What in the heck? These kids vandalized their own ward...


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As others have said, it may have been teens who were recently desciplined by the church. Or teens who have decided that they no longer believe what their parents believe.

I know plenty of families like that, who are divided-- mom and dad are TBM. Brother is away on a mission. But rebellious sister is angry because nobody approves of her non-LDS boyfriend that she is "deeply in love with", etc...

Or mom and dad recently converted to the chruch, in an attempt to correct their dysfunctional family, but their 2 wild teenage sons don't like all the rules and are completely disgusted at being forced to dress up every sunday... All very common tales.

Not just our church either, of course. My aunt Sue and her husband are VERY strict Catholics. They run a farm raising cattle for butchering. Her husband is very tough and demanding on both of their sons (my cousins, of course). Their oldest son is a good boy, has good grades and a football scholarship. But their youngest son (Joe) is 17-years-old--- and a total nightmare!

Joe purposely got himself kicked out of Catholic school. He has major authority problems with his father. He went totally goth (yeah, the black makeup, trench coats, and everything). Then declared he was both an atheist AND a vegetarian, just to defy his father, the religion, and the family business. He was getitng in trouble with the law, and actually kidnapped his own girlfriend for over a month! He stole thousands of dollars from his fathers under-the-bed cash reserve, and he drug his girlfriend around hiding in motels in and outside the county, all summer long. He wouldn't let her call home, and never left her alone, or let her speak to anyone. All because her parents forbid her to speak to him ever again. He finally let her go, but she won't press charges, because he has gang ties, and she is too scared. This is all AFTER Joe's father made him spend almost 2 years in a special "tough love" school over seas (it was like a miltirary camp almost), trying to whip the rebellious streak out of him. Joe threatened to return home completely unbroken, and worse than he was before-- and boy did he ever! lol. Nobody has any idea what to do with this kid...

As for our church, I don't know how it happened, but 6 months ago, I was driving by our ward and I saw 2 HUGE cracking dents in the concrete wall in front of the church steps. It looked like 2 softball-sized cannon balls had been shot at the wall or something. They hadn't been there the week before. I reported it to my VT who told our bishop. The following week, it had been repaired. There's no way a car could have driven into it (too many trees and poles in the way), so it baffles me what could have been strong enough to do it.

Edited by Melissa569
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I'm trying to figure it out...but i've concluded that the person * themselves...

lizz, you DO NOT WANT TO KNOW.

Back on topic, I've had, somewhat of a vandal expierence happen to my branch myself, but it was far less extreme than this. It was more along the lines of teens my age (nom-members thankfully) busting out a pack of ciggarettes and smoking their lives out.

They also left alot of change on the steps and the Branch Pres gave the cash to me cause I helped clean up.


Could I just throw out the 'shocking' fact that not all LDS teens meet the standards of the church? I think the article clearly was a manifesto of that. Honestly I wasn't surprised. I've known some LDS members who've done things that cannot be mentioned.

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lizz, you DO NOT WANT TO KNOW.

Back on topic, I've had, somewhat of a vandal expierence happen to my branch myself, but it was far less extreme than this. It was more along the lines of teens my age (nom-members thankfully) busting out a pack of ciggarettes and smoking their lives out.


Thought you might like to know that on average every year about 300 youth try their first cigarette take a nice puff, go into anaphylactic shock and die.

The Traveler

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{again I failed to realize this thread went multiple pages and replied to a page 1 post on page 4 ha ha. Sorry (blush)}

You've never had a 14 year old have you? IMO, they're ALL mentally ill. :D (I'm convinced mine was... and 10 years later.. still is ha ha)

No, if it were just one I might see mental illness, but not all 4. Most likely this is a case of one or two bad seeds talking (or coercing) the others into it, but given the number of them it is also most likely that there are a variety of reasons.

My best guess is that when they get to the bottom of this, you will find at least 1 "bully" type mentality and at least one boy who is getting into trouble to garner his parent's attention. I would say the pack consisted of: 1) The alpha male 2) his toady 3) the reluctant follower 4) the attention starved kid looking for trouble.

If it was they're own ward it would make sense that they would vandalize it since they would be thoroughly familiar with the building.

Edited by Raven21633
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I was trying to figure it out also and I am still at a loss. :)


I was thinking of a word very similar to "twit", but with a different vowel sound.

It's not used in America as much as in England. Though its literal meaning is anatomical, you might get called it if (for example) you score an own goal in an important soccer game, put salt instead of sugar in someone's tea, or borrow your friend's car and bring it back with a dented bumper.

Edited by Jamie123
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Sorry to befuddle you all so. The word was turds. The reason I used that particular noun was because a friend called her own misbehaving kids turds on another forum I had been reading just before this one. I'm usually more refined than that but it's the word that was there on the tip of my brain. So the least I could do was censor it a bit. I actually like twits better. ;-)

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On more than one occasion, African-Americans have claimed they were the targets of hate crimes. Usually the communities are outraged and the family/person gets all kinds of things and financial help from the community to help them rebuild after the crime. Then comes the investigation and the discovery that they created the 'crime.' I lived in one place where we were just floored that such a thing could happen;knowing the community, it just didn't make sense. Sure enough, the victims were the perps.

I don't know what the kids thought they would get out of burning their own church, but it doesn't' take much for the pack mentality to take over, then all bets are off.

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Sorry to befuddle you all so. The word was turds. The reason I used that particular noun was because a friend called her own misbehaving kids turds on another forum I had been reading just before this one. I'm usually more refined than that but it's the word that was there on the tip of my brain. So the least I could do was censor it a bit. I actually like twits better. ;-)

Ah...not as bad as the word I thought you meant! My apologies :D

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