of feet", "baptism", "washing and annointing", etc. Until the Savior's "calling" had been fulfilled and the necessary "ordinances" completed (like Atonement and Resurrection) he could not be touched or do anything more than have a brief conversation before going back to the Father to "return and report"... sit before a Celestial High Council of sorts and be formally "released" from his mortal calling and extended a new one. (Kind of like happens when you are a missionary... until you actually have that meeting with the Stake President and High Council -- as was the case for me back in the early 90's -- and are then formally "released", you are still under all the same mission rules like not being without a Priesthood holder companion, not swimming, etc.)

This is how I like to envision it all. Again, it's pure speculation on my part and I haven't read anything authoritative to back any of this up. (By the way, if anyone DOES HAVE any sources they can cite by members of the "first 15" along these lines, then please PM me... I'd love to see them.)


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Hey Pam

Nope haven't been asked again yet, however they did say watch out I'll be getting a calling soon.

I just liked the openess of the forum so much I wanted to get answers to some more questions I've always had, because sometimes in church you don't get an answer, you get some old people pretending to answer the question but they are actually just droning on about their lives.

Then people look at you a bit weird at church because you're asking weird questions, so this is the perfect place!

I agree he wasn't buried he was placed in a tomb.

There must be something special about the "don't touch me" thing, I'm just wondering what it is.

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. . .There must be something special about the "don't touch me" thing, I'm just wondering what it is.

I thought the answer had been given a little earlier but maybe it must be stressed that the Holy Sacrifice must be kept pure till He deliveries it (His body) to the Temple in Heaven.

1 Peter 1:18 Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed

with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain

conversation received by tradition from your fathers;

1 Peter 1:19 But with the precious blood of Christ, as of a

lamb without blemish and without spot:

1 Peter 1:20 Who verily was foreordained before the foundation

of the world, but was manifest in these last times for you,

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From The Mortal Messiah

“The seeming refusal of Jesus to permit Mary to touch him, followed almost immediately by the appearance in which the other women were permitted to hold his feet, has always been the source of some interpretative concern. The King James Version quotes Jesus as saying ‘Touch me not.’ The Joseph Smith Translation reads ‘Hold me not.’ Various translations from the Greek render the passage as ‘Do not cling to me’ or ‘Do not hold me.’ Some give the meaning as ‘Do not cling to me any longer,’ or ‘Do not hold me any longer.’ Some speak of ceasing to hold him or cling to him, leaving the inference that Mary was already holding him. There is valid reason for supposing that the thought conveyed to Mary by the Risen Lord was to this effect: ‘You cannot hold me here, for I am going to ascend to my Father.’” (The Mortal Messiah: From Bethlehem to Calvary, 4 vols

Maybe he had a more pressing agenda than when he visited with the Nephites and tarried at their request?

I have also heard that she was trying to embrace him (hence, "hold me not"), and Jesus was reserving the first resurrected hug for his Father (I've heard it attributed to Truman Madsen, but I've never seen a source).

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T We know he still had nail holes in his hand and someone had broken his legs.

The legs of Jesus were not broken, so that the prophecy could be fulfilled.

John 19:31-33, 36 (prophesy is in Exodus and Numbers)

31 The Jews therefore, because it was the preparation, that the bodies should not remain upon the cross on the sabbath day, (for that sabbath day was an high day,) besought Pilate that their legs might be broken, and that they might be taken away.

32 Then came the soldiers, and brake the legs of the first, and of the other which was crucified with him.

33 But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legs:

36 For these things were done, that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken.

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This is what the tomb would have looked like:

Posted Image

It's a type of 'burial' to place the body inside a tomb.

I understand the burial in a tomb. But your original post made it sound like he was buried in the traditional burial as we know it.

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This is why I think Mary could not touch him yet:

Luke 8: 44-47

44 Came behind him, and touched the border of his garment: and immediately her issue of blood stanched.

45 And Jesus said, Who touched me? When all denied, Peter and they that were with him said, Master, the multitude throng thee and press thee, and sayest thou, Who touched me?

46 And Jesus said, Somebody hath touched me: for I perceive that virtue is gone out of me.

and again

Luke 6: 19

19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed them all.

I think He had to ascend to the celestial kingdom with all of His virtue intact. Mary leaves, he ascends, comes back, and meets with the others.

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The Wikpedia gives this insight:

During the time of the Second Temple, Jewish burial customs included primary burials in burial caves, followed by secondary burials in ossuaries placed in smaller niches of the burial caves. Some of the limestone ossuaries that have been discovered, particularly around the Jerusalem area, include intricate geometrical patterns and inscriptions identifying the deceased. Among the best-known Jewish ossuaries of this period are: an ossuary inscribed 'Simon the Temple builder' in the collection of the Israel Museum, another incribed 'Elisheba wife of Tarfon', one inscribed 'Yehohanan ben Hagkol' that contained an iron nail in a heel bone suggesting crucifixion, another inscribed 'James son of Joseph, brother of Jesus', the authenticity of which is suspect, and ten ossuaries recovered from the Talpiot Tomb in 1980, several of which are reported to have names from the New Testament.

During the Second Temple period, Jewish sages debated whether the occasion of the gathering of a parent's bones for a secondary burial was a day of sorrow or rejoicing; it was resolved that it was a day of fasting in the morning and feasting in the afternoon. The custom of secondary burial in ossuaries did not persist among Jews past the Second Temple period nor appear to exist among Jews outside the land of Israel.

This description does not contain any information about the work of Simcha Jackobi.

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We know he still had nail holes in his hand and someone had broken his legs.

As I recall, Jesus' legs were not broken. The Jewish leadership didn't want the three men hanging there alive on the Sabbath, so soldiers were sent to break the men's legs (so that they'd die more quickly--the ultimate cause of death in crucifixion is asphyxiation, because you aren't able to take a deep breath once you lose the strength to push yourself up with your legs). Jesus was already dead when the soldiers got there.

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As I recall, Jesus' legs were not broken. The Jewish leadership didn't want the three men hanging there alive on the Sabbath, so soldiers were sent to break the men's legs (so that they'd die more quickly--the ultimate cause of death in crucifixion is asphyxiation, because you aren't able to take a deep breath once you lose the strength to push yourself up with your legs). Jesus was already dead when the soldiers got there.

Psalm 34:19 Many are the afflictions of the righteous: but the

LORD delivereth him out of them all.

Psalm 34:20 He keepeth all his bones: not one of them is


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I'm stumped. I can't find the hidden message. If I remove MOKSHA from SIMCHA JACKOBI, I'm still left with ICJACBI and I can't form that into anything (J Moksha abicci?)

Simcha Jacobovici was the guy who did the documentary on the ossuraries of Jesus, Mary Magdala, and the rest of the family at the Talpiot Tomb. The PBS documentary was called, The Lost Tomb of Jesus.

Don't even try to understand Moksha.

No understanding is necessary unless one wished to risk the chance of incipient madness. :)

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(New Testament | John 20:6 - 7)

7 And the napkin, that was about his head, not lying with the linen clothes, but wrapped together in a place by itself.

OOooo my hubby told me something really interesting about that scripture. I don't know where he read it, but it's interesting to me.

I wondered why that one was so important, why it was necessary,

If I can remember it right, he said that in those days there was a custom that if a man wrinkled up his napkin (cloth in those days) at the table and dropped it in front of him on his dish or on the table, it signaled the servant(s) that he was done. If he folded it and set it to the side it meant, "I will return" and he was only stepping out for a moment. So when Jesus folded up the napkin it was a sign to his servants. :)

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